Halloi (Helo), and Be welcome.
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About the Story
Thank you.
I've lost track of the time, because one year have passed since we played the parts which I'll write now, but I want to thank you, everyone, for your pacience and your support.
Echoes of the Past
After the deal done, Trahmasse, also called Hadesh, is getting use to his new abilities. His mind is much different from before. He can sense things. He can see through things. Yet he can't grant the deal done will protect him from everything he thought it would. He knows. The infernalists could take for granted his participation on the event, and he's probably doing something they could predict, even if now time make sense, matter make sense, and he knows he shows now a strong connection with the spirit, the conduit, and the beyond.
He's now at the valley sanctuary.
There's a man waiting down at the entrance, and he's huge. He sit by the fire, and let it be fired to make the visitor able to enter the territory.
When he comes, Trahmasse knows who he is.
It's Saint Krunneka.
By the saint request, they made an orgy. The saint called all noble ejik in the area, who are thirsty for sex, well, he teleported them from their rooms, and the saint also conjured a feast out of nothing. Hadesh can't say no, because he understand this is a barbarian, after all.
A day passed.
The next day, Hadesh sees the noble ejik on the entrance of the territory. He's thankful for the orgy only take a day, but he's worried now.
The woman's pregnant, and it's Trahmasse's.
He, as a medic, analyzed the ejik woman, and discovered the new liveform may kill her, but she's probably give birth during the nest one week.
(At the Salt Port, Nine Realms)
There are minor races in Toj, Kalacoktoa and Treiyka. Kaelast is one of 'em. They're not much more than a thousands of people. They live at the corals, by the cold Hammer peninsula, on the north the great continent, and they're not like the other races. There, they learned to keep their culture appart from the rest of the world, but sometimes one can get to the world and make pure profit.
Tklahonomára is a kaelast, and he's a negociator working for the Guild of Commerce.
One day, he listens to a magic message, from a deep voice saying he's the Troll Pylosopher, and Tklá needs to go creationg new and safe trade routes. The Troll says the war is coming. There's no way the war can be stoped coming, but commerce's needed to keep the empires together. He accepts the mission, and talked to his teller and to his most strong servant, and goes to take the ship.
Four days later, he enters Priatel's territory, and is welcomed by Rudyn, a noble priatel with a face terrible, a face which shows a person who suffered a lot, and ready for anything.
Some hours later, he comes to Torièn's castle.
(Hadesh and the Troll talking)
- Master. Can you hear me? I'm sure you can.
- Of course I can, Hadesh. Do you really think I'd abandon you?
- No, master. I have a problem.
- Yes, Hadesh - says the Troll - You'll have a family, now.
- I'm sure she'll die. What can I do?
- You're a takkar beast, Hadesh, and you know the only God who would help you.
- I,... (he sighed),... thank you, master.
- I'll be watching, but I have loads of things to do, here at Abbas. I can't help you in everything you need, but be sure I didn't abandoned you.
- Thank you, Troll.
(Taklá, Torièn and the sacerdot)
- Be welcome to the Sanctuary, Tkláhonomára - says the sacerdot.
- I need a room, sacerdot - he says.
- You're welcome. Our lord, the noble Torièn, explained it all to me, and you'll be able to speak with the family Council as soon as possible. This way, please. I'll take you to your rooms.
The next day, Tklá talks with the family council, and he managed to have a deal with the nobles. They'll help in convincing the region territories to negociate wood with the Nine Realms. They all look as mages, and he had to say he's a shammant.
Actually, the Priatel family council was happy to kown he's a shammant.
When back to the sanctuary, something happened.
He saw a great war, in visions. Immobile, he saw it all in visions. He doesn't know how much time passed, but he's sure the war is coming.
As he came back from the visions, he remembered the sacerdot saying this is a five gods and godesses' sanctuary, and Disdaemona, the goddess of commerce, is one of them. This is granted to be a true vision, he thinks, but then he looks to where he is. He's surrounded by a rope, and there are four people around him, praying, and in the hope Tklá can say revelations to them. They're four men, ejik.
- I have seen,... (he says),... the Truth. We must be prepared to a difficult time to come.
He got their spirit signature, to remember who they are later.
(One Week later)
Hadesh has spoken to Bogbog, four times, this week.
His rider has not spoken, but the takkar could sense his rider's thought and presence. So, he made a request, for Bog is the old god of magic beasts and creatures. "Don't let her die, Bog. Please", he repeated a number of times, the whole week.
As a medic, he's doing the child-birth right now.
Yesterday, a woman came and stoped by the entrance of the valley.
- Who're you? (he asked her)
- I'm Bynke, and I've been sent here by the Troll Phylosopher to help you.
Bynke's doing her best to help him with the child-birth. She hotted water, got all the cloth cleaned, made him food, took the mother's pulse every hour.
It took two hours to do that all, and so they're born.
His children are six snakes, five dark and one orange, and they immediately climbed their father. He assumed his beast form, and the children started to drink his saliva as it was water. He was imensely worried, until an hour later Bynke says his woman will live.
- Her blood became acid, master, but I'm sure she'll live.
- Thank you, Bynke. I'll never be able to equal what you already have done only in a day. But I'll try. I'll try to do whatever be possible to help you, in need.
- I'm here to help you, master - and she got back to clean the cloth and boil wather.
Then, the old man came.
Bynke told there's a man stoped by the entrance.
- Who're you? - asks Hadesh, by the fire, after the ritual of fire got done and the man came.
- Yoah, you're big - says the old ejik - 'm hear to halp yoah. Troll sent us.
- Why did he sent you, and what's your name?
- Meh? 'm Boake. I hasv the best ejik vison in nature, 'desh. Dat's why I been sent, Oke.
- Good - concludes Hadesh - Ask Bynke for food, and be welcome, Boake.
- 'll do the best yoah'll ever ask, mastaa - says the old man.
Hadesh passed the rest of the day with his children.
He decided his race name, Snakedragon.
(The strange visitor)
It was near midnight, when he appeared by the entrance.
Hadesh lighted the fire, but the person didn't entered the territory, so he went to talk with him. He immediatel sees what is a dragon, in a person form.
And only by a glimpse, he can see it's the new obsidian dragon.
The man didn't talked to him, and he not to the man.
- You're a strange race - says the dragon - I need to talk with Daytel, the alchemist.
- I'll call him here, if you say what you want, please.
- I'm not here to harm anyone, beast. And I'm sure you know how to call him, because the Wèneg prelate bogling village's turned the most important caravan centre because of you.
Hadesh concluded he's talking the truth, and called Torièn with beast powers.
A powerful lightning came, and Torièn meets the obsidian dragon.
- Helo, Daytel. I'm the obsidian dragon. My father's will, who died in the teeth of a basylisk, is mine now. And I've decided to come and tell you what you need to know.
- Helo, Draka, and welcome. What do you need to say?
- There's a new dragon, indigo pearly, we don't know where he came from. He has just adopted the monotheist empire of Trappke as his protectorate.
- So,... what's special or unexpected about this unknown draka?
- He has just declared war, against all dragons.
- And,... why are you telling me that? What do you want?
- You'll unveil for youself. Consider this as a sign of peace between us and your patron, alchemist.
- Ohe,... that's new, for me. I'll,... need to think about that, but I think it's good. Thank you, but I need to ask. Are you telling this to everyone?
- I've told already to five families, all dragon protected lineages.
- I understand, now. You're making future allies. Wise.
- I think the indigo pearl wants to create a war, a real war, amongst dragons.
- And I think he'll be in trouble, if he tries; believe me. What you think, obsidian, if we throw the Mummy King on the monotheist empire?
- He,... (the dragon smiled, and looked Hadesh),... needs you help, alchemist. I need to go. There's something going terribly wrong with the world, mage. Be careful.
- Thank you - answered Torièn.
Then, the obsidian dragon vanished in mid air.
Hadesh called Torièn to come and meet his family.
(Two Days later)
- You can come to my sanctuary, at the mountains, Tklá - says Torièn.
- Thank you, noble Priatel - resumes the trader.
"He'll subvert soon, Ayasta", she listen to the Dreammaker's voice during her meditation in her rooms.
"I can sense that, Dreammaker", she says, "Are you sure Efemmera's idea's gonna work?", her voice was full of dubious sensations.
"Well, goddess. It's the only way to prevent her death, I agree", he says.
They talk no more, only watch in silence.
Hadesh sees his woman waking up, breathing, and Bynke helps to take care of her.
They talked for a long hour and decide they'll get married.
"Hadesh" - he listen to Ayasta's voice - "She will manifest power. I can't predict which kind of power, but I can sense it's magic power. Take care of her, for she's alive for a Bogbog's miracle. Gods can do this once in a while, and you're responsible for asking him to do that".
- Thanks - he murmured, in low tone.
(Priatel Council meeting)
Torièn gathers with his family.
They're analyzing maps, and preparing for the war.
After a two hours meeting, they decide to compare old maps. A hundred years ago, the Feudal Federation has not swamps. The monotheist invasion on Castlelands, and following retreat is suspicious, and they were probably looking for something, and they got it. Barbarians are not ahead of anything. Saint Krunneka's their saint too, a leader, and he's probably folowing their action close. The obsidian dragon's message's important. It looks the new dragon, indigo pearly, will take the monotheist empire to the war.
Rudyn explained Torièn, after the meeting, he's got a treasure, a Book. This will be used in the war, but he asks his cousin not to tell anyone.
(The Group gathering at Hadesh territory)
- Yes, Torièn - says Tacke - The new dragon's the head of the problem, I agree.
- That's an ambush. Can't you see? - says Hadesh, angry.
- My family says the obsidian dragon really spoke with the other dragon protected families. He's told the truth, Hadesh.
- I,... (he sighed),.. oke.
- What about the new djines, Torièn?
- Good question, Tacke. They need a new leader. Báech is the best one.
- I'll do thaet - prompted the djine.
- Good. Now, I'll have to tell you a new dream I had. I dream the Dreammaker granted me it's true, and this is probably a world secret.
Tacke was falling, deep into the ocean.
Soon, he started to see creature, so deep they had to appear as monsters to him. No way to describe any of 'em, but this is best.
There's a magic seal, down Nine Realms, deep, deep there.
I had the sensation another entity, we can call it The Deep Lord, who was telling me this.
The Dreammaker says it's a true revelation, from him.
- There's nothing we can do - says Hadesh.
- And you're not doing anything, Hadesh, only taking part on orgies with Saint Krunk.
- What do you wanted me to do? He's probably the most powerful man on this world, and he wanted an orgy, so I just agreed.
- Tacke, this won't help - says Torièn.
- Right (he stoped).
- If we interfere, the monotheists will become the strongest fanatics on this world.
- Why are you telling this, Hadesh?
- I've seen it happening, Torièn, back on Treiyka. I was called a miracle man, and they were following me as I was a real, dunno, lord, or religious leader. Then, I runned off.
- (Tacke sighed) You're right, Hadesh. We could create a bigger problem, under control, and we could resume the war, and Ayasta agree with that.
- I don't like the idea, Tacke - says Hadesh.
- This all looks planned. We assume the enemy from the furute's doing this, but,...
- But? - questions Lena, all in silence during the meeting.
- If it's wrong, what can we do?
- Tack's right. (says Hadesh) There's on thing we can do. We must know what the rings do together. And I think we must do it now.
- Does everyone agree with that? Yes? Oke. Let's do it.
Torièn's voice was followed by them all puting ring hands ahead, and they gathered the power of their Rings, even if they don't have the true ring of Magic.
A small mist appeared, and it becomes a spark, then a small ball of light.
Immediately, Hadesh saw a person by the entrance.
They all decided to be in silence, and the person came in a very ordered move. When close, they could see, she's the Avatar of Order.
- You, again? - she looked to them - give me the child. Immediately.
They let her take the small ball of light, and go. She says "You're so small", looking to the spark, while walking orderedly away.
- That's it. I know, now. There are five true Ambar Rings of Power, and we need the real ones. The two major rings are Magic and Time, her attributions. The other three are the components, fungus, conduit and telluron, which are also something else. Life.
They all listened to the takkar's explanation, and it makes sense.
- We need to talk with Efemmera (says Hadesh).
And he asks Ayasta to talk with the goddess of Death, in secret. Their friend godess reveals to him, in no words, the answer she knows about Death, he listens, and tell.
- Efemmera doesn't permits reincarnations now to impede the great spider to come back, and only the clirics of Shadd'z can ressurrect.
The takkar's voice suddenly was interrupted.
They listen to an enormous number of birds passing in the midday sky.
- Taaaaakkke them awaaaaay!!!! Aaaaahhhhh!! Those mooonnnsteers!!!!! Take 'em awaaaay!
Hadesh assumes beast form, and scream to the flock of birds.
Sometime later, he stoped screaming, crying, and came silently back, looking in fear to the sky.
- You're afraid of birds, now - concluded Tack.
They start to talk about what to do. Torièn suggests they get the feather to Addria, so she can finally get back everything to normal. Time's still a strange thing. Nothing's going to happen, unless she can turn everything back to normal, but they must be careful. The Avatar of Secret can hide everything. And there's a tomb into the vaults of Frozenlands. It says "Tomb of Ddud", says Torièn. They decide to hold this all until investigate the tomb, but they all agreed they'd need all the five Rings of Ambar before time come back, and they'll need the Feather to get it to their old fellow Addria to fix the whole problem.
Hadesh meditates, and he focused Addria to talk with her.
- She agrees. This will take everything back normal - says the takkar.
(End of Session)
Some Considerations necessary
What are they missing? Is it lost in time?
I hope your enjoying your reading, here at the Blog, and,...
... Stay Plugged.
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