Hi, and Welcome Back.
This is my Adventure Blog, and now we're going to the Far East, another continent. These were two Sessions of Play. I'll keep things simple, here, the most I can. You'll understand why, reading the text about the Mission. The Far East is another continent, but this time we're not going to tell much about the place, what will be done in the future.
I lost track of the time, again, but the Story's all here.
So, Be welcome to read it.
(The East Labyrinth)
They ready to go to the mission, and the Dreammaker explains what the mission is, but there were to be some extra careful acts from the group at this one.
- No God or Entity can enter this Labyrinth, so take care not to invoke anyone. (said him).
The east continent is wide from north-south direction. They'd go to Oriental Castas, a place where everyone is ordered into social castes. Rigid social structures. The area was affected by imense tidal waves back at the Great War about 607 years before, when the Megalich came from the sky inside a meteor prision, which ended falling and giving formation to the Hammer, the northeast end of the Old Continent.
They passed the Portal.
There were imense mountains, and they walked two hour until see what the Senhor dos Sonhos said.
As he asked the group to see the Temples from the air, Hadesh and Flausin decide to go. They see three great Temples, with small Temples around. Too much a forest, and monkeys that live there. The entrance of the Labyrinth were divine magic proof. Probably, teleport won't work, too.
The antidivine shield extends itself for 108 measures from the Doors, which are curiously opened, but no living thing comes closer to it.
They entered.
So, the door closed behind them.
They're locked there.
At the first steps, the ground begin to move up and down. Squares. They started to think, and that appeared to be a puzzle.
Right then, Ayasta said "Open", and vanished. Everyone went to the same square, and said the same word.
They're into a room, and listen to the gears stop moving on the entrance corridor. There are big statues on both sides, but the the fifth on the left is another corridor. Three steps, down to the ground, and a rectangle on the wall, with drawings.
Then, Hadesh tried to teleport to the other side, and completely vanished.
- Great! (said Torian). All we needed, now. One missing.
On the wall, they started to interpret the drawings, and it shows a race of dogheaded people. Probably slaves, but that was kind of religious.
- You have to offer something, and they bring you to the other side. (said Tack).
- Easy like that? (asked the princess).
- How many things we have to offer? (answered Torian). It's not "easy like that". We're locked here.
They see a cloud of sand, like a spirit or something.
- Ah, yes. (Said Torian). If you touch the ground, that thing will eat you.
- Hum... that's quite correct, according to the drawings. (this Tack's comment let the princess worried enough, now).
They did, and got to the other side. Invisible arms came with a litter to carry them.
- Just remember. We can't teleport. (said Torian).
(Somewhere, down there)
Hadesh appeared into a room, a vast room with no walls.
He tried to fly. Right. Fly works. But then, the entire ground started to open, into fissures. There's lava down there.
Minutes later, he thought flying is no good. It's only getting him tired. If something else happen, he'd be tired enough not to be ready to confront it. So, he started to think he must get together with the others, because all the food is with him, inside the magical Bag.
He then landed.
Passing to the other geometric ground structure, it all started to move, and changed to another composition, so all the ground is different.
One hour later, he tought of eating something.
When he did got some food off the Bag, he started to listen to a noise. He sees it only with his draconic licanthrope abilities. Starting to fly, the invisible "thing" came, and he had an idea, that could or could not work. He's got food, so he'll try to give off some.
The "thing" eated. Devoured the peace of bread he landed. It was invisible. The takkar didn't listened to any other sound the creature was doing, so he concluded it is a kind of daemon, maybe one of those daemons who tried to come to Toj during the Great War.
It only doesn't seems to be strong enough to kill him, but at this moment he listened to the "thing" making a sound like a tuba.
- Ttoooooooooooooooooooohh.....
The sound was so loud he thought every other "thing" in there must have listened.
- Tttooooooohh...
The answer. With his draconic lycan abilities, he understood that it was saying "Food".
He gave some food to the creature. It's calling the "others". So, Hadesh had an idea. He suddenly draws his Wand, because the only Magic he is good at doing it is the Magic area of Detection, and so he'd try it.
There's a Spell called Tell Direction that always point North.
It pointed diagonally to somewhere.
- Yes!
There's only one direction, and so he starts to fly in that direction.
(The Next Room)
Into this room, and all following, they'd had a puzzle to solve, and the danger was always there.
Then, they got to a round room.
- It's different. (said Torian). Nobody moves.
Torian was in charge of number puzzles, while the others each one had one task. The princess has a small bag with nails, and she cuts another one to put on the ground before the door they just passed.
- Right. Six doors. (said Torian).
- Wait. (said Tack).
A small cloud was coming. Tack conjured Tongue over himself.
It speaks the same language as the Word of Power he remember from the Prision they went to, at goblins territory.
It's clearly the language of Death.
- It (something) energy? (said the cloud).
- Flausin, do you have Echtoconduit in your bag of components? (asked Torian).
- Yes, but...
- Give it to Tack.
Soon, they handed the universal component to the cloudlike sand being, and it started to resembles a humanoid, transforming while eating.
- ..more... (Tack listened, and translated).
- I just have one more, and this is a rare component... (started Flausin).
- Just give it to him. (said Torian).
Done. Now, it took a human shape form, and started to go to the center of the room. It's somehow a Bay. They asked what is the Labirynth logic to the spirit.
- 2.. 1... 2.. 3.
They now have something to do, but...
- 3.. 2... 1.. 2.
- Why there's two different sets of numbers? (asked Torian).
- Way in.. way out...
- Can you show us where's the last Urn that entered the Labyrinth? (asked Ayasta and Torian).
The spirit moved his right hand.
An image of the Labirynth appeared, but it was not magical. Soon, he was searching for the Urn. First room, nothing. Second room, nothing. Third room, he stoped and went back to the last corridor.
An image of a layed body and a statue appeared.
- It's.. here. Must... enter. Second-first corridor.. enter... (said the spirit).
- Wonderful. Let's go. (said Torian).
Ayasta looked back when they were passing through the next door, but she understood what the spirit was saying.
- Master Nothing,.. please... come to me.
She avoided looking, and so they had now a way to go through the Labirynth.
(Back down there)
Hadesh was being followed by a sea of invisible (maybe) demons, and hours later he saw something on the horizon, tired, but still flying. It came to be an end to the room. The end proved to be the center of the Labirynth, probably, with a Lava Fall of three kilometers.
In the center, there is an imense Red Ball, of maybe a kilometer in diameter.
Hadesh headed to the Ball, but he sensed it was some kind of a Prision with draconic perception, so he decides not to touch it in any ways.
He started to go upwards, drained by some force, and let it go.
He accelerated so much, he only survived because of his ability to regenerate,...
... and came out of there.
Still flying, he saw a series of caves, and the only thing alive is a small creature on the side of the hole he just came from.
He goes to this creature, and it's like a different kind of goblin.
- You found the way? Good. (said him).
Hadesh sees an enormous number of tubes and engines, in these imense caves. He decided to talk to the little creature.
- Who are you? (asked Hadesh).
The little creature rised his voice, but there was fear in his voice.
- I am Bogbog, the Master of Beasts, Monsters and Creatures, (down to normal speach) but of course you don't know me anymore...
Hadesh landed on his side, to talk with him.
- How do we get off of here?
- There's no way out. (Bogbog answered).
Bog (for short, he explains) is locked here for maybe five thousand years, with the only company of a creature he created. His last follower. He pointed an imense construct made of some kind of web. There's no way into or out of the Labyrinth from here. Hadesh made a bet with him, whatever they get out off of this prision, and he accepted. Now, they see an imense creature to get off the strange web construct. A gigantic spider, three hundred meters wide.
- She sensed move. Take care. She doesn't attacks me, but will attack you if she sees you.
- What's happening?
- Someone is moving to the wrong place, here.
- My group (!)...
- She'll eat your friends. Bog. Let's see it happening? I can't fly, anymore, because I lost all my powers long ago.
Could you...
Hadesh put the old little Bog on his back, and started to follow the spider.
(At the Labirynth)
They're locked in a room where you can walk on the walls, and at two thirds of the way there's a Story.
All people are hungry, because plants are dying. Then, a man had a dream. He entered the mountains, and talked to a Black thing inside. When he awakens, he talk to the people and all them decides to believe. They make a way down from the top of these mountains, and then It gives a seed to the people. They put the seed on the ground outside, and plants start to grow everywhere.
The group decided to offer the last Echtoconduit they have, to see if a seed comes.
It did.
The wall opened, to receive the element, and soon the roof opened to give them the same seed they see on the pictures.
That's it.
So, they walk to the next room. While going, suddenly Ayasta is hited by something viscous, but cut that right away.
- What's happening? (asked Torian).
- Something from outside hited me with a weblike viscous thing.
It came again, to hit the princess, but they all cuted the web as soon as it hited her from the same side (right), but how to fight what they can't hit?
Ayasta said she would enter Attune state to see what's happening outside.
They're prepared to combat.
Ayasta came back from Attune and resumed.
- It's a giant spider, about three hundred meters wide.
- The only way we have is to break this walls to fight her in equal conditions. (said Torian). Everybody attacks the wall here, at the same time. (asked Torian).
All prepared, Ayasta sit down to meditate. They all hit the wall at the same time, and destroy a small side part of the corridor. Ayasta creates her image as an avatar, with six arms, and five meters high. They are attacked again with the web, but the avatar attacks the web, and releases the djine. The situation is no good, and their only chance is to give their very best attacks at the same point.
- Everyone hit the front legs at the same time. (screammed Torian).
Tack decided to use a Spell he never used, Desintegrate. The djine were ready to use the sword to cut any web.
- Now! (cried Torian).
They all attacked the front legs, at the same time.
Tack's spell hited. Adria's lightnings hited. The djine cuted the web which hited Adria. Torian's light shuriken spell hited.
So, the spider retreated, and a black cloud of a black substance started to come from the creature.
They see Hadesh coming at full speed.
The princess did it. She was all the time trying to open the door to the next corridor. The door opened for them to pass.
- Ruuun!! (screamed Hadesh, coming).
Ayasta sees he wouldn't do it, and used the avatar to impulse Hadesh (as to throw him to the corridor), and the avatar desapeared.
So, she push Hadesh through the opened door, and passed.
The door closes.
It was another round room, where they are now.
Boooomm!!! Boommmmm!!
- It's the other... (said Bog in a sad voice) It'll eat her (sadly).
- What other? (asked Hadesh) You said nothing about "other"...
- It's a bigger one.. creature... (still sad).
Everyone look to Bog, and Hadesh started to explain what happened down there.
- Right. It's safe, in here. Let's sleep, and continue tomorrow. (said Torian).
They did a bit of search on the room. Six doors. Six corridors. A christal on the middle of the room. Basically, they dicide to take turns to sleep. The Dreammaker said they had only one week to complete the task. Now, it really make sense.
Adria said she'll take the turns, because her race doesn't need to sleep, only meditate.
Even then, everyone will take turns, as everyone's decision.
(End of Session)
Some questions necessary.
Who constructed this Labyrinth? It's not magical, and there's not magic anywhere, so what is it? Who are these spirits, sandlike spirits? Who's Bog? It's a Labyrinth, and basically one is only made for two things, a city, or a prision. Is it a prision? What for? What is the imense Red Ball down there? All the statues show a dogheaded people, so is this a race that doesn't exists anymore? Who are them? Why nothing divine works? Hadesh has a divine bless, so will he loose it when they come to get out of there, or will he be able to get out? Now, the problem is also this Bog creature, beucase they don't know who he is, but he's obviously weird; is he a God? How long will it takes to get the Urn, and get out?
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