Halloi (Helo), and Be welcome.
This is the Story #00 Stolen Dreams.
Happy 2012 ! My best wishes ! Success, and Blessed be !
There's only 1 post to go now, after this one, and then I'll make the proper edition to create the final version, which will include Raýla's storyline.
Hold your breath, this will be here soon.
This is here, straight before the end.
Although this is a resume format, I'm trying to make it proper to reading. The Story #00 - Stolen Dreams is written and played by Sol Cajueiro. Sol and his friends welcome you reading, and if you like the Story, please like our Facebook page - Action Tale. Our adventure's at the end. This is only the first of a series of various adventures, not all of them showing so powerful characters, and I was talking with a player about it by the end of the year, and he agrees with me this was a very dangerous starting point, and it all ended very well. Hhm,... not exactly for the characters, but well, there's more adventure to come.
Get ready to read.
Adventure #00 - Stolen Dreams
Who enemies Us
It was with great surprise that Trahmass, most known by the name of Hadesh, welcome the so powerful Bronze Dragon into his cave.
After a brief talk, "This is a gift for you, and your race, Trahmass" says the dragon disguised as a common ejik pilgrim, as says his legend. It's a grimoire. Not only a grimoire, but the most rare grimoire possible, one that only a dragon might create.
"Thank you very much, Naraleiva", says Trahmass.
"Use it well. This is a grimoire to guide and protect your kind", resumes his deep voice, "One of a kind. No other item of power is so important for us, dragons".
"This will be our relic, as a book", Trahmass sees a smile on the visitor's face.
"I'll have to go. Don't take it with you all the time, because it's dangerous to let yourself die and stop the lineage of heirs to the Grimoire. Good luck", recommend the dragon.
"Thank you again", and the monk saw the dragon leaving, walking the same way an ejik would do, very impressed that a so powerful being walks amongst the mortals.
(Overview and Meeting)
Toriàn sees there are undeads everywhere.
All under the control of the person Ayasta says is sitted by the right side of the Mummy King, and he knows exactly who she is. She will need him, were her words, and don't belive I'm evil. After some days doing nothing, the mage feels something different on the undeads.
They're moving.
So, a number of magic messages come, from every ally, and contact.
"They're attacking the monotheist empire", says everyone.
- Shit,... - says the mage - This is exactly the most feared move, and the war has begun.
He destroied all undeads on Frozenlant, his imense lair. Tacke has gone to Báech to talk with his wife, now the Silent Queen, and they talked in private. No one knows what they talked, not even the Great King Báech and the Heir King, Lena's brother.
Soon after, Tacke came to talk with Hadesh, at the Troll's Valley.
- Lena is the Dark Queen, now, Hadesh.
- We must trust her. I bet this is what she was hidding all this time. Do you know why she's doing it?
- No. (he's thoughtful, and unhappy). No idea.
- Let's think - says Trahmass - We must think why she's done it, because no one marries a mummy with no reason, and we're her only friends now. Believe me.
- Ambar is back. I think your friend Saint Krunnke have stolen the Egg of Ambar from you.
- He did. I didn't wanted to believe it, but he did it.
- And we were right oka, the Egg was her plan to ressurrection.
- Yes, Tacke. Straight. Why Lena, I mean, the Dark Queen, oh shit, Lena's attacking the monotheist empire, and she knows this is the most terrible action possible.
- She's doing the war, now. I bet she thinks the monotheists are the worst enemy, because their god doesn't exist after all.
- Of course He exists! Why are you saying this, Tacke?
- Well, how can you say he exists? There's no proof of a lonely God ruling everything.
- They can ressurrect, and that's the proof you're looking for.
- What?! What do you mean?
- If you don't believe a God, you can't be ressurrected. The God will find your Soul, and ask Efemmera to ressurrect you, that's true and you know it. He does exist.
- I don't believe in any God - says Tacke, with anger on his voice.
- So, you can't be ressurrected.
- That's unfair. I don't like the Gods, this is much unfair.
- You must believe in a God, Tacke.
- I won't belive in a being that is as mortal as me, Hadesh. Endpoint.
- So, still, you can't be ressurrected.
The half siddha stays trying to make himself calm, but he's angry as hell.
- What can I do, in your opinion? - he asks Hadesh.
- Chose a God, or die. I've just remembered the Profecy you saw on the Forbidden Library have said we should redefine the rules of reincarnation, but we haven't done it.
- And now, what?
- Now, it's Nature who will define, and we're probably lost.
- It's unfair again. So, no one come back?
- Dunno. It's said the prayers of Shadeza can ressurrect, but we don't know if they're doing it under Efemmera's orders, or Shaddz, or whatever.
- Hadesh, this is much unfair. I don't like the Gods, and I don't want to follow any superbeing.
- So again, you will not come back from the dead. Unless you want Lena do to it for you.
- Nice joke, but in a very bad moment.
- It's not a joke. If you don't have a God, you're not be found and lend to Efemmera. You'll get lost into the planes, and your spirit will pilgrim for ever, same way the spirits we met in our travels.
- There is a God. Well, not exactly a God.
- What is it? Which one?
- Well, Hadesh, she's not a God, but Akka, the Principle of Balance. She doesn't accept mortals to pray for her, and destroy them all, the altars, and everything.
- You're not a mortal, anymore. You're an Eek now. An Entity.
- That's true. What do you think?
- Dunno. You must pray for Her, and see what happens.
- I don't wanna pray for anyone. They're just like us.
- That's how it happens, Tacke. You need to pray, or you cannot have a safe afterlife, even if you don't ressurrect, because you need to agree with ressurrection to come back, too.
- I'm not doing it because I want.
- But you must.
Tacke Prýmmus, professor, specialist in negation magic, and secretly in necromancy, started to mumble some words, not believing it would work. He's also the Academy's professor for Religion, but his whole life he passed not believing in any God, nor any Entity. His friend Trahmass kept moving the hand to say "Go on", and soon he was praying, after all, he's a professor and he knows every pray in the world. Nothing happened, in the beginning, until they start to listen to a song, a very beautiful song. It was mixed with the sounds of Nature, and Hadesh becomes really really happy to listen to it, because he knows which song is this.
The two suffer a revelation, but the moment after it, they look each other.
And simply agree not telling anyone.
(The Guild of Commerce)
Tkláhonomára is a low level dealer from the Guild.
Recently, he becomes a very special member, as he managed to deal with the elementalist families of Draszi, from the Priatel ruledom, and the new order on Nine Realms.
He's said also to be involved into the group responsible for many changes in the trikumai worlds.
This is Ayasta's Group.
Ayasta is the new Godess of Magic, and now Ambar, the Old Godess of Time and Magic is back, so no one knows what's going to happen in the near future.
Maybe Ambar knows, it's what the dealers say.
He managed to be accepted into a meeting with the major partners, on Riklant. There, he didn't talked, but a number of unknown men in hoods were in the meeting.
Now he knows, daemonic krapulas.
Soon, he managed to have a little talk with an elder dealer, and he says his brilliant carrier is just on the beginning, punching softly his chin.
(Flausin and the Swamps)
As a first action on the world, the new Avatar of Chaos did,...
,... adapted Kalagoktwa's giant mushrooms to live on the swamps and forests of Toj, and no one will understand his action, until much much later.
And so, he sent the message of his deeds to Tacke, Toriàn and Hadesh.
(The Trahmass Children)
Tacke helps Hadesh with his family.
Each of the snakedragon's sons are named after a friend of Hadesh.
They just have hands now, and Tacke becomes godfather to the orange snakedragon. it soon was climbing his body and investigating his pockets.
- He's same colour as the Inner Sanctuary.
- The Inner-what?
- Sanctuary, Tacke. There's a small entrance in the rocks, and I've collected these.
- Eyes of Ambar - Tacke got impressed - Keep it.
- Ambar is orange, Ayasta is orange. What happens with orange?
- It's the colour of their magic, same as your sometimes white, sometimes black, and sometimes grey. This is a sign of a bless, probably by Ayasta, because Ambar was not present.
- Not present? I see.
Suddenly, both were dragged into a whirlwind of energy.
(The Unfair Judgement)
Both were in cages, and unable to speak.
Outside, a huge number of dragons discussing their deeds. "They killed him, Golden", says the Black, or "It's not your business", says the White.
Trahmass and Tacke stays incapable of speaking for sometime.
Nothing really make sense, not even the accusations.
Their minds were investigated, to remember how they killed the new dragon, the monotheist empire's patron, to come to a confuse ending.
- They're innocents - cries the Golden - Sent them back.
And so, they appeared at the same place before.
(Back to Hadesh Valley)
- What the hell was that, Hadesh!?!
- I don't know. We couldn't defend ourselves! That was terrible! I thought I was going to die!
- I hate them! Wish them all die, in a terrible way!
Both friends decided not to tell the others.
This would cause Toriàn to get mad, maybe about them.
And them, about him, for he's a dragon's protected.
- Hadesh, you need to talk with Ayasta soon, to understand your wife. She manbifesting something, and I think this is a result of Bog's bless.
- Ayasta had spoken to me, already. She's some kind of psychic, but arcanist. Ayasta and Maika will have their best efforts to keep her magic under control, and i'm teaching her.
- Dangerous, but that's what you need to do.
- I know, Tacke.
(The Ancient Elemental Water)
- I'm Toriàn, Ancient Water, and I need to talk to you.
There was not a way to escape.
In on only move, the Ancient Water swallowed the mage elementalist.
After that, he saw life, the same way he sees fire and energy, sound and sands, he got that as a gift, and decided not to challenge the elemental, this time.
His eyes became made of Water.
(Toriàn comes to Antonidias)
- My elder - says the elementalist - The Frozenlant mountain is full of artifacts. Ayasta has passed a long time putting all those items back together, and I've decided to give it to the family, to grant our protection during the War that's starting day after day.
- That,... will be remembered, forever, Toriàn.
- That's for the family, Antonidias.
So, he went back Frozenlant, to start selecting family members and allies to have magic items, from all those who tried to kill the dangerous Ice Elemental his friend Hadesh killed with black magic from the Dark Grimoire, happy for the book being destroied.
But he asks himself, "Who was that eastman who killed the Grimoire?".
And he found no answer.
(A Brief Talk with Rudyn)
- To confront the Mummy King and the Dark Queen now is suicide, Rude.
- We need to get all the Tomes of Elements we can. Our power is elemental, my cousin. Our family depends on the Tomes to survive, and win.
- I'm working on it, but the Tomes will stay in Frozenlant.
- I'm oke with that - agreed Rudyn.
(The Meeting at Tacke's House, Ryklant)
- Lena is the Dark Queen.
Everyone becomes silent, by Tacke's affirmative.
- We need to go talk to her, Tacke.
- No, Hadesh - says Toriàn - She knows what she's doing.
- Of course, marrying the Lord of Darkness.
- You two - sasy Tacke - No fight in my house. I agree with Hadesh, that our group should become neutral into the war, because of Ayasta.
- Oke - says the elementalist - So, we hope the undeads win, before the fanatics conquere the world, and stay calm while we swear loyalty to one of them at the end. Sure.
- He'll not listen to me, Tacke. He's too proud to have destroied my Grimoire, but I have a new one. And this time, no one will see my book, if not my family, and Tacke's family.
- What are you trying to say, Hadesh?
- Simple, Toriàn. I'm not a servant, and I'll never be. I'm not your ejik race, and I have no master. My people needs me, and I'll take the best option I can.
The elementalist becomes silent.
- We need to find the Eek of the Old Magic.
- Why, Tacke? - asks Toriàn - Do you think he'll be of much help, considering he has done nothing to ressurrect his old Godess? I think he's dead, and a new one will happen.
- A very powerful spell was casted on Tklá when he was trying madly to absorb the power of Lena, and I think I've saved him with luck. And so, I think he can control some undeads, now.
- Too much "I-think" for one meeting.
- You has just did the same, Toriàn.
- You two - Tacke rised the voice a bit now - No fight. Can you agree with each other?
- No - both said at the same time.
- Listen, both of you. The Mummy King is on his most powerful moment, and he's using Lena to control the undeads, I don't know how. We saw a man trying to kill the Blue Pearl Black Dragon, and he's an Eek, yes, I've asked the Troll in a message before our meeting. He's an Eek of Time. We can't grant he's our enemy, and by all we can also say, the Enemy we know, and had attacked us more than once, is maybe not our enemy.
- We need to teach the commons to deal with this all.
- No, Toriàn - says Hadesh - they're going to get mad, or worse.
- I've said we cannot agree, Tacke.
- Let's try. I've gone Báech right before our meeting, and the spell of Mass Teleport was just created. I've created the Mass Negation to the Spell of Death from Basylisks, but they've made the word be forgotten. This is too much to think with you two arguing.
- The Gods are away, Flausin have said to me - says Hadesh.
- Not Ayasta and Maika.
- Can we just think they're Godesses, Toriàn? - Hadesh was tired of arguing - I agree with Tacke, and the Gods are counting on us.
- Again - says the professor - I think so, that we should do what we think be better.
- And that includes to hide from the monotheists? We have been fooled, Tacke, and Taimmat have said it to me, this last night.
- The Dragon God? I'm full of dragons? Why they can't just go away?
- You're arguing too, Tacke.
- Yes, Toriàn. I think there are loads of wrongs on the world, and I'll do my best to deal with them.
- And that includes go talk with Lena, while she is our group? You have to chose.
Toriàn's made sense, and they could not come to a decision.
At this moment, the ground started to move, in a resonable level earthquake.
Minutes later, it stoped.
- What was it?
- Don't know, Tacke, but it was no good - concludes Hadesh.
Tacke remembers the secret his wife had shown him, buried down there.
The Forgotten Rune.
But this time, he decides it's not a good time to speak.
- It's the Infernalists.
- You too, Tacke? You give too much credit to these black magic users.
- No, Toriàn. I'm talking seriously. I know it.
- Humpf - the elementalist was for now decided to take his own actions, and let his family to be protected, to keep the great continent central empires well prepared.
On the other hand, Tacke was trying to do miraculous things.
And Hadesh don't listen to the elementalist anymore.
- Can we agree that something must be done?
- Yes - answered both snakedragon and elementalist together.
- Now we have a point - sighed Tacke.
They had no more time to think, and a huge earthquake started on Ryklant.
Soon all the people were screaming on the street.
They went to the window and so they saw it.
By the mountains, on the other side of the city, a huge, unmatched huge skeleton of a dragon was being formed, from beneath the mountains. It's hands destroied a whole hill. A deafening sound broke the city streets, and no one escapes the sound. Most of the population started to cry. Fear, despair. No mortal have ever seen a tremendous threat to life, to the now non magical Nature, and yet, this came with the exact sense that the war have come to the central Empires, and Royal Tachiza is now under attack.
(End of Session)
Some Considerations necessary
So, the Enemy is a possible ally and right?
Hope you're enjoying the reading, here at the blog, and,...
,... Stay Plugged.
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