Monday, 19 December 2011

The Elementalist Revelation #00

    Halloi (Helo), and Be welcome.

    This is my adventure blog, Wormbar - Epic Destiny.

    A long time ago, in a distant world called Toj, a number of very skilled nobles and warriors got together by the calling of a neutral entity responsible for the Dreams. The Dreammaker asked them to do recovery missions, to get the Stolen Dreams of the future world leaders, but in the meantime, the group became a group. They are amongst the most powerful people on Toj. And now, they're the most. A number of huge changes in the trikumai worlds, Toj and it's twin garden moon of Treiyka, both moving around the bigger one, Kalagoktwa, mark the start of an Event which will change the lives of every living being in these worlds.

    The Adventure #00 - Stolen Dreams is only the beginning.

    So, Be welcome reading.

    The Elementalist Revelation #00


    Toriàn Drazci, also known as Daytel the Alchemist, have handed his family castle to be the Sanctuary of five distinct gods and godesses.

    After a fight of his dubious friend, the takkar beast Hadesh, with the resident Ice elemental which ended with his friend killing the elemental, he lives in this mountain which is the frontier between the Royal Tachiza empire, and the barbarian lands of northeast. The Frozenlant Mountain, long ago, was a haven to some very important arcanist, maybe a dragon. Inside it's caves, Toriàn have found a huge number of broken artifacts and items of power, and his friend the New Godess of Magic, a siddha descendant of Ayya, pass her free time on the caves puting together the artifacts, and learning how to make them in the process.

    The noble mage have said to his family all that treasure is family's, and he doesn't need anything.

    He worked the caves with his mastery of various major and minor elements. Now, it looks like a fortress, with very high stone columns, arches, ventilation and wind traps. No symbols. The entrance hall looks like a waiting room, in which about fifty people could gather, and it faces southeast. This is the direction to the Sanctuary, but he knows another way to entre the mountain, and that is on the oposite direction and into the Troll's Valley, now up to Hadesh to take care. He knows the takkar doesn't know he can listen to his family talking deep there, now he's a master on the element of Sound. He makes silence about it. This is a moment of danger, a change in history.

    Now, the Frozenlant looks more his home as the castle.

    He manipulated materials the constructors can't, just because of his mastery of elements. The entrance floor's more like a place to welcome visitors, and he made two large rooms to have two meetings at the same time, or just like the Samma Chambers, on the capital Samma, the City of Temples.
    So, downwards there are two floors, and the second there's where Ayasta keeps the artifacts, but the entrance to the third layer is closed.

    By the end of the second floor, eastwards, in a place where stalactites drop fresh water slowly on the pools, that's a place Toriàn likes a lot.

    It just remembers him of the sun chang stone garden he saw on the north empire, when he and Tayala were welcomed by their friend Dudin's safeplace, under a cave behind a waterfall.

    He's on the upper level right now.

    The special meeting table shows his many many maps of Toj, Treiyka and the huge Kalagoktwa.

    Over the maps, there are a huge number of small cubes from different colours, to indicate everything he's in mind at this moment.

    - What are you thinking about, Toriàn? - he listen to Ayasta's voice.
    - I think I have located the five Ancient Elementals I'll need to master, Ayasta, but there's something missing, and I think it's very important.
    - You know we gods can't intefere with your free choice, so I'll only listen to you. This always help. I'm learning it now that I'm helping Maika - I like the name she had chosen - to learn god skills - says the godess.
    - I know, I know. (he passes his hand on his goatee). I'm a master elementalist in seven major elements, and also on three minor.
    - Think. What's missing on your list?
    - FIRE! I knew it! Thank you very much, Ayasta.
    - I welcome you - says her voice.
    - The only intermediate element, Fire. Now, I'll need to locate the right one. Ancient Elementals are very fond of their element,...
    - Will you tell me why you're doing this, Toriàn?
    - I think,... well. I've found a manuscript, following the tracks of my Tome of Wisdom. It was on the cave, near Flausin's village. On the oposite side from the Cursed Island. I've seen it was written in a very old version of my own family's language, and now I know it's Bog's language. Well, then. It says once an elementalist masters all the elements, he becomes one with nature, one with spirit and one with the very intelligence which rules the universe, so I've decided to master all elements.
    - And what do want to do, after the mastery?
    - I need to win this war, Ayasta. I know this is my mission, don't know how to explain. It's a call from the heart, as the siddha people says.
    - Come here - says the Godess - I've called Tacke now. I've found two Rings of Power, just now, and I know Tacke must know about them.
    - That oke, Ayasta. I already have a Ring, so let Tacke decide what to do with them.
    - If you say so, he's already by the entrance.

    Tacke Prýmmus entered the old cave, and rised an eyebrow to the work of only two weeks his friend had made, waves a hand to his fellow and went down the second level. Toriàn went back to the maps. And Tacke, after talking to Ayasta, decides those are too dangerous to use. He asked for the godess bless into a magic lock he creates, and from there on, no living or dead would touch those Rings, a two twin Rings of Power he imagine, and the godess smiles at his wisdom, would be far older than the Five Rings of Ambar.

    The Professor came to talk with Toriàn, who was waiting for him.

    - I'll need witnesses, Tacke.
    - A trip into a vulcan is not a vacation time, my friend.
    - It's on the borders of Siddha Peninsula, the black East and the Nine Realms. I can't give my word, but Fire needs three witnesses.
    - Hadesh will do it for pleasure.
    - And Tklah?
    - He's well part of the group by now. I think he's doing well his relations to prepare to war, and now Royal Tachiza has a treaty with Abbas and Nine Realms, and for the last it looks like it's because of him.
    - I know. All that about a fake dragon missed all diplomatics with Nine Realms, and Báech was the shipyard. But now, Báech's the most important island, specially with You as a prince consort.
    - I think that will do.

    (On the Deep of Fire)

    The group enters a vulcan, inside a Sphere of Force of Toriàn's.

    As soon as they got deep there, and with his friend's protection from the element, Hadesh and Tklah knows their fellow Professor might negate anything which could kill them. They see a huge number of partially iluminated caves, all full of lava.

    - Ancient Elemental of Fire, I Toriàn challenge you. These are my witnesses.

    A huge face, with things which look like beards of fire, appeared on the lava and starred at the elementalist.

    - Which are the purposes of Elementals, elementalist?

    And soon Hadesh thought the sequence of questions and answers are boring. He also knows Tklahonomára would not understand much of the talk, and Tacke, he's just being a witness.

    - What are the processes by which one can understand an elemental language, elementalist?

    "That's boring", thought the takkar.

    Answer after answer, he started to think Toriàn's much more knowledge about elements he thought before, and that is a lot.

    So, after a three hours debate, the Ancient Elemental says.

    - Did you win the contest, elementalist?
    - Yes, Ancient Fire. I gave you all the answers you asked. So, I won.
    - Then, get prepared to travel to the Primordial plane. You think your answers were enough, but now that I'll give you the mastery, you need to know.
    - I'm ready.
    - That was said with the emotion from a Fire Elementalist.
    - Oke.

    A huge bubble of melted matter appeared on the surface of the vulcano's lava. The elementalist takes a deep breath of the black substance from the bubble.

    He's expeled from the body, and see the stars.

    Out there, off the world, he sees in this vision that the crystal's suffering, and immediately understand the elemental's purpose of responsability over nature.

    He backs to his body, to see the Ancient just waiting for him.

    So, Toriàn entered the bubble.

    (The Primordial Plane)

    - Every vulcano's an entrance to the Primordial - says the Ancient Elemental - And we Fire are the guardians of these entrances.
    - That's an important purpose, Ancient - says Toriàn.
    - Much more than that. I am the oldest Fire on Toj, almost as old as the East Nexus, from which the strange languages of the east comes. Get prepared. We're here.

    At this moment, Toriàn became a master.

    He sees huge torments, and an unspeakable number of Elementals fighting. "Is it a war?" Toriàn thinks, but soon he sees what his ally from Abbas had said.

    The Primordial Plane is broken.

    A number of strange paths are formed, somewhat similar, Toriàn knows, to the cloud formations which attacked his family's ruledom, and an uncountable number of abyssals coming from the deep. He breathes the Orange for the first time, a gas which is all the elements. He second sights a world only with nature. No inteligent races, no cities, no roads, only nature. He remembers his strange dream in which he wake up in a future with no magic, and also without any any form of divine energy, a dream he has forgotten, long ago. He saw a forest of giant mushrooms, very similar to those behind Frozenlant, and very strange animals too.

    On the dream, he woke from a coffin, and the Pantheon symbols was engraved on it. The coffin had been locked with vala, the silver from the planes. So, he went back to the coffin and locked it with tremendous power, only to wake on his bed back on Frozenlant Mountain, hungry.

    He thought his heart would stop, and concentrated.

    - The Orange is too strong for a natural mortal, we know - says Fire - Your heart will only know Fire completely when you love.
    - That,.... - he almost fainted.
    - You need to know this by yourself. Old Nexus told me this, but this is not the time. I'll only say to you, elementalist, that if you mortals fail the Time of Change, the world will be covered with those abyssals, beasts from the very beginning of Time, and will be doomed.
    - I'm seeing the Crystal breaking,.................... (he breathe, in trance)
    - That,... is The Time of Change.

    And the elementalist thought everyone would die, within this second sight visions.

    - Remember to remember, and Nexus will look for you.

    By that said, the huge Ancient Fire moved upwards, from the Deep, taking Toriàn off the trance. The visions were much clear, and the world is in much more danger than a miserable war. All the elements will shake the trikumai worlds, and everyone can die in the process.

    The bubble came off the lava, and Toriàn stood in there, staring the Ancient.

    - I feel the vulcano's going to enter eruption, Elemental.
    - Yes - says him - This always happen when a new Fire Master arises.
    - But,... there's a village by the mountain,...
    - You're a master, now. Don't you ever forget what you've learnt today, elementalist.
    - I know what I need to do. Hey! - he called his group - Let go!
    - That's about time - says Hadesh happy.

    When they're almost off the erupting vulcano, Hadesh uttered his thoughts.

    - I thought you'd fight with him, Daytel. That was boring.
    - And I've fought, and won, Hadesh.
    - But I thought Fire would like a good fight. They're all like that.
    - Not an Ancient. Now, go the village you all, and prepare them for the earthquake, while I make the way to the lava to go the Sea of Nine Realms.
    - We'll be waiting for you on the village - says Prýmmus.
    - I'll be there about time, Tacke.

    It took the rest of the day to control the lava.

    When Toriàn came to the village, his aura was in fire and everyone went down the ground to revere him. They were waiting for the fire master.

    (Back to Frozenlant)

    They got a teleport from Ayasta back. There, Toriàn sent a messange to his old butler, now the Sacerdot, asking him to create an item. I'm becoming an elemental, he said, and I'll need clothes proper to use, and if you can do it, I'll need the clothes to hide my aura and magic, and everything. The answer came fast, "Of course, my lord. I'll get it done for you soon", says the sacerdot.

    - There is change of life in every form of nature.

    And so, he went to take some rest, to get fully prepared.

    (End of Session)

    Is that what Raýla was saying all the time to Toriàn?

    The Time of Change has begun.

I hope you're enjoying the reading, here at the adventure blog, and,...
        ,... Stay Plugged.

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