Monday, 19 December 2011

The Elementalist Revelation #00

    Halloi (Helo), and Be welcome.

    This is my adventure blog, Wormbar - Epic Destiny.

    A long time ago, in a distant world called Toj, a number of very skilled nobles and warriors got together by the calling of a neutral entity responsible for the Dreams. The Dreammaker asked them to do recovery missions, to get the Stolen Dreams of the future world leaders, but in the meantime, the group became a group. They are amongst the most powerful people on Toj. And now, they're the most. A number of huge changes in the trikumai worlds, Toj and it's twin garden moon of Treiyka, both moving around the bigger one, Kalagoktwa, mark the start of an Event which will change the lives of every living being in these worlds.

    The Adventure #00 - Stolen Dreams is only the beginning.

    So, Be welcome reading.

    The Elementalist Revelation #00


    Toriàn Drazci, also known as Daytel the Alchemist, have handed his family castle to be the Sanctuary of five distinct gods and godesses.

    After a fight of his dubious friend, the takkar beast Hadesh, with the resident Ice elemental which ended with his friend killing the elemental, he lives in this mountain which is the frontier between the Royal Tachiza empire, and the barbarian lands of northeast. The Frozenlant Mountain, long ago, was a haven to some very important arcanist, maybe a dragon. Inside it's caves, Toriàn have found a huge number of broken artifacts and items of power, and his friend the New Godess of Magic, a siddha descendant of Ayya, pass her free time on the caves puting together the artifacts, and learning how to make them in the process.

    The noble mage have said to his family all that treasure is family's, and he doesn't need anything.

    He worked the caves with his mastery of various major and minor elements. Now, it looks like a fortress, with very high stone columns, arches, ventilation and wind traps. No symbols. The entrance hall looks like a waiting room, in which about fifty people could gather, and it faces southeast. This is the direction to the Sanctuary, but he knows another way to entre the mountain, and that is on the oposite direction and into the Troll's Valley, now up to Hadesh to take care. He knows the takkar doesn't know he can listen to his family talking deep there, now he's a master on the element of Sound. He makes silence about it. This is a moment of danger, a change in history.

    Now, the Frozenlant looks more his home as the castle.

    He manipulated materials the constructors can't, just because of his mastery of elements. The entrance floor's more like a place to welcome visitors, and he made two large rooms to have two meetings at the same time, or just like the Samma Chambers, on the capital Samma, the City of Temples.
    So, downwards there are two floors, and the second there's where Ayasta keeps the artifacts, but the entrance to the third layer is closed.

    By the end of the second floor, eastwards, in a place where stalactites drop fresh water slowly on the pools, that's a place Toriàn likes a lot.

    It just remembers him of the sun chang stone garden he saw on the north empire, when he and Tayala were welcomed by their friend Dudin's safeplace, under a cave behind a waterfall.

    He's on the upper level right now.

    The special meeting table shows his many many maps of Toj, Treiyka and the huge Kalagoktwa.

    Over the maps, there are a huge number of small cubes from different colours, to indicate everything he's in mind at this moment.

    - What are you thinking about, Toriàn? - he listen to Ayasta's voice.
    - I think I have located the five Ancient Elementals I'll need to master, Ayasta, but there's something missing, and I think it's very important.
    - You know we gods can't intefere with your free choice, so I'll only listen to you. This always help. I'm learning it now that I'm helping Maika - I like the name she had chosen - to learn god skills - says the godess.
    - I know, I know. (he passes his hand on his goatee). I'm a master elementalist in seven major elements, and also on three minor.
    - Think. What's missing on your list?
    - FIRE! I knew it! Thank you very much, Ayasta.
    - I welcome you - says her voice.
    - The only intermediate element, Fire. Now, I'll need to locate the right one. Ancient Elementals are very fond of their element,...
    - Will you tell me why you're doing this, Toriàn?
    - I think,... well. I've found a manuscript, following the tracks of my Tome of Wisdom. It was on the cave, near Flausin's village. On the oposite side from the Cursed Island. I've seen it was written in a very old version of my own family's language, and now I know it's Bog's language. Well, then. It says once an elementalist masters all the elements, he becomes one with nature, one with spirit and one with the very intelligence which rules the universe, so I've decided to master all elements.
    - And what do want to do, after the mastery?
    - I need to win this war, Ayasta. I know this is my mission, don't know how to explain. It's a call from the heart, as the siddha people says.
    - Come here - says the Godess - I've called Tacke now. I've found two Rings of Power, just now, and I know Tacke must know about them.
    - That oke, Ayasta. I already have a Ring, so let Tacke decide what to do with them.
    - If you say so, he's already by the entrance.

    Tacke Prýmmus entered the old cave, and rised an eyebrow to the work of only two weeks his friend had made, waves a hand to his fellow and went down the second level. Toriàn went back to the maps. And Tacke, after talking to Ayasta, decides those are too dangerous to use. He asked for the godess bless into a magic lock he creates, and from there on, no living or dead would touch those Rings, a two twin Rings of Power he imagine, and the godess smiles at his wisdom, would be far older than the Five Rings of Ambar.

    The Professor came to talk with Toriàn, who was waiting for him.

    - I'll need witnesses, Tacke.
    - A trip into a vulcan is not a vacation time, my friend.
    - It's on the borders of Siddha Peninsula, the black East and the Nine Realms. I can't give my word, but Fire needs three witnesses.
    - Hadesh will do it for pleasure.
    - And Tklah?
    - He's well part of the group by now. I think he's doing well his relations to prepare to war, and now Royal Tachiza has a treaty with Abbas and Nine Realms, and for the last it looks like it's because of him.
    - I know. All that about a fake dragon missed all diplomatics with Nine Realms, and Báech was the shipyard. But now, Báech's the most important island, specially with You as a prince consort.
    - I think that will do.

    (On the Deep of Fire)

    The group enters a vulcan, inside a Sphere of Force of Toriàn's.

    As soon as they got deep there, and with his friend's protection from the element, Hadesh and Tklah knows their fellow Professor might negate anything which could kill them. They see a huge number of partially iluminated caves, all full of lava.

    - Ancient Elemental of Fire, I Toriàn challenge you. These are my witnesses.

    A huge face, with things which look like beards of fire, appeared on the lava and starred at the elementalist.

    - Which are the purposes of Elementals, elementalist?

    And soon Hadesh thought the sequence of questions and answers are boring. He also knows Tklahonomára would not understand much of the talk, and Tacke, he's just being a witness.

    - What are the processes by which one can understand an elemental language, elementalist?

    "That's boring", thought the takkar.

    Answer after answer, he started to think Toriàn's much more knowledge about elements he thought before, and that is a lot.

    So, after a three hours debate, the Ancient Elemental says.

    - Did you win the contest, elementalist?
    - Yes, Ancient Fire. I gave you all the answers you asked. So, I won.
    - Then, get prepared to travel to the Primordial plane. You think your answers were enough, but now that I'll give you the mastery, you need to know.
    - I'm ready.
    - That was said with the emotion from a Fire Elementalist.
    - Oke.

    A huge bubble of melted matter appeared on the surface of the vulcano's lava. The elementalist takes a deep breath of the black substance from the bubble.

    He's expeled from the body, and see the stars.

    Out there, off the world, he sees in this vision that the crystal's suffering, and immediately understand the elemental's purpose of responsability over nature.

    He backs to his body, to see the Ancient just waiting for him.

    So, Toriàn entered the bubble.

    (The Primordial Plane)

    - Every vulcano's an entrance to the Primordial - says the Ancient Elemental - And we Fire are the guardians of these entrances.
    - That's an important purpose, Ancient - says Toriàn.
    - Much more than that. I am the oldest Fire on Toj, almost as old as the East Nexus, from which the strange languages of the east comes. Get prepared. We're here.

    At this moment, Toriàn became a master.

    He sees huge torments, and an unspeakable number of Elementals fighting. "Is it a war?" Toriàn thinks, but soon he sees what his ally from Abbas had said.

    The Primordial Plane is broken.

    A number of strange paths are formed, somewhat similar, Toriàn knows, to the cloud formations which attacked his family's ruledom, and an uncountable number of abyssals coming from the deep. He breathes the Orange for the first time, a gas which is all the elements. He second sights a world only with nature. No inteligent races, no cities, no roads, only nature. He remembers his strange dream in which he wake up in a future with no magic, and also without any any form of divine energy, a dream he has forgotten, long ago. He saw a forest of giant mushrooms, very similar to those behind Frozenlant, and very strange animals too.

    On the dream, he woke from a coffin, and the Pantheon symbols was engraved on it. The coffin had been locked with vala, the silver from the planes. So, he went back to the coffin and locked it with tremendous power, only to wake on his bed back on Frozenlant Mountain, hungry.

    He thought his heart would stop, and concentrated.

    - The Orange is too strong for a natural mortal, we know - says Fire - Your heart will only know Fire completely when you love.
    - That,.... - he almost fainted.
    - You need to know this by yourself. Old Nexus told me this, but this is not the time. I'll only say to you, elementalist, that if you mortals fail the Time of Change, the world will be covered with those abyssals, beasts from the very beginning of Time, and will be doomed.
    - I'm seeing the Crystal breaking,.................... (he breathe, in trance)
    - That,... is The Time of Change.

    And the elementalist thought everyone would die, within this second sight visions.

    - Remember to remember, and Nexus will look for you.

    By that said, the huge Ancient Fire moved upwards, from the Deep, taking Toriàn off the trance. The visions were much clear, and the world is in much more danger than a miserable war. All the elements will shake the trikumai worlds, and everyone can die in the process.

    The bubble came off the lava, and Toriàn stood in there, staring the Ancient.

    - I feel the vulcano's going to enter eruption, Elemental.
    - Yes - says him - This always happen when a new Fire Master arises.
    - But,... there's a village by the mountain,...
    - You're a master, now. Don't you ever forget what you've learnt today, elementalist.
    - I know what I need to do. Hey! - he called his group - Let go!
    - That's about time - says Hadesh happy.

    When they're almost off the erupting vulcano, Hadesh uttered his thoughts.

    - I thought you'd fight with him, Daytel. That was boring.
    - And I've fought, and won, Hadesh.
    - But I thought Fire would like a good fight. They're all like that.
    - Not an Ancient. Now, go the village you all, and prepare them for the earthquake, while I make the way to the lava to go the Sea of Nine Realms.
    - We'll be waiting for you on the village - says Prýmmus.
    - I'll be there about time, Tacke.

    It took the rest of the day to control the lava.

    When Toriàn came to the village, his aura was in fire and everyone went down the ground to revere him. They were waiting for the fire master.

    (Back to Frozenlant)

    They got a teleport from Ayasta back. There, Toriàn sent a messange to his old butler, now the Sacerdot, asking him to create an item. I'm becoming an elemental, he said, and I'll need clothes proper to use, and if you can do it, I'll need the clothes to hide my aura and magic, and everything. The answer came fast, "Of course, my lord. I'll get it done for you soon", says the sacerdot.

    - There is change of life in every form of nature.

    And so, he went to take some rest, to get fully prepared.

    (End of Session)

    Is that what Raýla was saying all the time to Toriàn?

    The Time of Change has begun.

I hope you're enjoying the reading, here at the adventure blog, and,...
        ,... Stay Plugged.

Saturday, 10 December 2011

The Oka review (2012)

    Oka is a conlang.

    This is the main language to be used in future, at Akkoya, on the blog, but it's written and created during the Mythic Era, at Toj and the trikumai worlds.

    I'm planning the new final edition posts to have the words I'll need in future, but that will follow the Story, or future stories, not the reverse.

    I welcome any support to my constructed languages.

    And I'll have news on Draka, Efemmera, Koresh, Shadow and Deathspeech too, soon.

    The Trade (Network's) language will feature the blog, only.

    Thanks you, very much.

Blog by the New Year (2012)

    Helo, everybody.

    The adventure #00 - Stole Dreams will have it's final version, and the old resume format this is posted will only be found in my Facebook notes.

    Then, I'll have new stories to show on the next year.

    So, I wish a happy new year and a 2012 full of surprises to everyone.

    Thanks for your pacience.

Be ready to read new adventures.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

The Mummy Attacks #00

    Helo, everyone.
And Be welcome again to my Adventure Blog.

    This session of play runned on Novem 19, 2010. I have the pleasure to say the Resume format is coming to an end, and I'll be able to write the final version now. So, there will be news on the next Adventures, which will show much more low level power than the fist campaign characters, and will follow the same rules of numbers for Stories as the Action Tale blog, for various adventures.
    Adventure #00 was a 33 sessions Adventure. The final version will feature also the Story of Raýla, while she fight against evil forces to save lives.

    Follow this post to read the final version

    About the Story

    There are only three more posts to the resume format final. So, it means the people who want to read the resume to know what happens can do it first, but soon there will be new posts on the final version, and what happened at behind the courtains will show.

    Thank you.

    And Be welcome reading.

    The Mummy Attacks #00

    After one whole month of attacks, Torièn was finally calm now. His family had worked a lot, and probably if any black alve attack Priatel again, their efforts would blast them dead, so he decides to go talk with an ancient Elemental Ice he knows where she lives. It gives him a waterbook, a rare item only the Ice and Water elementals hold, but as he asked for permission, he's able to read.
    Torièn's elemental abilities are becoming his best skills, and the people of his ruledom respect him a lot, knowing his huge actions on protecting the Inner Mountains and the pilgrim's passage. An effort all his family takes, Rudyn at the point northeast, Aethas at the other passage.

    When reading the Tome of Ice, he feels a positive presence. And soon, a second one. Both he identifies as the presence of a dragon, and a second of a saint.

   It has passed now almost one day since Timeflow's back normal.

    He feels an odd sensation of danger on the whole world, as the undead energy flows in every direction, and he's confident his friend Lena will do her best.

    Lena is not a mortal anymore, and she's the new Dark Queen, he wonders, and no one will understand why Torièn believe her so much.

    She had joined the Mummy King, as his wife.

    The whole world fears her now, but the mage's confident of her secret, which means he knows she's a dangerous and powerful mission. She's not fallen, not yet. Lena's name will be erased from history, by the scholars, but the main reason she's doing it,...

    - Torièn, I'll need your help before the end.
    - Yes, princess. What do you need me to do for you?
    - You'll know, but don't believe I'm evil, by no means, for what's to come. I have a duty. And this way, I am the one with the most dangerous mission.
    - I'll be on your side, when you need me.
    - Thank you, noble Draszi - she said.

    He'll be the only one to believe she's right, and doing what needs to be done.

    Outside Priatel ruledom, the world is now a strange place.

    Immedaitely after the time came back normal, after a long time of people being transformed into entities, or any other kind of new creatures, they did it. Hadesh, also know as Trahmass only by his fellow group, is happy with that, heading to the Fortress of North. He's on a mission to Ayasta. By what he understood, his friend godess explained in thelepaty that the Avatar of Chaos, the little blond child who made the group life a hell asked the great entities, and had the right to abandon her duties as being Chaos.

    He could not be more happy with that.

    And it seems Flausin, after understanding madness perfectly, is going to be trained as Chaos, will become a child as every Avatar happens to have this form, have said Ayasta.

    Even in the far north, the necroforma is gathering, he sees it with the company of Tacke and the mad bogling Flausin, and no one knows what will happen next. What the Dark Lord will do, is only up to himself. The whole people who fight for good are waiting. As the undead energy is still not attacking anyone, and no one knows the real target the Mummy King decided to attack, this is the moment every men and women on Toj are sharpening their axes, to confront finally the monster of this era.

    What is a secret is, and Tacke knows, is that who's controling the necroforma is their friend, in a dangerous mission she could not tell even to her group fellows.

    "Wait for the Mummy attack, and don't attack the undeads yet", Tacke had listen to the voice of the Elder who's the Academy Council leader, just one hour ago, and this was a so wise advice he thought the information about the one who's doing it can wait.

    Tacke, after timeflow came normal, immediantely went to see his family.

    - We're fine, Tack - his wife kissed him, and he huged their children.
    - Father, I need to talk to you - said his daughter Delenda - There will be much suffering on this world, and wherever you be, my heart will be with you.
    - Why are you saying this, Delenda? - Tack asked her.
    - I,... can't tell. In the name of the Order, I ask you not to ask me again. If I tell you, I'll condemn the world, and you just need to know I'm with you.
    - Hhmmm,... (he stoped, thinking), if you say so, I believe you.

    Tacke and Hadesh took Flausin to the north pole, where they see a huge vortex of light, a tempest, from which came a sun chang warrior, short but ferocious. The smallman didn't talk, but Flausin says "Wait for me!" and entered the immense energy fortress vortex.

    Hour later, they came to the safeplace Ayasta could teleport 'em back.

    (Back to Priatel)

    When Tacke and Hadesh came to the Frozenlant Mountain, they found a new master elementalist. Torièn explained he's just confronted the Ancient Elemental Ice. A huge sensation of normality, strange when undeads are ready to take over the world, rules nature.

    - The gods created by the event are dead.
    - Not all of 'em, Hadesh - says Torièn - Maika confirmed me some had suvived the flow.
    - Maika? She cahnged name?
    - Yes, Tacke. She's learning magic with Ayasta, and Ayasta's mastering mind with her. It was my idea, and I thought both would learn much with the other.
    - Flausin's the Avatar of Chaos, now - says Hadesh.
    - Proper - confirmed Torièn.
    - The only thing that's out of place seems to be the Blue Pearl Black dragon.
    - And I agree with that, Prýmmus - says the Priatel.
    - Are we going to do anything this time?
    - I think we will, Hadesh. This time we just can't not to act.
    - Agree with you, Torièn - says Tacke.
    - Let's wait for the best moment to act, this time. The Mummy King must act first, unless we see he's not going to attack the monotheist empire.
    - I still think we should have created a world threat so big and under our control, the whole world would get together to confront it. The monotheists are not the enemy. We know there's someone dealing with time magic behind this all.
    - I know, Tacke - says Torièn - But not even the Academy would believe someone's moving through Time, without suffering transmorphic subversion.
    - That's true - says the Professor - I know them. They wouldn't.
    - When are we going to attack?
    - We need to wait, Hadesh. This time, we need to wait.

    The last words of Tacke let the takkar thinkative, and they'll need to do something before the group take action, so he went the Sanctuary, on the lastly Torièn's family castle, to make medical work. His medical guidance was very welcomed by all the people. They all know he's the valley guardian, now. They all know he's a medic, well trained in medicine on Treiyka, and people follow his intructions.

    All of a sudden, the whole world sense a presence.

    Ambar, the Godess of Time and Magic, they all sense she's alive.

    "She's back! Ambar is back", cries most of the population.

    A huge sensation that things must come to the right place came with her, but no one knows what she did as her first action. Tacke knows, she's powerful enough to have done something no one could sense, and prepare the world to survive the war againt the Mummy King. Whatever she did, she did in silence. No entity, extradimensional, or not even Tacke, who's an eek now. No one knows, but they all know she had take action, this time to make something they all cannot know what it really is.

    And so, all undead skeletons start to move west.

    Torièn send a magic message to Raýla, saying "They're moving west", and receive a dark gift message saying "No, they're moving southwest. They're going the monotheist empire. Was has begun", and Torièn called his fellow group members to finally take action into the war.

    - Ambar is alive, Tack.
    - It doesn't change anything.
    - I've tested all elements on destroying the undeads, and they're not affected by fire. They were, but I sense a world casting was done.
    - I was warding againt all elements, on the necroforma.
    - That's bad news, Tack.
    - It doesn't change anything yet.
    - So we're going action?
    - Yes, Hadesh - confirmed the Professor.
    - Nothing's better than this. But how come Ambar is back?
    - Your Bag can confirm what I think. Look at the Bag. Is the Egg still on your Bag?

    Hadesh looked, made a fair search, and nothing.

    - So, (says Tacke), Saint Krunnek had fooled you, while having an orgy, and had stolen the Egg. That's the only possibility. He's well known for being a fair worshiper of Ambar, and I assume he did it since we were going to do nothing to ressurrect his godess.

    They start preparing for the mission.

    Before going there, Torièn sent a message to Dudin and Tayala. "Transform the bones into another matter, and the skeletons won't back", he says, but the answer was terrible. "We are fine. This is happening on the three worlds at the same time. The person who's doing it is sitted by the side of the Mummy King, and he's not doing the attack, just waiting to act, but it's all we have. The Mummy King is creating swamps on the Feudal Federation, so he had abandoned the idea of Nine Realms as his kingdom". Torièn answered "The Nine Realms are an ally now, and the person you're talking about is the Mummy's wife. We're going action, now. We have a mission. I'll send message when it's done", and there were no answer back.

    - Tacke - called the mage - This is not the Mummy King attack.
    - Again, this doesn't change anything. The whole world will treat this as his attack, and that includes the monotheist empire's leaders.
    - Oka,... let's go, then.

    Hadesh finally had his long waited smile.

    (At the monotheist Empire)

    Daytel waited paciently, for two hours in which Tacke was trying location on the unplottable target, but Hadesh was really impacient. He was happy when his friend says "I located the target. But now, I'll need to concentrate on the anchor magic, 'cause if I negate it the target will know we're going", and meditated to take off his mind of tension, he's a warrior monk, so tension is definitely wrong. Half an hour later, they listened "Got it. Prepare for the attack, right now", says Tacke.

    - Now, Daytel - and the elementalist activated the teleport ritual.

    They were draged from their place of origin, everything going horizon, and so they came to a cave, an immense cave with a door.

    And the Blue Pearly Black dragon's holding the door from it's other side.

    Hadesh immediately assumed beast form, and started to fly, while Torièn conjured a pointed star attack with various elements and attacked. Tacke assumed negation instance. The attack from the elementalist hited the dragon, who screamed loud "Bastards!", but didn't moved. Daytel's attack has broken one only scale, and that let space opened for Hadesh to attack. The takkar beast gives a huge bite on the dragon's flesh, and put all his poison, to which is not any cure yet. No one knows his race exist, not even many dragons, so the poison started to act on the dragon's blood, and as soon as it was flowing, the dragon started to faint.

    - There's something wrong - says Tacke.

    The dragon started to laugh, while his legs were trembling.

    - Why he's not attacking? There's something wrong - repeated the mage, while his companion mage elementalist stoped while concentrating another attack.

    They stay in silence, and the dragon starts to laugh out loud.

    He's going to die, he knows.

    - We,..... won - were the last words of the blue pearl black dragon.

    And he fell to the ground.

    Immediately, the door he was holding was blasted, and Hadesh assumed attack flight, but they looked outside, and it was not a cave.

    It was a vault, and outside there's a huge number of Basylisks.

    The man in a hood, one with hands up as using magic says "Damned" and looked the more than thirty basylisks on the outside, to say "They're yours. I don't have anything to do with this anymore", and simply vanished on the air, they don't listen to the "pop" so characteristic to teleport.

    Daytel conjures his protections against basylisk words to kill, and starred Tacke waiting, at the same time the immense cave was invaded by the monotheist army.

    - Our dragon's DEAD! Our Patron's DEAD! - cried the monotheists - Attack the basylisks! Make 'em move! We need that people who killed Pearl! Now!

    Tacke concentrated on his eek powers, and created a trigger for teleport home magic.

    "It's done", he murmurs, feeling disapointed.

    And teleported home.

    (Back at Prýmmus house)

    - It was an ambush! - cried Hadesh - I've got his scale! It's here! Look.

    The big dragonscale was pearly, and blue and black at the same time. But Tacke and Torièn just looked each other, knowing the mistake they've fell into. It was an ambush, and the dragon knew they'd attack, and let himself die, to render the monotheist empire against the group. They'll know an unknown poison killed the dragon, and by the magic of an elementalist the scale was taken. They'll become fanatics, now. And their enemy's not the basylisks, nor the Mummy King. The monotheist enemy's now each and every elementalist on Toj, and the trikumai worlds, for their patron's being murdered, coldly.

    There are no words to forgive 'em for this.

    (End of Session)

    Some Considerations necessary

    How come the new dragon knew they were going to go and kill him? And why did it let them do it, without any action to stop 'em?

    There's a huge problem with this.

    Who told the dragon?

I hope you're enjoying your reading, and,...
        ,... Stay Plugged.

Timeflow's Back #00

    Helo, and Be welcome.

    This is my Adventure blog, and this the resume of the Play.

    I've got time to work on the final 5 posts, now. My Novel book one is finally with a release date: June, 2012; and I'm really happy with this. Also, this post is real time, and today I'm planning the final posts I'll publish in here the next few days, to have an ending the first Story: Stolen Dreams. I've lost time track, as the adventure runned over a year ago, but the final version will have it better explained. Follow the next link to the final version to read it. My players all moved, got to work, etc, and I'll have news on the next adventure by January. Since I finished the final version, of course.

   About the Story

    The Story's coming to an end.

    It's group is one of the most powerful group on the world of Toj, and the story needs to be told. I'll have the final version as soon as possible, with new intrigue and plot.

    The reason is, together with the story played, I'll add a story that's on my mind.

    Raýla's storyline is much lesse full of powerful effect, and things are much much worst than the main storyline played as an RPG story.

    The goal in this blog is to show how to create a Story little by little.

    And the original resume format will be available on my Facebook page.

    So, Be welcome reading. (-;

    Resume of this days of Play :: Stole Dreams

    (On the last Session of Play,...)

    New soldiers are being armed, and trained.

    Sama, the capital of Royal Tachiza, asked the Priatel and a small number of ruledoms which were attacked, to send a noble to the capital to explain it all. After a week or so, they talked, and gathered all the news from every corner of the world of Toj.

    The only good news, the two twin worlds, Kalagoktoe and Treiyka.

    They're not at war, and messenger say they won't enter any side, not to mention the oggres have a long time chivalry amongst two factions, and no one should interfere.

    Dragons are all waiting for a moment to deal with fake dragons, like the Silver fake dragon from Nine Realms, says the Copper and Saphire dragons to the Sama messengers who have been sent.

    The Castlelands of the west, everyone knowns are peacefull.

    A weaker empire amongst all, and the first conflict would probably be in there.

    (End of Session)

    Torièn listens to the voice of Ayasta. She says the group must gather, and Lena suggested the Tavern as the gatherplace.

    - Another group was chosen to destroy the crown of the Mummy King. This way, Bog was right saying this is needed, and we're free to take action (says Ayasta).
    - Let's put an end to the Magic Faul - says promptly Torièn.
    - That's a good idea - concluded Tacke.
    - I think the idea is to lock all the Antigods we didn't locked yet - says Hadesh.
    - Hhmm,... that's really much more important, Hadesh (agreed Torièn).
    - And then, we safe Lena's kingdom just after that - suggested Báech the djine.
    - We're gonna need Bumppers,.. Hadesh, do you find a way to Kalagoktwe with your powers?
    - No, Torièn. I can't see any passage til there. I don't control it.
    - I agree with you all. But we need to investigate the Báech Islands, first - says the princess.
    - Why? - that's not something a normal noble would understand, but she does.
    - I think the djine Báech is the founder of Báech Islands, and he's also the First Djine. The legend says he had a magic sword, a very powerful magic sword, and the curse will probably end if I as his descedant, order him as a knight of Báech Islands.

    Everyone got shocked, by that words.

    - Where did you listened to this, princess? - asked Tacke.
    - It's true, Professor - says the djine - We're investigating the legends the Guild of Thieves know. Everyday, we stay at the other side of this Tavern, listening to them. They simply had forgotten the Rogue Princess, because they believe now a rogue will never be a thief, and there's a huge war coming. They plan about it. So, this is my legend, and I'll be a leader to the new djines. They're hungry, and the Regent is using the fungus to ask 'em doing bad things, bad things that could then start the war everyone's waiting.
    - You seems logical in your words, djine - says Tacke.
    - I've learnt a lot with Lena, Professor. She's the smartest person I've ever met.

    Everyone looks to Lena, and so Tacke concludes.

    - Let's do it. Lena, your word, nobless.

    (At Báech Islands, finally)

    The Dreammaker teleported the group to the islands.

    They remember Torièn's voice saying "I'm not going. I'll be the rescue man", and they agreed.

    But the truth was he's not going because he's tired of Hadesh.

    They argue all the time, and the takkar never thinks he could be wrong.

    First of all, they noticed a creature moving. Hadesh could sense it. The moved for hour into a labyrinth of ruins, all that Báech was. The castle's pure ruin, and it vapours smokes of black energy. After all, the obsidain dragon died in here, and his energy's still present.

    Hadesh senses a basylisk, but not a normal one.

    It took him off the group, mentally. The place he went to is not a place. It's the Nothingness.

    There, the oldest of all basylisks tell stories to Hadesh, and he understand that everything has a balance, but the basylisk is off that. It's out, because the basylisks are older than that, and they come from the very Nothingness, the only No-Place in existance.

    Back to the group, Hadesh notice no one knew he was away.

    The takkar plans to tell everything to Lena. She's the only one who listens to him, all the time. The others always simply ignores his sayings about nature, laws and life.

    So, they finally find the King's Throne, and they see a very old painting.

    Then, Lena remembers the painting, and order Báech to stay in front of her, and down on his knee. She lift her right arm, and a sword appears.

    With this Sword of Power, she order him Knight.

    It all happened at the same time.

    Báech remember all his memories lost, the Prophecy, and he knows Lena's destiny now. Than, they all were teleported with no powers, to the sky above. They started to fall. Hadesh tries to hand everyone and fly, but they're many and he are not strong enough. Falling. The island's darkness desapears, down there. Lena cries words, and she's talking with her brother, it seems. "The Curse's over. Come back!", she cries. And Tacke opened his pocket, and took a small bottle from it. The ground was coming closer, and they're going to die for sure. Everyone looks to his hand, and they see Tacke had kept the Lucky Potion they've found at the magic Bag of Things, long ago.

    And he drinks the Lucky Potion.

    Falling from a two kilomeasures high, they start to simply fall softly.

    By the time they got to the ground, various portals were opened, and the dark creature's dead. Tacke feels the creature was a time creature. Tacke simply got all the power from the knowledge of Death he already known, and now he becomes a distinct being, and completely know about it. "What have I became, Ring?" he asks, and the Ring of Death says to him "You're an Eek, now. An Eek is a First, and you're the Eek of New Magic", and by the looks of Hadesh and Flausin, who had diminished takling a lot and Tacke understand now. The bogling had become a creature too, and he's the next Avatar, but Hadessh, Tacke feels he's not ready.

    At the sight of Tacke, and the power of Luck, Flausin also feels something strange.

    Lena runs to hug her brother, crying.

    The djine Bách is in silence, as he knows everything's going to change. He feels his bones and blood become a new substance, and that every other new djine's sensing the same mutation he feels, together with the knowledge of him being the First.

    Then, Tacke do what he needs to do, and ask for the Feather from the Avatar of Drahmai, in his heart.

    Using the lucky potion to have the Feather, he hands it to Adria and she simply turned time back to normal, a thing no one would expect, but that's his only change, he knows. So, the people of báech who was coming back and happy sensed something is indeed happening. The King see them, and at the moment he stoped sensing something could be strange, the people stoped.

    The new Avatar of Chaos, the bogling, looks everyone with fear.

    - I seeeeee, nowww,... (he cries, madly).

    Lena suddenly remember all the secret teaching of The Order of Silver, from Nine Realms, seeing the eyes of the djine looking to her in secret.

    She knows what she have to do, now.

    And it's the darkest future she never imagined, but remember now.

    The Timeflow's back.

    All the people in there, and everywhere else feels.

    And they sense all new gods, who had not power to be a true god are dead now.

    - What's happening, Lena? - questions the King.
    - This is the first Báech, my brother. He's an immortal, and we are his mortal family.
    - So He is the King - says Lena's brother, looking confuse.
    - I already have my people to guide, King. But we are a people without a kingdom - the djine came closer.
    - Call them here, Djine King - says Lena's brother.
    - You'll always be welcome to the Land of your decendants, my immortal friend.
    - Thank you, Lena - and so various djines started to appear from thin air.

    The Rogue Princess call her people, the invisible people who was waiting so long for her, but she tells no one she's doing this.

    It's not the time for the revelation.

    (The Travel to Kalagoktwe)

    Torièn goes to the vault on the Sanctuary, and asks many questions to the Tome of Wisdom, to know every possible way they're going to need. Ways to and fro Kalagoktwe, the giant. At some point, he immediately feels Timeflow's back, and he sense his magic is still stronger. Now, he sense his true power, and he's above three times more powerful than every other mage, wizard or sorcerer on Toj. He conjures the Staff, smiles, and disconjured it, only to feel the Staff still can amplify his magic.

    (Back at Báech Islands)

    Sometime later, the djine created the thrones with power extended to him by his people. The power of many djines are pure chaos, but with a King they're together. The King sits on the central throne, and his sister on his left side, so the djine king sits on the right.

    All the people comes to revere their leaders, with a free new Kingdom.

    - The armada is coming! - cries the people.
    - Djine King, make them lost their ways to our Kingdom - says the Heir King.
    - The pleasure is mine, Heir King - and no ship came to the beach.

    Hadesh comes to talk with Tacke, waiting to talk.

    - What now, Tack?
    - We need to help here, and in twenty four hours timeflow's normal. Let's go Kalagoktwe.
    - Agreed - says the takkar.

    Torièn was already waiting for them.

    - You're late - says the mage - I've found a way there, and there's a passage to Abbas, where I'll need to stay and you'll come the Sanctuary.
    - Let's go - the takkar's happy things are happening.

    "That's the most powerful item that ever existed in the world", he thinks about the potion.

    One hour later, they're at Kalagoktwe.

    (At Kalagoktwe, the Giant)

    They appeared hours away from the city, and they felt fear not to be able to do it. Tacke's happy, and he says let's go this way, pointing a direction.

    The sky's clouds are pure white, and they need to keep flying from rock to rock.

    Imense rocks, flying over the mist down there. They know it's dangerous. Minutes later, they see a house, and they come to talk. There's a man, ejik, very old, living in there. He explains quickly how they can get to the Capital, that's two hours distant, and they go. Daktyls were flying around, hungry, but they didn't attacked 'em, only to find they're the best guides to the Capital, because daktyls are mounted.

    - Who are you?  - asks the rider.
    - We need to go the Capital. Could you guide us? - asked Tacke.
    - No, but it's going to become night, and you'll need daktyls to get there before night. If you stay out at night, you'll all die - resumes the rider.
    - Thank you very much - says Tacke.

    Two hours later, they're in a huge city, and it became night in a second.

    An infinitude of fungi life, Tack sense they're poisonous, came from the ground down there, and lucky they're high there protected.

    Minutes later, as they're the only ejik on the city, they were taken not forcedly, to talk with the City Council, and notice people are divided in a two factions, green and red flags everywhere.

    - Good night, Grey Council - says Torièn - We came here to get Bumppers, with which we're going to seal the Antigods forever.
    - We'll talk with you in half an hour, with a decision.

    The takkar was immensely impressed with the power of the potion, and that was weird, truly power, no one could ever imagine Tack was carrying that all the time.

    - How many bumppers do you need? - asked the Grey Council.
    - We need five bumppers - Torièn resumed.
    - give the bumppers to the ejik, before the reds enter the City (the immense oggre says). We're going to have a war, finally, ejiks and takkar. We're waiting for this for the last century! You came in a very happy moment, even with all the blood is soon to be thrown to our City grounds.
    - We're happy, with that - says Torièn - Thank you, very much, Grey Council.
    - Go the passage, before you get killed - says the master oggre - The Grey Council knows what's happening at Toj, ejik, and we need you to take this Bag and this message to your allies at Abbas. Now go, and good luck.

    Torièn takes the Bag and the message, and bow his head a little. The oggres are allies now, and he only wishes they still be after the long wayted Faction War that's finally happening today.

    Minutes later, the red army invaded the Grey City.

    No one was attacking them, and they simply got away from there with the bumppers through the passage, and from there to Abbas, where Raýla was waiting for Torièn. Hadesh was beating his hands on his legs, anxious, while the vampire talked to the mage, in secrecy.

    They teleported to Priatels, and looked the Tome of Wisdom for the last five Antigods locations.

    From one to one, all five were locked, forever.

    It was going to pass the day, and they got to the Astral place the Bronze Labirynth, where they bronze faeries were truly happy to see their savior The Bronze Mage. There, Torièn asked the Tome of Wisdom, starting to think who was the original owner of this book and how he could be dead, or almost dead as the Witch of the Planes had said, but the mission's more important and that all got off of his mind.

    With all Antigods locked, they see morning coming, adn Tacke feels the Lucky Potion's ended. It comes a huge felling of danger assaulted the Professor, as never before. A sense he did an unspeakable thing, and his Sin would be forever remembered, and he goes the Astral passage in true fear. Hadesh seses the same, but Torièn's feeling well, so he says they need to go the Sanctuary, while he needs to go his family.

    (At the Sanctuary)

    When Tacke and Hadesh came finally to the safeplace, they see Tklahonomára waiting. His race don't have face expressions, but they know he's in fear.

    By his side, it's the Essence of Death, the Avatar of Efemmera, and the young Avatar of Drahmai, the one who represents all dragons. There's a man, who doesn't know anything, and is probably a wanderer, but Efemmera explains he's important and they'll understand later. Flausin appears, and Hadesh says "You need to get better in your appearances", so he vanished. Efemmera says they'll need to be in a hidden place, and they're only coming back when there's need.

    A young sacerdot came with water, in a jar.

    They talked for some minutes, and they sense all necroform of the world is gathering.

    What's happening?

    (Back at Báech Islands)

    Lena teleported Tacke's wife, sending a message to his friend Professor. She explained she can't stay at Báech Islands anymore, and she have a mission. The grou needs to belive in her, because her mission's the most dangerous mission on the world. And now your wife's going to be the Queen, my friend, with the title of The Silent Queen, she'll explain it all to you soon. But I need your agreement, as you're going to be her consort. (Tacke agrees, quietly, back at the sacred rooms of the Sanctuary). Thank you. Goodbye.

    The voice of Lena was confuse, but Tacke senses she's right.

    When he tries to get water from the jar, it got transformed, and the new Avatar of Chaos appeared.

    - Much better, Chaos - says Hadesh.

    Time is going to get back to normal in a few hours, one or two.

    So, the Avatars went throught the backwall of the Special Room, a place which before was Torièn's, and now is a huge labirynth of sacred energies, being or going to be rebuilt.

    At the same time the Avatars went through the passage, they sense the necroform.

    All the group listen fo Ayasta's voice, who's in form of a statue on the vault.

    - The other group was successful. The crown of the Mummy King's being destroyed. But now, you must know your beloved Lena is now his wife.

    Hadesh activated his two rings of positive and negative energy, given to him by Torièn from the treasure on the icy Frozenlant Mountain's undergrounds.

    Time was passing, and they see through the windows all sort of undead energy going the same direction.

    Tklahonomára, all sinlent, decides to drain all the necroform he could.

    And so part of that terrible energy started to go his direction. Hadesh sensed danger and assumes beast form, to turn his tail to Tklah and beat him softly on the chest, to see if the mad man comes to reason again, and at the same point two things happened.

    Taklah, hited, decides to attack Hadesh, but a long distance Spell of black magic entered the window and hited the ring on the beast tail. Then, the ring with positive energy negated the curse, and so Tklah noticed the takkar had protected him.

    All the world sensed the Crown of the Mummy King to shatter in pieces.

    And Timeflow's back to normal.

    (After the Back Timeflow)

    Then, everyone sense Nature's not divine anymore.

    All their suffered penalties, damage, emotions and moments of despair happened at the same time, and who subverted, or died, or are still alive.

    Flausin called the attention of Tklahonomára, while Tacke and Hadesh exchanged looks, and pointed a small and unnoticed key on the place he was a jar.

    - We're alive, father - Tacke listens to his daughter's Delanda's voice.
    - Where are you? I'll go right now.

    He just looks Hadesh, and they had nothing to say. At the same time Tacke was teleporting, and Hadesh was going the window to see the clouds of necroform going southwest, Tklah took the small key and put in his pocket. The man and the woman present were in trance.

    Hadesh listen to Ayasta's voice.

    - You need to take Flausin to The Fortress of The North. Mai's with me. Everyone on the group is alive, but we need to respect Nature more than before. Remember that, my friend.
    - I'll always remember, Ayasta. Flausin! - the small bogling jumped, on the corner.
    - WhAt?! - he cries.
    - We're going to travel. I'm going to see my family. You're going with me, right now. Time's back, Flausin! We did it! Get ready. Pack.

    (End of Session)

    Some Considerations necessary

    What happens on the future, now the window used by the Enermy is closed?

I hope you're enjoying the reading, and,...
        ,... Stay Plugged.