Halloi, kakkai (Helo, everyone).
And Be welcome to my adventure blog, the Wormbar.
The original Resume was a bit messy, so I decided to rewrite them completely. A number of new info on stuff which were not noted is present. I'll also include some talking which were not noted on the resume, new words, names for people and places, a bit of the poltergeist language, on Bogling version. The princess is going to have a new friend, in the place of the old noted King. That drives me up to a deeper thought on my own Story, in which I'll try to include some new material into the storyline, but I have that all in my mind.
These sessions, which were 3, are a one post now.
Sessions runned at :: 1. Log. At this time, it runned from Sat, '09, Sep 19, 08:00 PM, till Sun, Sep 20, 05:00 PM; 2. runned from Sep 25, '09 - till Sep 26, '09; And 3. runned from: Fri, 23 Oct 2009, til Sat, 24 Oct 2009.
About the Music :: I do not intend any offence to anyone's right, and I do not really own the music I suggest my readers listen during the Story; the suggestion is in honour to the musicians who created those beautiful songs, and I explicitly want to thank you very much.
Music :: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZoxO8Gse5os
New character ::
Slash, the rogue, the princess best friend - rogue, leader (Lena's master)
Notes :: A Leader does not have any special powers or magic, but he grants bonuses to others when he organize the combat from inside. This is not an original type of character for my system, but I adapted it.
(On the last Mythic episode,...)
And the Book closed.
No one noticed the form of the Book, but Hadesh. It assumed a truely corrupted form, and he's sure the pages were made of living flesh.
- Is everyone oke? - asked Tacke, to see if a negation was needed.
Then, the princess turned back to them. They were all this time focused on the Book, but she's a rogue and she knows this is a perfect moment for a surprise attack againt them.
- People. We're surrounded,.. by epic nightmares - she says.
Hadesh quicly thought, as a last resort, to call the unique creature which could help right now. No, he never meant to call this odious creature in vain.
As a lone last resort, really.
- CHAOS !!!!
And the nightmares, each and everyone, assumed fear into their faces.
- Dear Dream. Now, they're MINE.
(End of Session)
Some Considerations necessary
How comes the Book the White Mages of that secret society's a Dark Grimoire?
And also, how comes Hadesh was able to open and close it?
Who is the Enemy?
The Bogling Village (#00-3)
This is May 7, 602 AGC, but that doesn't mean much to the boglings.
As soon as the group summoned Chaos, the little girl managed to get them off the Dream planes, together with an area of 12 square measures of dead magic Tacke just created with an epic negation. He said "I didn't know I could do epic negation", and the princess frowned. The travel's terrible. They see creatures of Chaos in every direction, and the mad Avatar's not trying to make a secret of that.
They're travellling through Chaos.
Half an hour later, they landed into Flausin's basement. The bogling simply disbelieved that, for the creature, he imagines the Chaos girl as a monster now, she knows where he lives, and that is indeed the most dangerous thing he ever thought of.
Flausin's basement is a 60 square measures area. It's made of tough stone, brown. There are a number of shelves, all with notebooks, and ritualist equipment. The corner where they just landed is not much used, and the few wooden boxes which were there simply vanished, be them destroied or lost for ever he just wonder.
There is a two way staircase going up, on the oposite corner, and a demi-ready ritual for teleport half done, what means he's probably ready to teleport at just any time, thought the professor.
- This is mad as Hell - says the bogling.
- Forget about what he just said, Chaos, and say what's happening. I just can't believe you took us off the Dream plane, but anyway. Tell me why.
- Thaaat, probessor Brýmmus, I don't know - says the entity.
- Do you know what happened to Hadesh, back there?
- Hmm,..... no, Dorièn.
- So, you're saying you just moved us here by your own presumption that we wanted to be here?
- No, no, probessor. The Baklábading knows, it's the Future who needs you in here.
- Who is the Future? - asked promptly Hadesh.
- Hmm,... you're so smart, Kadesh, little messy, takkar, anyway. He's my best friend entity. How did you know I was talking about a creature, beast?
- I'm a beast. - says Hadesh - You do already have your best answer, if you say so.
- Chaos,...
- Yes, my lordessýn brincessýn Rena, sayer, prayer, bessèc,...
- Why don't you come here? - says Lena.
- I don't,... get the point - but everyone noticed the Avatar's face changed a lot, by this having said.
- I knew it. You can't get inside this area. Am I right?
- No god or entity sees what happens inside an area of dead magic, ssýn. You're all going to thank me, one day, for doing what only I could do, and bring this dead land into displace,... hmm,... this place.
- Flausin - called Hadesh.
- Don't kill me. I've done all that with my good heart, and,... you're a beast.
- That doesn't matter, anymore. Are we safe?
- Well, my beast friend,... I guess,... we do - and the bogling looked with fear on his face to the Avatar present, what let it very clear, his dislike for that creature.
- I've got the point, Hadesh - says Tacke - We thank you, Chaos. Please let us, now. We have a lot to do, and we don't need anything more right now, oke. Could you just let us alone?
- Brave heart! Yes. H-Tah-ràan (pop!) - she vanished.
They all looked Tacke, in silence, until Toriàn break the ice.
- That was a dangerous thing to ask it from her, Tacke, but I don't believe it just worked. So, people, we need to talk, and seriously. This is all getting too strange.
- Yes, Toriàn - says Hadesh - but I suggest we eat something now. We're just into talking during the last many hours, and we are tired.
- I wish my friend Slash was in here. He does the best cooking I've ever tasted.
- Who,... who's Slash, princess?
- Ah,... Slash is my best friend, from Báech Islands. He's a rogue, Tacke. He just tought me about everything I know about being a rogue.
- So, you're really a rogue - concluded Tacke - I was wondering when you'd say us that.
- I well,... - she started.
- That's perfect, princess - says Hadesh - We need now to stop calling you princess. You're a rogue princess, and that will run the world too fast.
- I'm Kristallya the rogue, Hadesh. I've already chosen this name.
- That sounds good, Kristallya - says Báech the djine - Do you want me to bring your friend here? I can do it. It's only a wish of distance.
- Not now, Báech - asked Tacke.
- Yes - sounded Toriàn - Tacke's right oke. We need to rest, and talk later.
- We need to agree in one thing - asked Tacke - We need not to say anything which may or could be important outside the circle, 'cause this dead magic area is our only safeplace.
Everyone agreed, and they went to sleep on the upper rooms.
(Day two, at the Bogling Village)
As soon as the group had waken up that morning, the house was full of life.
Music :: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hp3OYnxhePg
Boglings have many children. Flausin says he has already about eleven, and a grandchild. They're all part of the community, and parents doesn't care much about who's who. Everyone's just everyone's, and the older pawn always take care of the younger ones.
Flausin's village, Wèneg prelate, is a huge area of underground constructions.
There's a hill on the northside, which has a tree on the house with bogling scouts to say if barbarians are coming, but they never did.
A two rocky mountains on west and south, and a lake on the east.
Kristallya noticed that before, but now she can tell the others, that those areas, each and every one of these areas look extremely cursed. The plains after the scout hill too. There's a sense of danger, in every place. The boglings live there with no contact with other villages, and although their number is huge, and they have a number of hills on the base of the mountains to keep plantations, the village is completely isolated from the rest of the world. Children play on many places, but there are places no one can go, they say.
Hadesh passed the day giving his best at medical care, as they have a quarentine hill to where all those terribly affected by unknown diseases go. There, Hadesh talks with a Totem. The totem of the beetle, once he never spoke with any totem in Toj, was really impressed with his knowledge of medicine, and the takkar says it's normal, where he comes from, and Treiyka lives a really harder time with medicine. It happens most of the medicine, potions and the remedies to most maladies come from predators, all levitating creatures which you need to hunt to get those medical elements, but the fact is that the creature is hunting you back, to eat you. That's not nice, the totem says. They agreed on the treatment of two boglings, today.
At night, they gathered at the circle.
- Well,... - started Tacke - I want to say something to start with. I don't like all these gods and entities, and dragons, and everything, interfering with our lives. I don't know what's happening. This all stinks. It looks like Chaos now took us from the care from the Dreammaker. What happens next?
- Good question, Tack. I think the same - says Toriàn.
- We could see now what on the Bag? It's a good way to start with.
- Yeah, Kristallya! I bet it's full of things we could use - says the djine, happy.
- We need to be careful, you two.
- I know, Tacke. - says the rogue princess - It's all we have.
- Do you have the Wand in there, Hadesh?
- Yes, Tacke. The artificer didn't got it yet, 'cause that would happen only after Torièn give him the items, to get them all studied.
- And I didn't, that's right. Tacke's right, though. They can be dangerous - concludes Toriàn.
- What about your friend, Slash? - the djine asks to the rogue.
- I don't know. I think it's better sending a message first, and than later bring him here. He's a skilled scout, and we're going to need him very much.
- I'll send the message, - says Toriàn - because Tack needs to know the person.
- Oh,... and you don't?
- It won't be a magic message, Tack. I'll send an elemental.
- Ah,.. that explains it all.
- Toriàn, I need to talk to you.
- You can say it, Hadesh.
- Come here. I need to talk to you.
While the others talked and started to get items off the Bag, Hadesh came with Torièn to a side, still inside the circle, but he spoke as a murmur.
- I want to lear magic - says the takkar.
- Oh, oke. I don't know precisely how to teach you, Hadesh. I am a mage from a Tradition, which means my methods are all family secrets. You see?
- Oka. But I still need to learn magic, so,... can you help me?
- I guess Tacke may help you. He's a Professor.
- He's too careful with everything. I know, it's good. But he would teach me during the next fifteen years, and all I want is to learn magic now.
- Magic is a tool, Hadesh, but it's also dangerous. Talk to him - and by these words from Toriàn, the takkar sighed and resumed the talking.
They all were chosing items to use.
- Are you ready, Hadesh?
- What, Tacke? What you mean ready?
- Get the Wand and the Book from the Bag yourself. I need to be sure.
- About what? - asks the takkar.
- Just do it. I need to be sure, and so I'll tell you.
Hadesh took the White Wand and the Dark Grimoire from the Bag of Things.
- Hold 'em. Oka. This way. Hmm,... yes.
- What do you mean with "yes"? - the takkar questions the professor.
- They're bounded to you.
- And,... ?
- It means they're yours, but the White Wand is dangerous. I can feel it. Take this wand for boiling water, we just found them on the Bag.
- And do what?
- You step out of the circle, and move it up and down, not too fast.
Then, Hadesh went out off the circle. Everyone's looking, while he moves the wand for boiling water and a number of sparks come from the point of it.
- And now?
- Come back. It's done.
- Done what? - asks Hadesh, entering the circle.
- You have Aptitude. That's weird,...
- Are you going to explain it, or not, Tacke?
- Well, Hadesh. The question is, how could you don't know you have Magic aptitude? Don't you have magic schools on your world, Treiyka?
- No. None. Magic is a really rare happening for us, takkar.
- That pretty much explains basically all I know about takkar, and the weird knowledge people say your race has, all those theories, and,...
- And?
- Do you, takkar,... do you believe in Gods?
- No. But I'm an exception.
- Why?
- I worship Drahmai, the Dragon Godess. That's all. My people just believe in avatars, prophets, and people who come with messages from the universal principle, which you can't call it a god. I don't like talking about this. Why are you asking me this all?
- I listened what you talked with Toriàn.
- See why I wanted to take him off to talk, now? We don't have much time to ourselves into this group.
- I can help you. But you'll need to follow my words on everything.
- I,... (he sighed)... accept.
- Now, in terms of Magic and teaching, I'm your Master. I don't care what you do with the rest of your life, but in everything about Magic, you must follow my words.
- Yes. I accept.
- Oka.
Music :: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVH91f3GLmM
The items were many, after all.
A bracelet of mental protection, it stays with Kristallya, once Hadesh have one made for his mother. He says his godess explained how to make it when she was pregnant. An alchemy book on how to create items of power, but with dangerous moistures, to Toriàn. A pen with everlasting ink, Tacke. A sword which no one could take it off the sheath, and the djine tried a wish to do it and for instants he was in another dimension, a place with nothing, nothing but darkness, and a presence. They don't want to do anything with that sword. It has a symbol on it's handhold, no one can see it properly. But it's no evil or bad anyhow, they all sense. The wand to boil water, the magic practicioner's, into the Bag. The small Ball which Hadesh was trying to use as a ring, Tacke says to Hadesh to put those special items in a special corner into the Bag. "I am already doing it", he replied. A rug for meditation, probably a magic item for djines, "Yes! You're right, Toriàn. It is indeed a magic carpet", says the djine very happy with his new magic carpet.
The majority of items from the Bag were broken.
- Oka! This is mine - says Prýmmus.
- What is it, Tacke? You can chose anything - says the rogue princess.
- It's a lucky potion, and it's mine. No one else's.
Hadesh only looked Tacke, with a smile on his lizarding face.
The other few which are oke are a kit for elements used in Rituals, now Flausin's. A small crosso-bow with three arrows, two on a side, for Kristallya. A small miracle bottle with sanctified water, from the godess of Travel, that Hadesh asked to get. A broken scepter, with the old symbol of the lost city of Vallor, that Toriàn says he'll study, for his family may have something about that symbol. A small bottle with blood, Torièn says it's from a vampire, and by the look of it, some elder's blood, now Toriàn's. At least, a very strange binoculars which can show the aura of just everything, for what they tested, would help Flausin and Kristallya to be better scouts, specially in the Wastes, the lands of barbarians and boglings.
(The Bogling Assembly)
Three days later, the group was accepted to enter the Assembly.
During the talk the boglings all found strange a sidha in their village, because Tacke now lost completely his middle alfe's beard (At the creation of the dead magic area?). He speaks bogling's language, and decided not to translate the words to his fellows. Boglings are cruel with their observations, and very very direct with their opinions when they talk.
The Assembly asked them to do missions to the village, in exchange for their acceptance.
(The Missions)
Two days after that, they went to the first mission.
With their new items of power, they were confident on their success. It happens the first mission is to find a beast which kill everyone, when passing the east way out. The group goes and finds out it's a terrant shark, a beast from Treiyka, and Hadesh was used as bait. The fight is difficult, even with their new items. After negating all their powers, the creature's finally killed by the group. Tacke knows what to do. He remembers with all his might the books on which professors study beasts at the Academy, and manage to get the shark's brain intact, saying he's going to have a Wondrous Wand now, made with the creature's so rare living telluron's brain.
The second mission, three days later, is the passage between the two mountains.
Music :: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_evkY46fzI
It's the passage to the other bogling villages and territories, which Toriàn sees could be the best outpost ever, but there's a monster in there too.
Then, the group comes with Kristallya on the heading as a scout, and Flausin flying around, to discover it is another beast from Treiyka. How comes this? They're creatures from another world,...
Some time later, and during the hunting for the Sedie, they find it's a well organized series of constructs, or people made planes. Hadesh is dredged to the planes, and find a nest. On the nest, there are two eggs. The eggs are a strange matter, and a strange cyan morbid colour. He listens to a voice in snake language, saying "Leave. Go away", and he recognized a basilysk voice. He left, at the time the others followed his instructions on how to hunt a sedie and finally got the creature killed. He says only this is not the place to talk about it, and they should call Kristallya's friend today, because they need more people to do this.
They took five days to take the two missions, and tonight, they called Slash the rogue with a message, and as soon as the rogue confirmed his presence, the djine invoked him from Nekolya islands on Nine Realms. He is introduced by Kristallya, and they talked most of that night. So, Kristallya remembered his cooking skills, and they passed the rest of that night, and the day following eating his most special cooking, meat on the fire. Kids were entering and moving everything of it's place, today.
Then, Slash and Kristallya were the scouts, now.
The third mission, four days later, is to drestroy the curses on a place called Cursed Lakes, and it's obviously cursed, even if you look from afar.
First, Toriàn made a boat. They fought three giant scorpions of four pincers, on the beach. And as soon as they entered the lake, to go the place the Assembly says the curse come from, they notice the bottom of this lake is an enormous pile of dead bodies. Undead? They don't know. Tacke passes the entire mission negating curses, to way passage for the group. At the island, they find it's a prison, not to let anyone out, and not a place to keep dead bodies to march over the bogling vilages.
They find the centre of the Cursed Lake, and fight a number of spectres. They all come from the prison itself, and soon Toriàn, Flausin and Kristallya were dredged into the prison. There, they locate a woman, a beautiful woman, who liked Toriàn a lot, and disliked Kristallya for the fact she's a Báech, but then, questioned, she says she knows Kristallya's a Báech because she knows the Báech very well. Her body's dead for a long time, she says, and as soon as their friends break the barrier, she'll die. She has a very special item, a Ring of Power, member of a family of Rings so special she can't give it to a Báech. Then, Toriàn's chosen as the next bearer, and she kissed his face when the barrier was destroied, and vanished, but the mage feels a strong unknown anger, and simply didn't wanted to talk about that.
Music :: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMfoRqbS-Ko
- Impressive. - they listened to a voice - You two mages are probably future oponents to my level. So, I'll let you get off the prison. You two get prepared for a future duel.
And the prison was broken, with these words.
They listened to a magic word, which made them all feel they`re going to die.
No one listened to that voice, but Tacke and Toriàn, and the others said it's only to frighten them. Then, Tacke remembered it IS frightening enough.
The transparent woman, they already know to exist appears, saying "Sshhh,..." to them, in front of each one, but Tacke used all his might to remember the word. He sees the others didn't. He wants to know what is this secret words they must forget so strongly.
While trying to get off the island, Hadesh tries to fly. His wings are a bit different, larger, but that is a really small change in his takkar beast form.
But well, what he sees is another dimension, plane, or he can't describe.
There's a huge black tower on the island, in this other dimension. A huge dark forest, which extends until off the bogling village, and through the plains. He could not see the passagem between the two mountains, but he saw fire on the forest, and six imense flying creatures over the fire. They were creatures of Darkness. He was so sure, he could not feel better when he fell back from that plane, and he decided not to talk about that in here, for their only safeplace is the Circle.
To get out of the cursed island, they had to follow a strange light, emerald green. A small spot on the huge island, which only the magic aura binoculars could show. This is a colour which means hope, and they find a dead skeleton holding a wand and a message sealed with the symbol of Life, then the group protect Flausin while he makes the ritual of teleport. They got the skeleton and it's backpack, and soon the group was at Flausin's basement.
(A New Talking, May 21, 602 AGC)
- Oka. This is really dangerous. I didn't liked this, at all.
- Thàt, my precious rogue lady - says Slash - is a real talking about danger, not those escapes we managed to teach you when back the Báech Islands. Now, you know what's a real mission. A real business. Now, yes. Real danger.
- But she's right, Slash - says the professor - We could not have come back.
- What's the deal? I'm new to the group.
- I have a family, Slash.
- Oke. That explains it to me. I don't need any more words.
- I agree. This was too dangerous - says Toriàn.
- What you think, lizardee?
- I've been into worse pampas before, Báech, but I agree with them.
- What can we do, now?
- That, Kristallya - says Tack - we must decide. I guess I'm coming back home. I need to take care of my children, and my wife, well, she's a professor too, and we have to work.
- We have done everything possible for Flausin's village, now.
- Yey! I have to thank you, people. This puts my village in advantage over every other bogling villages, and we'll probably be the main village now that the monsters are dead. I'll need time to organize the caravans, and I'll be the richest bogling in the world.
- Hey! Everyone - Kristallya pointed outside the circle - Look.
There was a transparent woman in a hood, outside.
- I am the Essence of Death, the Avatar of Efemmera. I'm here to bring a message from the Dreammaker, o Dream Mal-èc, for you. He said he united you for a very important mission, remember, the first mission that put the group together. To find and recover the Dreams and Futures of the world's Leaders-to-be, and you did one mission. (she made a pause). Senhor dos Sonhos said he can't keep up on amplifying your teleport and other magic and powers, more than he did up till now. He is up to his duty, and have a message of welcome to you group. For the next six months, he know you won't be in any danger. You and your families (she waved softly to Tacke, with this frase). You will have a last teleport home.
- He will take off the protections?!? (immediately asked Tack).
- He knows you won't be in any danger for the next six months, and you and your families will be safe (said Death). What the Dreammaker wants, (pause), is to give you six months to think about the important missions he asked you to do for him, and for the future of this worlds. You'll have time to think, and he knows you don't need extra protection during this time, he's sure of it.
- What he wants from us during these six months? (asked Hadesh, being careful).
- You'll have time to go on with your personal life. He knows you have things to do. You have to plan and decide, if you'll accept the missions he asked you to do.
Music :: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKvyFF41dLo
- And.. if we need some protection?.. just, well... in case we need? - asked Torièn.
- The Dreammaker said you'll have the option to call him, in audible voice, and he will listen. Remember that you have six months, and your magic and powers won't be amplified by the powers of Dream. This is the message I had to you. Now, in six months, you decide and wait for the contact from the Dreammaker.
Saying this, the Essence of Death waved her head and disappeared without any other word.
(Time to get back Home)
- You listened. What do you think?
- Well, Tack - says Toriàn - I think we can meet at my territory, then.
- That's a good idea - replies the professor.
- Can I come with you, Tack? And Slash? I need him.
- Why, Kristallya?
- I'll explain, professor - says Slash - I have additional training for Kristallya.
- That counts three with me, then.
- I thought you'd forget about me, Tacke. Sorry.
- How could I do it, Hadesh?
- I don't know,... just,...
- Your magic training's going to be hard, Hadesh. You swear to care for my family, and I'll teach you all I can in these months to come.
- I accept that, professor.
- We could gather in five months?
- Why, Flausin? - asked Tacke.
- We'll need time to come to an agreement. I just need time to gather the Assembly, and I'll need to put them in training, all the young boglings. But well, that's my problem.
- It looks like the Dreammaker thinks we're out of the road, and I think your problems are mine too, Flausin - says the rogue princess.
- That's almost like I love you, coming from an ejik princess, to me.
- That,... wans't needed, Flausin - Hadesh judges.
- No problem, Hadesh - says Lena - I understand that as a Thank you.
- That`s what I`ve said - cries the bogling.
They all prepared to go, and say goodbye to Flausin.
When the group was finally off, the bogling gathered with the Assembly. The help of a sidha was the most comented thing on the meeting. They planned to get the confidence of the other villages. As soon as the barbarians don`t attack, they`ll be safe. The bogling Assembly chose five boglings, which are a shaman, a seer, and three tricksters to help Flausin. They`d enter in contact with the other villages, and prepare to keep the caravans safe, and so the bogling village of Wèneg prelate will prosper, the group will gather in five months, and it all is right, at least from a bogling`s point of view.
(End of Three Sessions)
Some necessary words to be mentioned
What Hadesh had seen? Is that the real form of that Island and bogling territory? If so, how comes they listened to that voice, Tacke and Toriàn, calling for a duel?
How comes also Hadesh listened to a basilysk voice in the cave?
And whose are those Eggs?
This is a version of three days of play, but as I thought they could basicallly be resumed into one, and the other two will give birth to another Story, in parallel.
I hope you're enjoying your reading, and,...
... Stay Plugged.
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