Sunday, 31 January 2010

Escape the Aim of the Dark (#00-4)

    Helo, and Be welcome again.

    This is Adventure #00, Stolen Dreams.

    Follow this post :: About the Story

    About the Music :: I do not intend any offence to anyone's right, and I do not really own the music I suggest my readers listen during the Story; the suggestion is in honour to the musicians who created those beautiful songs, and I explicitly want to thank you very much.

    Music ::

    My advisor on Akkoya's Mythic Eras, wizard professor Susking Kuoi, had given a lecture about Raýla's interference into the mythic era's major events, be it before the events told in here, of after. She's a legend believed to exist, still today, in Akkoya. The event shows a number of connections with outworld's mythic eras too, so some people believe the ikka are behind those events, as they were behind slavery and manipulation on several old mythic worlds. No one knows. The said Archieve, hold by the ikka race, have never been shown to any other race.

    This adventure is parallel with Session of Play runned from: Fri, 23 Oct 2009, til Sat, 24 Oct 2009, but this is not a Story played. Raýla is a main character I hold in my mind since that time, but only now I'm having time enough to write her Story.

    My ultimate goal in here is to show how a major Story can hand us infinite stories, plots, and politics, during the event shown in Story #00, and even after that.

    I'll have some posts on Conloging, during the final version posts.

    The main adventure played is in resume format, and only now I'm having it a revised final version, so take care reading. The plot's still the same, but the way the Story runs is a bit different. You'll see some intervention during the new final version, in which I'll add some scenes not seen before. They'll be much important, for the understanding of the Story #00, and I'll keep the original and not final version on my Facebook profile. Read the resume format if you can't wait to know what happens, but beware.

    The final version will show the first Adventure in a more refined written format.

    All names, places, items, titles and some magic will be used to create words on the Oka language, a conlang I'm creating for the Kalaummuklutwa (the future Akkoya) setting. Akkoya may never know if their mythology is directly connected with it's real history. Some believe so. My choice, to chose professor Kuoi as a storyteller, says it will be told in a special narrative format, with no or almost none intervention from the storyteller into the very Story, so every other information will be in posts other than the Story in itself.

    My main work in here was to take note of every session of play.

    And now, to have it a new edition final version.

    The known Story will be shown, but you know, some parts of these legends are told in the future, even though some are possibly confirmed by real entities, gods or even ancient spirits. A tone of present will be in every post, as the Story's probably true, and you'll need it in the future.

    For future players

    I've planned the Story to be told in this blog to have future adventures played. So, you should read the Story with much care, and we'll have your suggestion of a character analyzed as soon as possible, but keep in mind that a new character in a sequel is going to be created not to contradict this Story #00 - Stolen Dreams. This way, starting on January 2012, I'll be analyzing new character and plot suggestions, for future players, in a sequel of this adventure, at some point connected to it's main plot, storyline and history past.

    Players must reside in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

    Thank you, everyone.

Hope with my heart you're enjoying your reading, and,...
        ... Stay Plugged.

    Escape the Aim of the Dark (#00-4)

    - Are you sure it's the right place, Sippoi?

    The dactyl lowed her head a little to show her rider she's sure about it. That was a long journey, a journey through the east of the great continent. There are many places to hide, during daylight, but here at the Royal Oriental empire, every place look the same, thinks the high lady. Plantations. A huge number of farms, dwelling together with loads of villages, on every mountainside. They call this the lands of swamps, but they're not common swamps, and they're most like fields of plantation on every slope, on every mountain.

    - Wait for me here, Sippoi - says the woman to her dactyl.

    The back flying reptile made a low tone click, twice, to her rider, and she stays put.

    Music ::

    Today is May 19, 602 AGC, somewhere near Hoikkali, Royal Oriental empire.

    The cabana is small, at least seen from outside. She knows it must be a bit bigger inside, and she stops by the entrance, feeling the smells of this exotic oriental night.

    - I was waiting for you, high lady nightling - says a man's voice, serious and grave - You can enter, Raýla. And my cumpliments for the journey. It must be very hard to travel only at night, but I'm here. Waiting. And I have your answer, already - the door opened with magic.
    - Good night, Moolu Wawhalooke - says her, entering the cabana.
    - This is not a cumpliment here at Royal orient, high lady. We use "Free-end with you, Mal-ec"; yes, yes, we use the same pronoun as in Oka.
    - I know a bit of your language, Moolu.
    - Of course. You were alive, when our people were divided, and the pilgrims went to Prisppe, to gather with the djines and form a new empire.
    - Yes - says her - You were the ones who fought against the Megalich.
    - Those were the times of heores, Raýla. Today's Royal Oriental society is full of corruption, disease and black magic, but we sorcerers keep our secrets alive, still today.
    - You say you have my answer, already.
    - Oke, you're always straight. Have a sit, here. (he levitated a chair for her). We may or may not agree, Raýla, that a huge Event is coming.
    - That is the exact motive I came, Moolu. You are the best stonecaster master, on this world. I could not tell you every reason of my visit in a letter.
    - You're being careful. (he says, in the dark of the sorcerer cabana). Why? You are the royal heir of an empire, High Lady. Why? Why do you travel alone? And, so far?
    - I'm the one who's in charge of the future of these worlds.
    - You are a hunter. Who's the hunt?
    - I have located the second Child of Chaos. You'll probably know, being a blackman and sorcerer, that before Royal Oriental do exist, the first Child was found amongst your people, at Ea's old capital, Indra. Now a ruin. She was blond, though. A girl daughter to a black mother, but she was blond. We thought the event was starting, but it wasn't. The event was delayed, to the future, no one knows why. She's Chaos, now.
    - I don't play with Chaos, high lady. She's twisted and dangerous enough.
    - The Guild of Thieves has the Child hold captive, now.
    - And you need me why? - his voice's of a man who knows every dark on the world.
    - I need you to teach the Children of Chaos, to get prepared to the Event.
    - Hhmmm,..... that? You need as master.
    - She's your people's, Moolu. And you must know the Thieves can't have her, or they'll be dangerous enough to command a world war on every empire.
    - And you need me to train a weapon, for the vampire empire?
    - High Lord Kokkiladon's aware of the Profecies, and I give you my word. We are in the best intentions, to make the passage as to save the greater number of people possible.
    - Hhmmm,... do you make a vow?
    - I vow for my people, to make all that's possible to grant a future.
    - That's good to know. Where's she been captive?
    - At the Order of Light's headquarters, here at Royal orient's capital, Hoikkali, we're going to see a blindman, who I know will tell us where it is.
    - The Second Sighter Blindman. He's a legend.
    - So, Moolu. You'll have everything I own, as you need. I already have one Child of Chaos, Mika. He's same age as the girl we need to save.
    - Let me think. I'll give your answer, but let me wet my throat, first.

    The huge black man, maybe the most powerful sorcerer on the world went to a a pile of bottles. He looked to the pile, and got one.

    A very small one, christal bottle, sitted in meditation position, facing Hoikkali direction, southeast from the cabana they are now.

    Moolu drinks the liquid, and closed his eyes.

    "Is it the Headquarter's direction? Probably, yes", thinks Raýla.

    The cabana is medium in size, with three ambients together. A living room, sleeping room, and a kitchen, all that with indefinite number of bags with small stones, all stones of power to be created, some already full of the magic need by common people on this whole region.

    Minutes were passing. He entered a trance, a powerful trance, and a translucid aura appeared on his shoulders, head, and arms.

    So, he opened his eyes, and stays looking to the unknown horizon.

    - Which is the passage which says the Hermit is needed?
    - You'll have to open their minds, to confront an unknown Enemy no one knows who he is. Then, by the Hermit teachings, two will need to chose between love, choice and weirdy, oposites must complete each other, and save the trikumai worlds into a world free from this Enemy, but everything's dubious, or in other words as they're written properly: The Inner Universe, and the Outer Universe. They'll need the Hermit teachings to chose how to confront the Enemy, and given what my people interprets from the Profecy, the Lovers are the key into the destiny of Magic itself, the Veil in itself, and they'll redefine Religion, and so, the rules will never possibly change again, evermore. The Hermit will teach the Children of Chaos to get lost, and to redefine what is, and what is not, and the Children will only face the Enemy with that. Love. The key is to lock the Enemy into his own time and space labyrinth, a thing no mortal can do, and still, they need to confront the Enemy's greatest Enigma, which no mortal or immortal other than a Child of Chaos would ever understand. The Chosen One will only be chosen by the Enemy himself, both will get lost, and this Child will face the power of a thousand Gods. We are not sure about one part of the Profecy, which says "Two will become One, and Seal the Future in a Two Way Evermore", it says. We believe this is surely the solution, but we don't know what it is. The Hermit is the one who'll teach 'em what Love is, but we can't assume the two chosen are these or those; we can't chose. They'll do it by themselves. No vampire can teach that. We are predators, and our senses and feelings are distinct from those of the living. You're needed. The others won't be able to do it, as they don't know as much about the Dark as you do. So,.. You're the only chance we have.

    Music ::

    - I sense Truth in your discourse, High Lady. They'll need to be strong, and you know the only way is to show 'em things no youngsters should know, as suffering, disease, evil, madness and corruption.
    - I only know my mission's to prepare them, Moolu.
    - So is mine. We need to save the girl, because the Thieves could be a tremendous and powerful organ into the new world "evermore", as you say, and no one would stop them anymore.
    - So,... you're coming with me?
    - I do - says him, finally - Wait for me outside, High Lady, while I get my travel bag ready. We need to travel during night time. I know a place at Hoikkali you can rest during daylight, and you probably know you cannot enter the Order of Light headquarters, so I'll talk to the Hierophant myself. Free-end be with us.
    - I'll wait outside - and the huntress rose, and got outside.

    The door opened with magic, and Raýla came close to her dactyl, Sippoi.

    Down the mountain she sees a lantern, and two people investigating the swamps, with much care. Who would do that, as being a mortal makes you able to do that during daytime? They speak in whispers. A man, with care not to frighten a boy, the two as ghosts on the night.

    After some time, Moolu came out of the cabana.

    - What are they doing? - she wonders.
    - Who? Ohe, that. They're son and grandson to the enterprise which runs this plantations in this area. People say both are mad, because they're hunting Dindjas.
    - Dindjas. Are those related to Naemons?
    - There's not a good word to translate to Oka, or the abbas dialect. A Naemon's a spirit who swear loyalty to it's master. A dindja's different. It's more like, an impression. They're not spirits, but the very impression Life let engraved on the Veil itself.
    - You have your better translation, so. Impression's a good name - says the lady.
    - We have only two hour to get Hoikkali.
    - Don't worry. That's easy to Sippoi. Are you going to take only a bag? Or is it a Bag of things?
    - Exactly - says the black sorcerer, and so he turned to the black dactyl and bowed slightly - So, you are Sippoi. Nice to meet you.
    - T`c, ckh`c ´n-ng - the dactyl answered, in clicks and nasal sounds.
    - Let's go - Raýla jumped over Sippoi, and pulled Moolu up - We can rest when we get to Hoikkali, Sippoi. I'll have you fresh meat. To Hoikkali (she murmured to the dactyl, who lowed her head and spread her wings). Hei!

    (Moolu at the Order of Light)

    The Temple's made of white stone, and many many windows look into every direction. Hoikkali is full of life, this morning, with vendors everywhere. Soldiers are seen, using their armour plates, and weird weapons the Order train them to use.

    - Hey, you! (says a guard) You with the bag.
    - Yes, Soldier. Free-end with you - says Moolu, bowing slowly.
    - Did you came in the name of another person? I was given order to talk to you.
    - That's correct, soldier.
    - Well, so you're the sorcerer the Blindman wants to see.
    - Exactly. He's not lost the gift, then.
    - Well. Come with me.

    The sorcerer was welcomed into the Sanctuary, and he saw the enormous hangar with flying ships anchored, all waiting to see the medicine their sick ones need. The blindman sighter's the Oracle, and Moolu talks to him no more than a couple of words, as Helo and Thank you, when the man handed a role of parchment sealed with a djine major symbol used by the Order seal unspeakable things on it to the sorcerer, then the sorcerer bowed and went off the Sanctuary. Moolu remember the only sealed djine parchment he saw on his life, as a young apprentice. This is all happening, now. He always knew. Hope is the only way, the only way to save the trikumai worlds, even if there no garantee they'll stay put, or the time of change won't destroy everything.

    He got back to the inn Raýla's waiting, but got some food on the way.

    - Do you have it? - questions the noble nightling.
    - You know this is beyond common magic, High Lady. We'll have to plan our actions, and our only hope is that no thief spies and oracles notice.
    - Open it.

    Music ::

    (At the frontier of Royal Oriental, west borders)

    Here, with Nine Realms and Sidha Peninsula's alfes never agreeing with border properly, there's a huge area, in which there could be a whole empire, they gather by the mountains. There's a strange formation, on the horizon, a stone rock peak, they know now they must avoid going there. It's only a trap. The real entrance is down the valleys inside dark, or in other words, during night.

    Raýla and Moolu can see Koppekonde, a city at the frontier, by the valley entrance on the other side, but they're not going there.

    They found the long unused entrance within a kilomeasure labyrinth of planes.

    A contruct after the other, none could say these two are weak. They know every trap, and they could kill a whole army alone.

    Three hours later, they got to the place marked on the magically protected parchment.

    So they see her, down there, tied onto a rock.

    The young girl's partially in trance, they can sense, at the southwest side. They also can feel a smell, and a huge number of snake skin, measures long. It looks like the snake's the guardian of the prisoner, so they agree in silence to wait for the best moment.

    Raýla and Moolu stay in silence for an entire hour, just looking. Waiting, and sensing the dark to look for the sectoid which is now prey.

    When they saw the huge snake, fifteen measures long, Raýla jumped onto her head, and with a small blade, she hits the head and cuts the enormous serpent from the head to the tail, and Moolu made silence on the whole area to avoid anyone to spot the infiltration.

    But the gigantic snake didn't died, yet.

    She casted fire enough to kill a dozen attackers, but as fast as a lightning, Raýla was by Moolu's side, and they noded to each other.

    The stonecaster so got a stone of power and negated the snake's ward against fire. He then controled the fire, with another sorcery, gathering all the heat around the snake.

    The serpent died from it's own magic.

    Silently, with still a protection from any thief, they get to the girl.

    She's eyed, trembling, but safe.

    - We are here to save you, Eelwa, and,...

    Raýla got her face and looks inside her eyes, so the girl faint. She immedaitely look to the many holes on the walls, and to the sorcerer.

    - You negated your spell of silence. She was going to shout to call the thieves, so I put her to sleep. This was an usual practice before the Great War, from the Shadows.
    - Why would she do that? - he got a bad feeling about this - They're waiting for us.
    - More - she says - Look at the snake.

    The illusion started to fade, and in moments the snake wans't there anymore.

    - Congratulations - they listen to a man's voice, and sense movement in every hole on the walls.

    Raýla holds the girl's arm, and the sorcerer's arm with the other hand.

    - You went too far, this time - the man keeps speaking - You cannot confront us all. Surrender now.
    - Break the ironworks, and hold on my arm - says the noble nightling, and in a moment she got her bracelet and made a protective area around them.

    A number of darts stoped by the barrier, probably poisoned to make 'em sleep. The sorcerer used a stone power to break the ironworks, a thing no other arcanist would do on this world. As soon as she got the girl free, she unfocussed her eyes and entered a strange state, to contact her dactyl, and she sent the message "Go back home. And fly high. Fast", and she knows their only way out is trying to aport home. She recall her most important secret, to break the anchor on this place, at the same time they see the real guardian snake, snaking on the dark of the room.

    - We will locate you, if you break the barrier. And you're at the aim of the dark, now. Be wise, both of you, and surrender.

    Raýla raises the girl with much care but fast up her arms, and Moolu casts a strong cloud of smoke.

    When the smoke was pulled off that place by the aiming thieves at the dark, they saw the three were not there anymore, and they really escaped, taking the girl with 'em.

    - Analyze everything they did in here. We need to locate their destination.
    - Chief - says a younger thief to the master - There is a black dactyl flying over the mountains on the end of the valleys, and it's going northwest.
    - The trace shows a safe way home divine magic, Chief - says another thief, a bit older.
    - You may have escaped this time, - the chief looks to the place they vanished - but this Child is easy to locate, and we will find you. You'll pay for you boldness, with the perfect ambush. It's a matter of time.
    - Chief - says a strange voice, sounding different from their all.

    The thief leader looked to the snake, waiting.

    Omen of Malumbra, the dark of the room becomes even darker with it's presence.

    - You must forget the other, now. A rogue will never be a thief. You'll only waste your time looking for her, so I predict you'll need to find another Child.
    - You have said they could escape us, but I did not believed. You were right. What is needed to find another Child, Dark Oracle?
    - This time, you'll have to wait and prepare. I sense they're looking for all the Children of Chaos, so locate them, and you'll have the chance to know the exact location of each one, with time.
    - That's a wise advice. You all! You listened to the oracle.
    - Yes, Chief - said the thieves.

    (At the Royal Castle of Mujjénnigi)

    Music ::

    - Guards! - says Raýla as soon as they come from the aport circle.

    The guards beat the boots on the floor, prepared to listen to their master.

    - I had to use the special aportation, as a last resort. So, the Guild of Thieves may locate here, at any time. This way, you'll add special training against thieves from now on, every day. And let the captain of the guard know. This is to protect each and us all. Do your best.

    Still carrying the little girl, she went and entered the social areas of the castle.

    As soon as Kwiledýnngi Eelwa woke up, Moolu was there to explain everything to the girl. She accepted all he told her, and accepted well the mission of saving the world.

    The next morning, Raýla started to watch the two starting training.

    Raýla was at the upper part of the castle looking through the weirdglass, and Moolu started their training on the use of stones of power. Since the basics are easy, they're doing well. Even a non-trained common person would be able to use the stones, but Eelwa speaks too much, she moves too much, while Mika is straight, focused, and pay attention to each and every word Moolu speaks. The other two teachers only watch. Raýla knows they're thinking the same as she.

    And so, what was expected really happened.

    When Mika used a stone in the wrong way, the girl started to argue with him.

    - Who do think you are, boy? This could have hitted me! Are you mad?
    - I'm sorry. This will not happen again - says Mika.
    - What the hell did they do to you? You're the most passive person I've ever met! Of course you're gonna do it wrong again. That's how we learn it, and it's the only way.
    - Sorry, Eelwa - and he lowed his head a little.

    That was enough to make her jump over him, and immobilize the boy against the ground.

    Mika didn't expressed a lone sound, or a proper reaction.

    - What happens to you, boy? You don't even reacted to my attack - saya Eelwa, and Moolu frowned.
    - You two! Order! Let him go, Eelwa - says the master's deep thunder voice.
    - Yes, master - and she let the boy of the grip - He needs combat training, listen to me, master. I know what I'm saying.
    - Hhmmm,..... You. Get up, boy. What do you have to say?
    - I'm sorry, master - says Mika, standing up.
    - You see? You see now, master? He's a waste of a warrior. How can I trust my life to him in real combat?
    - I'm not a waste - he defended himself - He's our master, and we need to show respect.
    - Tell this and be kind to your enemy when he'll try and kill you - the girl concludes.
    - You're a barbarian - concludes the boy with no more words.
    - And you're not man enough for me.
    - Vulgar - he expressed all his feelings in one word.
    - Master! I want to challenge him - she asks.
    - You two. Silence - Moolu's deep and severe voice put them in order again - You'll have many oportunities to prove yourselves, but now we're teaching you the basics. Stay put.

    And the training continued, both frowning to each other.

    Would it be them?

    The profecy says Two were to be the chosen ones, and Lovers. Raýla understands why they're fighting. The girl's a free black girl, with a strong personality. A warrior. And the boy's a servant, white, used to low his head to a master, to be kind and polite, and only work. A worker. They'll never ever understand each other.

    Nothing could be more perfect than this.

    The heir of Kokkiladon got back to her daily work. This time, she knows who she must send a message to, and it is the dangerous Klosku, the black dragon, patron of the East. She had sense his interference into the aportation, and this requires a question. Why? Her secret was not enough to break the anchor the thieves made on that cave, but why the Royal Oriental patron interfered to set 'em free?

    And more: How did he knew they were there, and what they needed?

    "Time to send a message to Tayala, and start to prepare for the first moves of the Enemy. She must know by now who's going to be the suitor", she thinks with herself, in silence.

    She goes to the Magic Chrystal, her room of command, and summoned all her loyal captains.

    - Good morning, captains. We have loads to do.

    (End of Section)

    Some Considerations necessary

    How are they going to locate the next Child of Chaos?
    Are Eelwa and Mika the Chosen Ones, the two who will defeat the Enemy?

I hope you're enjoying your reading, and,...
        ... Stay Plugged.

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