Sunday, 12 December 2010

The Astral (One)

Helo, everyone.

And welcome to the Wormbar, again.

This is the second part of a two days adventure, this one runned on April 24, 2010, at our friend Sheep's Lair, in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. This is where we live. It's a nice place, really. You should come to visit during your vacation. Our city has the biggest number of "bars" in Brazil. We're not adepts of "samba", as you probably know samba from Rio, or Salvador. We're House to Metal, but you'll also see Jazz festivals on summer and winter, at many places, like in my neighborhood, Savassi.

Be welcome.

Resume of this Day of Play

Hadesh got up in a sudden, breathing fast.

- Take care, Hadesh (said the little girl). You need to rest.

He looked around. He's at Tack's house, at Ryklanta.

- Listen to Delanda, takkar. You falled from the sky, yesterday, but we cured mostly all your damage done. Tack's at Torian's, now.
- Yesterday? I need to talk to Ayasta.
- I'm listening to you, Hadesh (he listened to the godesse's voice).

The girl pressed her lips, apparently listening too.

- I need you ask Spike if he can fix my armour, please. It must be done today, or I'll lose her.
- Wait until I talk to him, and I'll talk to you.

Moments later, Spike was teleported to Tack's house. He analyzed the armour to see if it could be done, but he's a specailist in armours, being a Warknight.

- It can be done, but I'll need Telluron to fix it in a week. The other way it could take a year.
- Do it, please. I'll find a way to pay you later.

He gets needles and pinched all Hadeshe's body with 'em to take off the armour. Then, Tack sent an order to take telluron from the vault.

(At Torian's Castle)

Ayasta and Tack decided to go to Principia.

They teleported to the entrance of the city, a large city with giant elephalets, siphliesces and beetles. Houses are strongly beautiful, everywhere.
Enornous towers like made of ivory talls the most important and official buildings.

So great is the land of djines.

There's a magnificent palace in the center of the large city.

It's possible to see that the djines navigate to the east Azhar empire, somehow, 'cause turbans are common place there, too.
Sellers and buyers approach commerce, everywhere.

They even see flower wine from Tachiza among the items to cast a buyer in that streets.

So, they got to the central palace.

It happens they are being expected, and a guard with bronze skin took 'em to the Regent's presence. He was waiting for them, sitting at a throne.

They bowed, when got to the presence of the Regent. He bowed too, looking to Ayasta, impressed that she did it while she's a Godess.
But was Tack who spoke.

- Greetings. We're here to talk about important issues. I'm Tack Primus.
- Salasta, I welcome you. I hope we can arrange a talking. I'm Neten, the Regent. I know who you are, both, and I knew you'd come.
- Well, but you know why we're here?
- My people are well informed of things into the whole trigemei, yes.
- So, are the djines prepared to deal with this? I mean, now we don't know where Tweet has gone to, I saw on the city that you're a strong nation. No doubt. But we know some djines had lost their taboos, so we came to ask what's happening.
- What happens is that the taboos were created so long ago that we can't fix it, but I assume we can keep the situation under control.
- So,... (Tack made a pause) you know there's a war.
- We doesn't care far wars, mage. Godess. Our people doesn't take sides.
- That was what we came here to ask. Thanks for saying. Now, nature will need time to find it's balance, and we need to take care not to create magic fauls. I think you understand. But well, the balance of divine energy's being broken.
- We don't talk about divine, mage.
- Right. The heir to the throne,...
- She's too young to take care of her people now, and that's my work as a Regent.
- I see. Her's are the decisions which will modelate the future.
- I know. (he exhaled a sigh). I know.

The regent nodded, and Ayasta gave a step forward. She explained that the new djines eat derivatives from the universal components, Fungus, Echtoconduit and Telluron. Pure, they can also be eaten. But she's right that soon the balance needed for components will have be solved.

- I thank you far your concern. My people will remember this, and the future Raja is secure in here.
- Well, that conforts us, regent Neten. Now, we must go. Thank you. (said Tack).

They bowed, and were walking the way out when they saw a little girl. She was dressed as a real princess, a girl without limits.
She looked the other side of the hall, and took an apple from a pile from the distance. It looks as she does have djine powers, even so young.

Everyone listened to a voice, and Tack (together with Ayasta) knew it came from the woman meditating, and levitating at the side of regent Neten.

- Everything you do has consequences.

And the pile of apples all fell, as the girl had took one from the base and not from the top.

That lesson, Tack would never forget.

(At the Troll Phylosopher)

All the group, including Lena Báech (Christalla), Tack and Ayasta, Torian, Flausin, Báech the djine, Spike and Rudyn gathered at the Troll's territory.

Tack explained the visit to the djine capital, Principia.

Hadesh was all pointed with needles, and Spike explains he can't use his armous until it's 80% reformed, so they need to wait.

They all decide to go after the portals. That's what everything they gathered during all this takes to. The "what to do with the portal" is secondary.

So, Tack explains the profecy says who gather the major number of portals win the war, and after they'll need then to decide new rules for reincarnation.

Then, the Troll goes inside his cave, and no one knows what he's doing inside.

The question is, Adria.

Hadesh has 60%, more or less, of Ambar's knowledge of Time inside his mind, and he's getting mad with that, because he can't understand it. The group has asked the Troll to create a ritual, respecting the nature and the new rules of magic, so to pass this knowledge to Adria, and then time could go back to normal, a solution to one amongst many problems.

Hadesh entered the cave, fourty minutes later.

Some time after that, he and the Troll came back to the bonfire outside. The Troll was happy. He could pass 50% of Ambar's knowledge of time to Adria. This would need some time more to be studied by the godess, and so soon enough time would go back to normal, and the christal will be safe.

Christalla coments with the Troll that she thinks the name christal for the worlds is strange. He explains it comes from astronomy observation.

Then the group decides go to the first coordinate.

(Four days later)

Bakemono, a friend and member of Rude's group, came back from the Nine Realms to go with the group, now decided and preparing to enter the Astral plane. He was gathering neverfading water plants, that are used to cast "Light" at the Astral.

The portal Rudyn opened was small, to let no track.

(At the Astral)

They walked two days, and Rude explained this would be three hours on the standard plane. Báech was so hungry Hadesh gave him a jar of Fungus. It'd feast him for the travel. Hadesh still have four bottles of fungus inside his Bag. He can't explain how they grow inside, and Ayasta advised him to keep that. The godess was all the time talking with the mad goblin.

She seems to understand everything he says, madly.

Soon, a herd of namoradas passed, and they found themselves up the trees. It was a psychotropode coming, and Rude knew it was terrible.

- It's a gas. Don't breathe it, or it blows you mind off to hallucinations. (said Rude).

It came from the west, destroying everything.

Torian attacks with a windblow so strong he thought it would fade away, but the creature, a white cloud, have passed unharmed.
So, Tack experimented a new magic, something like Cure but together with Poison.

Rude slowed the psychotropode with void, as a master he is.

The creature levitates high and got down so quick it would have taken Flausin, but the mad goblin was not there at the same time.
He simply vanished without a pop.

- Everyone. Now! (shouted Torian).

It worked. With all their attacks together, they killed the cloud. But then it dissipated, and Báech, the same way Torian, forgot the gas hallucination and breathed it. Well, they started to enter a strange trance. Rude shouted to Lena to enter their minds, and bring they back, or they'd never do it.

- Vir! - called Rude, and various items got out of that cloud that was the creature.

So it exploded, sending gas venom in every direction.

It's the moment Neshet came to life, and Loriet the slave, too. During a moment, Neshet was thinking of one day have been a mage, but so he woke up. I was a dream. He slept standing. On the other world of Gobouka, a world with seven moons, Loriet almost let a vase fall, so tired he was, working so hard for his master Died the Artificer, a much infamous artist from Gobouka's east territory.

They woke in a sudden, in doubt which was true. This or that.

- Don't talk about that, you two. I know. The gas venom creates an alternated life. You'll only be safe when we get away from here. Hey, everyone! Let's walk. And no one talks, for the sake of our friends.

It was the most terrible effect Torian ever sensed in his lifetime, and he took mostly an hour to keep his mind back to his normal self.

Rude handed the items from the creature.

Two rings which protect from poison, to Rude and the bakemono hunter. A singer gladius to Ayasta. Two daggers that cut everything to Lena and Tack. A sword which drain the oponent's life to the owner to Hadesh, were obviously items owned by last travellers killed by the creature.

All material, and Rude explained they'd still exist when they get back off the Astral plane.

Then, Lena pointed a tower on a mountain to 'em.

- That's the passage (said Rude). We need to ge there today. Let's walk.

Getting there, they entered without difficulty. Christalla the rogue was on the front. But the djine sensed an enormous source of telluron, and casted a wish to get it.
There was a gigantic cry from a beast, and Torian sensed intense danger.

At the moment they got to the room of passage, a giant Amorphious with many eyes, a type of Abyssal, appeared at the windows and casted paralyze at the first in line.

It was Flausin.

They had gathered at the passage, and they were at the other side.

They did it, and teleported, just in time.

Flausin fell to the ground, but Torian levitated him.

It took four hours to the alchemist Daytel to make a potion to cure that. These paralyzes can't be cured by normal Negation, explained the bakemono hunter.

At the same time, the group was investigating the area.

Big ratlings, extense areas of savage magic, beetle the size of a table, strange clouds in the sky, christal trees, small fungi life, but black, a smell of rot, and a purple water obviously not pure. This is the place the coordinates takes to, they see on the maps.

(End of Session)

Some considerations necessary

Will the young heir girl to Principia be really ready to shape the world's future, according to the Prophecies? Will the group have find solutions enough to fight the enemy? Is it time to take a distance from our heores, and look to what's happening at other places?

So, let's start a small ride over the Trigemei worlds.

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