Wednesday, 31 March 2010

The East Labyrinth (1)

Hi, and Welcome Back.

This is my Adventure Blog, and now we're going to the Far East, another continent. These were two Sessions of Play. I'll keep things simple, here, the most I can. You'll understand why, reading the text about the Mission. The Far East is another continent, but this time we're not going to tell much about the place, what will be done in the future.

I lost track of the time, again, but the Story's all here.

So, Be welcome to read it.

(The East Labyrinth)

They ready to go to the mission, and the Dreammaker explains what the mission is, but there were to be some extra careful acts from the group at this one.

- No God or Entity can enter this Labyrinth, so take care not to invoke anyone. (said him).

The east continent is wide from north-south direction. They'd go to Oriental Castas, a place where everyone is ordered into social castes. Rigid social structures. The area was affected by imense tidal waves back at the Great War about 607 years before, when the Megalich came from the sky inside a meteor prision, which ended falling and giving formation to the Hammer, the northeast end of the Old Continent.

They passed the Portal.

There were imense mountains, and they walked two hour until see what the Senhor dos Sonhos said.


As he asked the group to see the Temples from the air, Hadesh and Flausin decide to go. They see three great Temples, with small Temples around. Too much a forest, and monkeys that live there. The entrance of the Labyrinth were divine magic proof. Probably, teleport won't work, too.

The antidivine shield extends itself for 108 measures from the Doors, which are curiously opened, but no living thing comes closer to it.

They entered.

So, the door closed behind them.

They're locked there.

At the first steps, the ground begin to move up and down. Squares. They started to think, and that appeared to be a puzzle.
Right then, Ayasta said "Open", and vanished. Everyone went to the same square, and said the same word.

They're into a room, and listen to the gears stop moving on the entrance corridor. There are big statues on both sides, but the the fifth on the left is another corridor. Three steps, down to the ground, and a rectangle on the wall, with drawings.

Then, Hadesh tried to teleport to the other side, and completely vanished.

- Great! (said Torian). All we needed, now. One missing.

On the wall, they started to interpret the drawings, and it shows a race of dogheaded people. Probably slaves, but that was kind of religious.

- You have to offer something, and they bring you to the other side. (said Tack).
- Easy like that? (asked the princess).
- How many things we have to offer? (answered Torian). It's not "easy like that". We're locked here.

They see a cloud of sand, like a spirit or something.

- Ah, yes. (Said Torian). If you touch the ground, that thing will eat you.
- Hum... that's quite correct, according to the drawings. (this Tack's comment let the princess worried enough, now).

They did, and got to the other side. Invisible arms came with a litter to carry them.

- Just remember. We can't teleport. (said Torian).

(Somewhere, down there)


Hadesh appeared into a room, a vast room with no walls.

He tried to fly. Right. Fly works. But then, the entire ground started to open, into fissures. There's lava down there.
Minutes later, he thought flying is no good. It's only getting him tired. If something else happen, he'd be tired enough not to be ready to confront it. So, he started to think he must get together with the others, because all the food is with him, inside the magical Bag.

He then landed.

Passing to the other geometric ground structure, it all started to move, and changed to another composition, so all the ground is different.

One hour later, he tought of eating something.

When he did got some food off the Bag, he started to listen to a noise. He sees it only with his draconic licanthrope abilities. Starting to fly, the invisible "thing" came, and he had an idea, that could or could not work. He's got food, so he'll try to give off some.
The "thing" eated. Devoured the peace of bread he landed. It was invisible. The takkar didn't listened to any other sound the creature was doing, so he concluded it is a kind of daemon, maybe one of those daemons who tried to come to Toj during the Great War.

It only doesn't seems to be strong enough to kill him, but at this moment he listened to the "thing" making a sound like a tuba.

- Ttoooooooooooooooooooohh.....

The sound was so loud he thought every other "thing" in there must have listened.

- Tttooooooohh...

The answer. With his draconic lycan abilities, he understood that it was saying "Food".

He gave some food to the creature. It's calling the "others". So, Hadesh had an idea. He suddenly draws his Wand, because the only Magic he is good at doing it is the Magic area of Detection, and so he'd try it.
There's a Spell called Tell Direction that always point North.

It pointed diagonally to somewhere.

- Yes!

There's only one direction, and so he starts to fly in that direction.

(The Next Room)

Into this room, and all following, they'd had a puzzle to solve, and the danger was always there.

Then, they got to a round room.

- It's different. (said Torian). Nobody moves.

Torian was in charge of number puzzles, while the others each one had one task. The princess has a small bag with nails, and she cuts another one to put on the ground before the door they just passed.

- Right. Six doors. (said Torian).
- Wait. (said Tack).

A small cloud was coming. Tack conjured Tongue over himself.
It speaks the same language as the Word of Power he remember from the Prision they went to, at goblins territory.

It's clearly the language of Death.

- It (something) energy? (said the cloud).
- Flausin, do you have Echtoconduit in your bag of components? (asked Torian).
- Yes, but...
- Give it to Tack.

Soon, they handed the universal component to the cloudlike sand being, and it started to resembles a humanoid, transforming while eating.

- ..more... (Tack listened, and translated).
- I just have one more, and this is a rare component... (started Flausin).
- Just give it to him. (said Torian).

Done. Now, it took a human shape form, and started to go to the center of the room. It's somehow a Bay. They asked what is the Labirynth logic to the spirit.

- 2.. 1... 2.. 3.

They now have something to do, but...

- 3.. 2... 1.. 2.

- Why there's two different sets of numbers? (asked Torian).
- Way in.. way out...
- Can you show us where's the last Urn that entered the Labyrinth? (asked Ayasta and Torian).

The spirit moved his right hand.

An image of the Labirynth appeared, but it was not magical. Soon, he was searching for the Urn. First room, nothing. Second room, nothing. Third room, he stoped and went back to the last corridor.

An image of a layed body and a statue appeared.

- It's.. here. Must... enter. Second-first corridor.. enter... (said the spirit).
- Wonderful. Let's go. (said Torian).

Ayasta looked back when they were passing through the next door, but she understood what the spirit was saying.

- Master Nothing,.. please... come to me.

She avoided looking, and so they had now a way to go through the Labirynth.

(Back down there)

Hadesh was being followed by a sea of invisible (maybe) demons, and hours later he saw something on the horizon, tired, but still flying. It came to be an end to the room. The end proved to be the center of the Labirynth, probably, with a Lava Fall of three kilometers.

In the center, there is an imense Red Ball, of maybe a kilometer in diameter.

Hadesh headed to the Ball, but he sensed it was some kind of a Prision with draconic perception, so he decides not to touch it in any ways.
He started to go upwards, drained by some force, and let it go.

He accelerated so much, he only survived because of his ability to regenerate,...
... and came out of there.

Still flying, he saw a series of caves, and the only thing alive is a small creature on the side of the hole he just came from.
He goes to this creature, and it's like a different kind of goblin.

- You found the way? Good. (said him).

Hadesh sees an enormous number of tubes and engines, in these imense caves. He decided to talk to the little creature.

- Who are you? (asked Hadesh).

The little creature rised his voice, but there was fear in his voice.

- I am Bogbog, the Master of Beasts, Monsters and Creatures, (down to normal speach) but of course you don't know me anymore...

Hadesh landed on his side, to talk with him.

- How do we get off of here?
- There's no way out. (Bogbog answered).

Bog (for short, he explains) is locked here for maybe five thousand years, with the only company of a creature he created. His last follower. He pointed an imense construct made of some kind of web. There's no way into or out of the Labyrinth from here. Hadesh made a bet with him, whatever they get out off of this prision, and he accepted. Now, they see an imense creature to get off the strange web construct. A gigantic spider, three hundred meters wide.

- She sensed move. Take care. She doesn't attacks me, but will attack you if she sees you.
- What's happening?
- Someone is moving to the wrong place, here.
- My group (!)...
- She'll eat your friends. Bog. Let's see it happening? I can't fly, anymore, because I lost all my powers long ago.

Could you...

Hadesh put the old little Bog on his back, and started to follow the spider.

(At the Labirynth)

They're locked in a room where you can walk on the walls, and at two thirds of the way there's a Story.

All people are hungry, because plants are dying. Then, a man had a dream. He entered the mountains, and talked to a Black thing inside. When he awakens, he talk to the people and all them decides to believe. They make a way down from the top of these mountains, and then It gives a seed to the people. They put the seed on the ground outside, and plants start to grow everywhere.

The group decided to offer the last Echtoconduit they have, to see if a seed comes.

It did.

The wall opened, to receive the element, and soon the roof opened to give them the same seed they see on the pictures.

That's it.

So, they walk to the next room. While going, suddenly Ayasta is hited by something viscous, but cut that right away.

- What's happening? (asked Torian).
- Something from outside hited me with a weblike viscous thing.

It came again, to hit the princess, but they all cuted the web as soon as it hited her from the same side (right), but how to fight what they can't hit?
Ayasta said she would enter Attune state to see what's happening outside.

They're prepared to combat.

Ayasta came back from Attune and resumed.

- It's a giant spider, about three hundred meters wide.
- The only way we have is to break this walls to fight her in equal conditions. (said Torian). Everybody attacks the wall here, at the same time. (asked Torian).

All prepared, Ayasta sit down to meditate. They all hit the wall at the same time, and destroy a small side part of the corridor. Ayasta creates her image as an avatar, with six arms, and five meters high. They are attacked again with the web, but the avatar attacks the web, and releases the djine. The situation is no good, and their only chance is to give their very best attacks at the same point.

- Everyone hit the front legs at the same time. (screammed Torian).

Tack decided to use a Spell he never used, Desintegrate. The djine were ready to use the sword to cut any web.

- Now! (cried Torian).

They all attacked the front legs, at the same time.

Tack's spell hited. Adria's lightnings hited. The djine cuted the web which hited Adria. Torian's light shuriken spell hited.
So, the spider retreated, and a black cloud of a black substance started to come from the creature.

They see Hadesh coming at full speed.

The princess did it. She was all the time trying to open the door to the next corridor. The door opened for them to pass.

- Ruuun!! (screamed Hadesh, coming).

Ayasta sees he wouldn't do it, and used the avatar to impulse Hadesh (as to throw him to the corridor), and the avatar desapeared.
So, she push Hadesh through the opened door, and passed.

The door closes.

It was another round room, where they are now.

Boooomm!!! Boommmmm!!

- It's the other... (said Bog in a sad voice) It'll eat her (sadly).
- What other? (asked Hadesh) You said nothing about "other"...
- It's a bigger one.. creature... (still sad).

Everyone look to Bog, and Hadesh started to explain what happened down there.

- Right. It's safe, in here. Let's sleep, and continue tomorrow. (said Torian).

They did a bit of search on the room. Six doors. Six corridors. A christal on the middle of the room. Basically, they dicide to take turns to sleep. The Dreammaker said they had only one week to complete the task. Now, it really make sense.
Adria said she'll take the turns, because her race doesn't need to sleep, only meditate.

Even then, everyone will take turns, as everyone's decision.

(End of Session)

Some questions necessary.

Who constructed this Labyrinth? It's not magical, and there's not magic anywhere, so what is it? Who are these spirits, sandlike spirits? Who's Bog? It's a Labyrinth, and basically one is only made for two things, a city, or a prision. Is it a prision? What for? What is the imense Red Ball down there? All the statues show a dogheaded people, so is this a race that doesn't exists anymore? Who are them? Why nothing divine works? Hadesh has a divine bless, so will he loose it when they come to get out of there, or will he be able to get out? Now, the problem is also this Bog creature, beucase they don't know who he is, but he's obviously weird; is he a God? How long will it takes to get the Urn, and get out?

The Troll Philosopher

Alloi (Helo), and Be welcome again.

This is the first update, from about nine adventure sessions of play. They'll be all here, going through this First Chapter until the end of the First Chapter, and I'll introduce new factors necessary to understand the Second Chapter. It runned during two months of Play. Some Players were off, for work and life reasons. So, I decided to tell the Story from the viewpoint of the Players present.

New Characters

Spike, warknight (construct), wizard
Adria, ichi (race from the Source plane), psionic

(The Troll Philosopher)

Spike, after being created at the Forge, studied to be a wizard. Wizards are rare amongst the warknights. So, after his training, he decided to walk the World of Toj, and then he became a wanderer.

He's walking now at a very beautiful realm, one of the most in the world.

It is called Priatel.

He decides to take a walk, but there's a woman in cloack who's following him. No problem, 'cause she's a wanderer too.

Adria is on the world to save her own race.

At the moment she saw this wanderer, covered with a cloack as she, no wonder she decided to investigate. And now, wanderers stoped at a clean place, and she was asked to go to gather wood with this strange.

They walk together to a side forest, and stoped when they saw the creature.

An imense mantis (louva-deus), was on the place they went to gather wood, starring them. It was saddled (selado). Soon, his master came. A two-times imense Troll.

- Helo (said the Troll). They're not food, Greet (said him to the mantis). I'm here to get water. Do you want a drink?

They said nothing.

- Well, you're invited, if you want.

So, they went with the Troll, to eat and drink. Soon, the silent Mantis came with a dead cow, took the meat off with amazing destructive dexterity and went off to the cliff to eat the bones.


Hadesh, now a masterless wizard, is now waiting for Torian's (Daytel) cousin to came back with an answer.

He asked him to be his master.

This Daytel's cousin's specialist in Void, so he's somewhat mentally disturbed. That's perfectly normal, with someone who wonder Void magic, because Void is one of the most dangerous element ever. His name is Rude. Rudyn Drazci, the Void elementalist.

Hadesh sees Rude coming on the road from the lake southeast Torian's small castle.

- Come with me. (said Rude).

Four hours later, they came to a passage. A passage to a valley. Rude stopped, waiting.

- What? (asked Hadesh).
- We're waiting for permission.

Hadesh decided not to ask. Soon, a fire incendiates at the side of the valley, and Rude started to walk. He followed.

- Food, and drink, my friend (said the Troll, when Rude came). Come on, with your friend, too.

Rude stopped, but went to seat at a side. Hadesh wans't so much confortable, but the five meters high Troll started to introduce everyone.

Adria, Spike, but not Rude.

They talked for most than an hour, so, but no one was being so friendly. Then, the Troll started a game. Who guess right someone's enigma, would have a garanteed answer, somehow, from the one who made the enigma.

Then, one hour later, they knew more about each other.

Adria sensed danger.

- Something is coming. (said she).


- It's a big snake, coming alongside that direction (right), but I can't say more than that. (said Adria).
- It's a Basilisk (said Hadesh).

Hadesh started to prepare, in doubt about he being able to transform here.

- Do a barrier, mage (said the Troll to Rude), and this is too much for you to confront. I'll ask you all to think strongly on your holy Gods. (Pause) Do it.

Everyone started to focus their Gods into their minds.

- Gods! Listen to your people. They're not ready to confront this Beast. I ask you wise, to interfere. (said the Troll).

They all listened to snakelanguage black magic. More than thirty, at the same time. Soon, the basilisk was gone, but maybe about thirty shadows appeared, from where it was, getting high to attack.

Hadesh prepared to fly, and went outside the barrier.

The shadows attacked.

Adria transofrmed into a Flying Hunter, a creature from the plane of Source, and attacked with her bow. Her attackes were lightnings.

The shadows attacked the barrier, but Hadesh now decided to go outside. He knew Rude woudn't hold for long the barrier. It all happened quickly, all that attacks and counterattacks, but on the last attack, Hadesh got off the way and the shadows decided to attack him, not the barrier.

Adria killed the last one.

Grey ended the barrier, and they're all together, safe and sound.

Hadesh turned back to normal.

- They were after me. (said Hadesh to Rude).

The Troll asked everyone to be calm, and so he started to speak to Rude.

- I understand why you asked me to teach him, Rude. He's fast, but power is nothing without control, is it that? (asked the Troll to Rude).
- You're the only one, Troll Philosopher (answered Rude).
- Ok. (He turned to Hadesh) I'll teach you. (to the others) Please, wait here.

The Troll came back from the Cave with a book.

- You'll read this, through the next weeks, and come back when you'd done that. Do you understand, Hadesh?
- I'll do it (was the answer).

Then, Rude had invited Adria and Spike to his Mansion, so everyone say goodbye to the Troll, who starred to the valley, in a very deep expression of concern.

Hadesh went back to Torian's Caslte, while Adria and Spike went to Rudyn's Mansion.


Spike passed the night studying old books about the Wastes (the barbarian lands and goblin territories).

At dawn, he noticed Rudyn was attacked.


Hadesh started to study his new book, at the Torian Castle's dungeon.

He remember the last wrong Spell he made here, and don't want to make a mistake again. At that time, even a strange effect occurred. A small spark came from the same place the Spell hadn't work. Of course, he has put the spark on a bottle.

Late that night, suddenly, a man was in front of Hadesh, looking at him, and Hadesh stopped, ready to do anything.

- I'm here to tell you something (said the man).
- What?

The man starred Hadesh.

- When you consider yourself ready to be all you can be, you look for me. I'll know you're ready.
- Who're you?
- Ah. You don't need to know my name. Just this.

The man started to hold his left hand, and to take off the flesh from the bones, and when he let his flesh free it came back to the hand. Hadesh also noticed that the man's right hand was made of Vala, the planar substance, with many magical qualities.

- We have an enemy in common. (said him).

The man vanished the same way he appeared, with no teleport.


Torian, Báech, Christal and Flausin were taking breakfast, when the buttler came with the news. Rude was attacked. They went after Hadesh, at the dungeons.

Getting there, Hadesh was there, and the man was gone.

- Hurry. We need to go and help Rude (said Torian).
- The Lich was here.
- Who?
- The Lich who lost the hand to your Ring, Torian. He was here, now.
- What did he want?
- To say that when I was ready, I was to look after him.
- Huh, we think about that later. We need to help Rude now. (said Torian).

Hadesh decided not to say he wounded the area of the dungeon, with a spell he doesn't know how it works yet.

They went.

(At Rudyn's Mansion)

All Priatels went there, and they decided to send messages to all their allies, Torian included.

Torian sent back to his Castle, and Adria came too.

(At Torian's Castle)

Torian send a stress call to Realms of Ayaname, to the Druid Empire and to the Dwarf Empire, because his Ruledom was attacked.
Ayanima immediately sent an answer.

Torian sent also a magic message to Tack Primus, calling him to his Ruledom. Tack was not able to go through magic teleportation, and started to question why.

(At the same time)

A woman appeared at the teleport room, and Torian was there to welcome her, from the Realms of Ayanima.

She stopped at the teleport and started to talk with Torian.

- What is the problem? (asked the woman).
- My Ruledom was attacked two times. Once by a Basilisk, yesterday, other today by unknown forces.
- What's your name? (asked her).
- Torian Priatel'sa Drazci. And yours?
- Ayasta. I know your family. You're servants of Naraleiva, the Coper Dragon. (said she).
- Yes.
- Ok. I am Ayasta Rei, descendant of Ayanima, but you can't tell it to anyone, or you'll loose my confidence, and any help I can provide.
- I agree. Will you help us?
- Yes.
- There's someone trying to teleport here. Just step from the teleport room, please.

She did it, and Tack appeared there.

(The Meeting)

Tack Primus saw the effect of teleport, and came to Torian's house.

- I'm here. What's happening? (he asked).
- My Ruledom was attacked. Tow times. Rudyn is in some kind of coma, in a mind labyrinth. Ah, yes. This is Ayasta. She'll help us.
- Helo. (he greeted).

They went to the dining room, and met everyone there.

They talked a lot, about what to do, and soon Ayasta was invited to know about everything. Ayasta immediately recognized the princess, Lena Báech, but as everyone was calling her by the name of Christal, it would not help to say anything.

Ayasta summoned a spirit, and the last Duke who died only 15 years before appeared.

- Find everything you can about the Ambar Rings of Power. (asked Ayasta). So, come back to tell me.

He bowed, and was gone. Everyone was impressed, because they knew the Duke's spirit, from paintings in many halls at many castles into Royal Tachiza empire.

They all speak about the Saint called Balder. Ayasta summoned him, too.

- Who attacked him? (asked Ayasta, pointing Hadesh).
- I don't want to know his name. (said Tack).
- Ok. I'll tell only to who wants to know. The Lich is called Ebus, but it wasn't him who attacked. It was Abbramantus, the elite demon.
- Thank you. (said Ayasta).
- I'll have to go, now. So, I meet you at the Temple of Ivory. (said the Saint).

Torian went to his library, and asked to his Tome how to confront a Basilisk, and the answer was with Draka divine magic.

One of the butlers asked Ayasta not to teleport inside the Castle.

- Where are the other Rings? (asked Tack) I was talking about this all the time. Now, you see?
- Ask his Ring where it was hidden. (said Ayasta's Ring to her).
- You (said Ayasta to Torian). You have one of the Rings. (it was not exactly a question).
- How do you know? (asked Torian).
- My Ring said you have one of the Rings of Ambar.
- You have one? (said everyone).

Hadesh explained the visit by the Liych, Adria helped to explain the Basilisk attack, they all talked about the Stole Dreams, and Ayasta decided to help. For her, Senhor dos Sonhos is a neutral Entity. If he decided to do something, it must be to bring balance to the World. They all decided to call the Dreammaker. Soon, they were all starting to prepare to go to the Temple of Ivory.

The Crow came, calling them to the Dream plane.

(At the Temple of Ivory)

They're all talking to the Dreammaker, when another guest came. She was a small girl, walking exactly in lines, with a channel haircut and black hair.

- Yes, Order. What can the Dream make for you? (asked the Dreammaker).
- Give me the Child. (ordered her).

She looked to Hadesh, while asking this.

They all looked to him, until he understood. She wanted a small "spark" that came out of one of his wrong magic attempts, at Daytel's dungeon.

He handed the flask to the girl.

She walked out of the Temple without any more talk, walking on a totally ordered way.

- You'll have to choose, this time. (said the Dreammaker). You know already that only mortal's choices make the difference. There are three Urns to recover, but you'll only have time to recover one of them.

After some talk, and considerations, they choose to save the Raja Tweet's descendant, a girl who will be a future Raja. So, the far east girl who has no powers yet, and the bastard son of a monoteist cardeal would be not saved.

(End of Session)

Some considerations necessary

Who is the enemy in common, that the Liych was talking about?

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

About what's Missing

It's really difficult to write about an adventure, and I'll explain why.


When Players roleplay, there's so much information said that a Master can't remember later, so it could be improbable to take notes about everything.
Second, this adventure blog is made to register most of the gameplay, but not the offgame discussion.

This would be impossible.

So, there are parts missing, and I'll put that as flashbacks during the future Story notes, so don't worry about it now. All that may be necessary will be cleared, or noted somehow, in future Posts, then you don't need to worry about what's Missing.

Have fun with your reading.

I decided to write a series of Novels, without a definite End. I also have to share my time with other things like my realistic fictional universe. Being so, I ask you to read what's on this Blog in the hope of the future adaptation for a Novel.

Of course, there will be brand new information into a Novel format.

This is my Mythology for Kalacoktoa. The share is made in the form of a Creative Common format, in which you can use these ideas into a table for storytelling game as you wish, but I need to ask you not to make derivative works with commercial purposes from my Story.

There should be no limits to what a Master could use into a Story, with no commercial purposes, but if you want to publish you should think seriously on original material.

Also, let me know if you quote me anywhere.

I hope you're enjoying your stay, the reading and we have a lot planned by now. Even if some character dies, what's something we deal as a possibility, the Show must go on.

Nekron Essentials (Conlang Grammar)

Monday, 1 March 2010

The Swamp (Mission)

Helo, and Be welcome.

The adventure runned this time back in the Becci Castle, the house of Becci. I lost track of the time, so I don't have the exact time to say here when it happened. All players were there. This is my adventure Log, so I hope you're enjoying the stay.


There are four Stolen Dreams to recover, he explains. Now everyone was moving around details from the dreams which were taken. The group was so solicit to accept the missions that a few words were enough to make it really clear they are there to help, but the choices are difficult.

1) A little girl, a popular (with no power or magic), that may be a future leader.

2) A bastard son of a cardeal from the Trapik empire, that now adopted his Mathematics as the only truth, logic against religion.

3) An archmage councelor for one of the Dukes of Realms of Ayanima, that is enforcing law and state, which under his guidance the Duke is becoming an important leading noble for that group of Dukedoms, and he became a frozen heart.

4) The granddaughter of the ruling Raja of Principia, that will become the future Raja, and as so she is the second in the succession line to Principia.

So, the group must chose which dream to rescue.

(One week later)

All the group got together at Daytel's small Castle.

First, they talked. Hadesh had made magic again, and Tack didn't approves that, as he is his master. Tack suggested they all knew well what everyone could do, and as they were fighting alongside for so long, the only one who he doesn't know well what he can do is Báech the djine.

Báech decides so to create an artifact and used a Wish to let Tack knows how his powers and Gifts work.

It worked, but what Tack understood was beyond explanations. Báech created a Bow, probably a Wondrous Item.

Wanting to try how the Bow works, they all went outside to test it. Hadesh took off a training arrow board and flung that up. When the arrow setted the board, it became a cloud of an orange substance, and suddenly started to rain over two trees.

The trees became alive, and were creatures now.

It all happened at the same time. They attacked the trees, and the trees attacked back.

During the attack of the tree creatures, Hadesh was almost killed by the trees, and as his last resort used a spell (that worked fine). It stoped when the magic operated over the trees, but Tack saw the Essence of Death looking to them from afar (he understood, as it were a wish, that the Essence of Death would need to talk to him later, and it was to be a very long talk).

Tack immediately said Hadesh was not his apprentice anymore.

Now, he could do magic whenever he wanted, but was to learn magic all by himself too, without Tack's help.

Flausin said that if Hadesh uses magic near him, he would erase all magic from his memories.

The time to the mission came.

All the group went to the Dreammaker's castle, the Temple of Ivory. Soon, Flausin has made the Ritual of Teleport.

They were all welcomed by the Sacerdot of Dream, at the enormous area in front of the Temple and entered once more the House of Dream.

During the meeting, the Dreammaker said this was a much more difficult task this time.

The Stolen Dream were at a Moving Swamp, and explained what is known about these swamps. They were first created by the last Mummi King, about two thousand years ago, to be the Lairs of his loyal Mummies.

Now, it's happening again.

They are lucky, because the actions of their group made the Mummi King exist without a kingdom (yet). It were probably to be the Báech Islands. Now, the Mummi is having a confront with the people from the Feudal Federation, because he's trying to dispute that empire.
They receive a magical Tent to complete the mission. It's invisible, and you have just to say softly to it open, or to it close and come back to your hands, and the princess took the Tent.

The Portal to the profane Swamp were opened, but Tack just came back to ask how the Urn looks like.

He receive a mental image, and was sent back to the Swamp.

(The Swamp)

The immediate problem now is that it's a big area, probably a twenty square measures Swamp. Seeing danger from down, everyone decide to fly. In the air, they're attacked by a strange type of bat. Trying to locate the Urn, they move to the centre of the Swamp.

So, they're attacked once more. Enormous, no, gigantic tentacles appear in the middle air, and try to catch them up. Doing some damage to it, the creature expeled a black substance, that made it impossible to see anything. In the dark, Hadesh is attacked and thrown off the black cloud.

Tack try to negate the cloud, but it's obviously non-magical and so that is not possible.

When Hadesh enters again the area, he cries to Daytel, who immediately make a very strong elemental Wind which takes the cloud away.

Everyone's attack hited at the same time, and same part.

They used all they could now, and only a coordinated attack would destroy such a creature.

They plan a all-attack combined move, and attack.

It worked. The creature's dead.

The only problem now is that they used too much power, and they're exhausted. Moving fast to the centre, they decide to rest and when they came to the centre, the princess asked to the Tent to set up for them to rest. The gigantic squid exhausted them as never before.

Day was coming, and now the group decide to stay at the Tent for the day.

They slept.

During the day they observed invisible assassins outside the Tent.

They also noted a Table inside the Tent, that shows everything outside, and a box for their residuums.

As planing, the djine uses a Wish to discover that the Urn was probably inside a much more gigantic creature on the top of the plane, like a transparent jellyfish.

The princess so ask to the Tent to close and come back to her hands.

Flausin create a sphere of telekinesis, and is soon helped by the rogue princess Lena.

Tack is attacked.

It looks like an invisible assassin was inside the sphere, maybe bacause it was at that same place when the sphere was made.

Daytel made a strong storm outside the sphere.

Hadesh attacks the invisible assassin, with magic, and it worked.

Enough to see it, so they throw off from the sphere the assassin, and it's eated by the gigantic jellyfish, or disrupted away by the storm. They don't know. All they can see is the storm, and that obviously awakened the jellyfish.

They were eaten.

Inside the gigantic jellyfish, the djine uses a Wish to know where the Urn with the Stolen Dream is, based on Tack's mental image.
The Professor is virtually dying, and Flausin almost kills him when trying to cure his wounds.

Ok, but then the sum of cure abilities made Tack stabilize.

They are trying to get the Urn, but the enormous number of items inside the creature confuse them. The sphere is not enough to keep them safe.
So, choosing the right words for a Wish, and with Tack's help, the djine could bring the Urn to inside the sphere.

Daytel open then a way out disrupting the jellyfish with the correct element.

Going through the smal tunnel, they use their powers to get some items from the inside of the jellyfish. A golden teeth, and a small box.

They got outside.

Báech the djine so uses his Bow to hit the gigantic jellyfish. It started to become another creature, almost immediately, and started to speak.
Tack located a Rune, the only magic energy in there.

The jellyfish so, started to talk.

- O', Trisebus, Lord of Hell, I invoke your presence.

The storm starts to change to aquire an insane fire collour, and the terrible face of the Lord Trisebus appears. They got to the Rune, and it's a Rune of Teleport, their unique chance.
Then, the gigantic storm that now has Trisebus face starts to turn to their direction.

Everyone got inside the area of teleport. There's no time to make a proper apportation ritual to get out o' there to a safeplace now. "I hope it's not a trap", thought the rogue princess. They have to use this one, even if they doesn't know where it takes to. So, Flausin activates the Rune and they're gone.

(At the Deep Forest)

All the group appeared at a strange setting.

There's Dark everywhere, with strange trees, very very old, and they listen to a chant in the distance, with a sinister song sound.
Tack casted a deatentive spell in everyone, making "Sshh.." after, sensing someone observing.

They see a dark skined, stealthy dark sidha coming. He's accompained with a beast, like a feline with spikes, dark spikes which sometimes change it's collous to silver and back to black.

Tack says to Christal to immediately arm the Tent.

The rogue princess did it.

In there, they see from inside the Tent that the dark elf came to the Rune, and saw the Rune was used.
It's obvious, at least to Tack, Flausin and the rogue princess, because the dark sidha is speaking a version of elfic Sidhari, but with a bit more strong endings for some words, and he was talking to someone who's answering at a distance, in whispers.

Soon, the area was full of dark elves.

The group planned a way to get out off there, with a circle of teleport directly to the Temple of Ivory. The only problem is that they'd have only one chance.
They know the moment they appear, they'd be spoted, and attacked.

Tack casted a more concentrated form of Invisibility at everyone, when Flausin finished the Ritual of Teleport, that was almost midnight now, and they listen to hoos of night birds of prey.
So, princess Lena asked the Tent to come back to her hands, and Flausin activated the Ritual.

All gone, but Flausin.

He got trapped at a place in a middle plane, but was still invisible. Everyone appeared at the open area in front of the Temple of Ivory, but Flausin didn't show up. Flausin, in despair, started to think about all he could do, but his options were only a few, and the moment he appears he'd be caught.

Suddenly, Hadesh started to run to the Temple. When he came to the doors, they opened to let pass the Essence of Death, and Hadesh said what was happening to her in few words, but she appeared to know already.

The Essence of Death stoped in front of the Ritual, and extended her hands to the Ritual.

Flausin, locked inside this prison probably made by the Rune magic, decided to pray to his Godess, Efemmera, the Godess of Death.

- My Godess, Efemmera. I come to call you in a moment of need. I'm your faithful servant. (pause) If I can't get off this prison, I'd probably meet you too soon. I want to meet you, and I hope the moment it happens, it might be at the right time. (pause) Well, I believe it's not the moment, and that I can searve Death much more still alive. (pause) This is a moment of need, in which only You, Death, my Godess, can do something to make me still be your servant. Please, Efemmera, my Godess, help me.

Everyone in front of the Temple of Ivory listened to that.
So, the Essence of Death smiled, and at that moment Flausin was drained to the Nothingness, and pulled to a direction.

Flausin appears at the Ritual, in front of the Temple of Ivory.

All the group together, they go indoors to meet the Senhor dos Sonhos, with the Urn with the Stolen Dreams of the archmage from Ayaname.

They entered the Temple and went to sit at the table.

Soon, the Dreammaker appeared, from inside the Dream Lake near the entrance.

He took the Urn, and opened. It was the right Urn. He smiled, and started to listen to everyone, for everyone was speaking at the same time.

- One at a time (said him, calmly).

Tack started.

- This was a much more difficult mission. We could not have been able to come back.
- But you did it, Tack - answered the Dreammaker.
- Ok, but we need more garanties that we'll be able to complete all the missions without dying in the process.
- I undertand your statement, Torian - said him - and I'm giving you that. The Tent, it was temporarily gifted by another entity, that's my friend. He said it was to save you, and by the sum of this all, it helped.

He looked to Lena.

- The Tent, princess.

The rogue princess immediately gave him the Tent.

- Now, things will be different. You'll have to wait, for the Stolen Dreams are being changed from their original position. I don't know how long it will take to detect the next Dream. So, I give you once more the right to sleep at the Temple of Ivory.

He looked to Tack.

- And your family's invited, Professor.

So, everyone started to eat and prepare to rest, to sleep at the most important Temple on the Plane of Dream.

Tack received his family. His wife was worried, but his daughter was proud, as her father's a heroe. She doesn't know. She just dream of that, in her innocent wishes. The tweens, well, they just love this when they're invited to the Home of Dream. The group understand now their friend's devotion to his family. Unfortunately, and the kids had not a clue, missions were getting more and more sinister with time. They were only careful enough this way not to talk about missions in front of the children.

(End of Session)

Hope you're enjoying your Reading, here at the Blog.

And Stay Plugged.

Meeting with Dreammaker

(At the Temple of Ivory)

The Dreammaker host the group for one more meeting, except for Torian because he's at a meeting with his family to tell about the problems and gather his family concern, and help.

Spring makes everything more beautiful, and here at the plane of dream they can see dreambirds flying around the slope where the Temple of Ivory's built on. The imense doors are there. The group came by boat this time, for the dreamcrow bird had came to their intention to go, and passing the Sea of Tranquility here they're safe from the horrors of Nightmare, the deep fear which integrates the seabed.

The Sacerdot was waiting for the group, at the gates.

- Welcome (said the Sacerdot of Dreams), the Dreammaker awaits for you.

They entered and the servant of dreams went to the table, as always full of exotic food and drink, to wait for their host to arive.
He came from the lake at the side of the entrance. A pale figure, tall, with dark clothes and the eyes of the Ever, looking stronger than a bear this time. Fractals of strength moving at his clothes. A mist of springtime made of hope and wisdom was obvious in his eyes, which look happy.

- Helo (said him).

The Dreammaker pointed the chairs, everyone had a sit, and there were two empty chairs.

- Do you know about the Mummi King? (asked Tack).
- Yes, I know now. He's only the first player to be clear in this War.
- Daytel went to a meeting with his family (said Tack), to see if his family will help in these situation of Dreams.
- Priatel'sa? (the Dreammaker smiled). That may be good.
- I was one of the only five creatures of Darkness who did not to bent to my knees to this Mummi King's will (said Hadesh), and now I know I'm a creature of Darkness.
- That may be good. (was the answer from the Dreammaker).

The Senhor dos Sonhos then said to them to eat and drink, while he explains about the Mission.

There are four Stolen Dreams to recover, he explains. Now everyone was moving around details from the dreams which were taken. The group was so solicit to accept the missions that a few words were enough to make it really clear they are there to help, but the choices are difficult.

1) A little girl, a popular (with no power or magic), that may be a future leader.

2) A bastard son of a cardeal from the Trapik empire, that now adopted his Mathematics as the only truth, logic against religion.

3) An archmage councelor for one of the Dukes of Realms of Ayaname, that is enforcing law and state, which under his guidance the Duke is becoming an important leading noble for that group of Dukedoms, and he became a frozen heart.

4) The granddaughter of the ruling Raja of Principia, that will become the future Raja, and as so she is the second in the succession line to Principia.

The group discuss now, as the Dreammaker says they will need to choose whose Dreams must be rescued. The entity is looking good, this time. Sometimes, when people go too deep into Nightmare, he appears to have some kind of strange disease.

- All important decisions must be made by mortals (said him).

As Ayaname's too close, and that could start a new War, possibly separating Tachiza from Ayaname, they decided to go for the archmage's Dreams first.

Then, a new visitor came.

Using an armour made of blood, with silver hair and a small silver beard, Saint Balder got together with them.

Báech and princess Lena were all the time talking to themselves, unnoticing the meeting details.

- Hi (said Balder). Nice to see you all.
- I think Balder has things to say to you before you go. (the Dreammaker started).
- Yes. I'm glad someone is taking care of these Stole Dreams. We are all busy now a new Mummi King appeared. Yes? (he looked to Tack).
- What's the situation? And what the eclipse that happened two thousand years ago had to do with this? (asked Tack)
- You all have an advantage over this Enemy, but we don't know if he's the one who's stealing the Dreams. The Mummi King still doesn't have a kingdom to be a King, and we all know the Planes doesn't count. That could be Báech Islands, but now it won't be of use to him. There are two Demon Gods fighting for the control of Hell, that is the Plane where pain, suffering and despair lives. So, they're not precisely the type who would mess with the Light to involve it into their particular War. Another advantage for you. So, but we still doesn't know who is resposible for this thievering. We, at the Light, are all involved into solve a War before it goes too far. We're living in a very singular Era, but you don't have to deal with this yet. Dreammaker?
- Yes, Balder. Well, the queen Tachiza, that is now the Patron entity of Royal Tachiza confronted the last Mummi King. She used some weird type of Magic. Unfortunately, that cursed all lands that were the Old Empire. So, this Eclipse happens only at each 1.144 year.
- What happened one thousand years ago? (asked Tack).
- That (said Balder), I can say. On that eclipse, Ayaname's father was born.
- What is in the Cave, protected by the elemental Earth? (asked Hadesh).

Lena and Báech were talking to themselves all the time, and Flausin was really worried. Balder noticed, and looked to the goblin psionic ritualist as if he had asked about them.

- They're talking to Destiny (explained Balder to Flausin). She's invisible, you probably imagine why. She's an Entity friend to the Dreammaker.
- Ok (answered Flausin). I don't wanna know more than that.
- The Silver Dragon was there, and the Fake too (assured Hadesh), and that's why we're occupied with this matter.
- One of the Rings is there (?)... (sugested Tack).
- No. Probably not (answered the Dreammaker, calmly).
- I knew. So, it's the Egg (said Tack).

The Dreammaker said not a word, and Balder was paying attention to the talk.

- I had a Dream (started Tack).

So, Tack told the Dream he had, and the symbols supposed atributed to the Godess Ambar, the Godess of Time and Magic. He said also that Ambar is missing for the last 150 years, as he knows as Religion specialist. That doesn't mean she disapeared, though.

- Who made the Five Rings? (he finally asked).
- Probably, someone under direct guidance of Ambar herself. (responded the Dreammaker).

Hadesh started a new talk, about Lena, with Saint Balder. He explained that she has a curse, or something.

- Can't you bless her,... and cure her?

The saint looked to Hadesh with a strong look on his eyes.

- First of all, I am a warrior. I am a Saint, too, but in my origins I am a warrior. I could cure her now, and you're right. But, imagine, that if i do it with her, I'll be preventing her from her will, for you are asking for that, and not her. You have a curse too. I can cure you now, and that would prevent you from a victory over yourself. Think about it now, and make your decision. Do you want me to cure you from your curses? Decide.
- But Lena is not as strong as Hadesh to fight against her curses (affirmed Flausin).
- That made her victory much bigger (responded Balder).

Hadesh was thinking, and he knew it was a decision he should do now.

- I understand (said him). You're right. Let me overcome my own curses, and Lena too.
- You'll have one week to prepare (said the Senhor dos Sonhos), and so I'll open the way to the next mission, as soon as the right decision is taken.
- Are there more that we should know? (wondered Tack).
- You'll discover during these two weeks (resumed the Dreammaker), as taking these missions will drive you to miraculous though terrible discoveries.

They all standed up and prepared to go, now they know which Dream they're after. Suddenly, Báech and Lena came back from their talk with Destiny. Now, they'll need to prepare during the next week, for one more dangerous mission of recovery.

So, everyone got back to Daytel's small Castle.

Some considerations necessary:

Lots of questions were not made yet. Were these Rings important to the Great War? The Demon Gods will involve others, or not? This could put them into the centre of this investigation, but the entity of Dream and Saint Balder tell they won't. Where are the Rings? What do they do? What were Lena and Báech talking so long to Destiny? Are there more Dreams to be stolen in the future, or the thievering has already ended? The group's under protection from a neutral entity, the Dream Lord, but sometimes the expression "we at the Light", or the like, are standing their side.

So, how will they know more?
Are they prepared?

Session - Legends

Alloi (Helo).

Welcome back to my Blog again, after sometime without any Posts (from my other Blog) on the Story. Sorry about that, but I'm wrinting a Novel and I have to share time from this Story and the Novel, so it's difficult to decide which one I most like.

These here were three Sessions of Play, one in December, and two in January, but I lost track of the time, so I don't have the exact time in which these Sessions happened.

Today is Jan 23, 2010.


The Dreammaker, the Dream Lord, gathered the group to solve the mystery of the Stolen Dreams, in which a number of dreams and destiny from the world's Leader-to-be were being stolen. So, the group gathered at the wastelands of the goblin territory. This way, they started to take missions to the goblin's assembly which rules the village of Gleekai. The action was not expected from the entity.
With a promise that they's not be in any danger, and their families were to be safe, Death got 'em a message from the entity of Dream.

Now, five months later, they gathered at the Priatelka's ruledom, home to Torian, to decide what they'd do in relation to the missions they'd expected to take.

(The Gathering)

Of course, nobles are much more used to teleport, but for long distance travel, it's so expensive it's better take a horse and road on.

Tack and Christal steped on the road at the end of the eighth month, 602 a.G., to go to Priatel'sa. It takes two weeks to get that north. The Ora plantation was already being set in on the glebes, so the smell of earth was sensed everywhere.
Hadesh was going through the air, flying over uninhabited areas. He was only stopping to get food, and where no sidha elf would see him.
After a week frying, Flausin got to Torian's Castle, and was accommodated at a rugroom. He drunk a bit of his new neverending bottle to get a better sleep. He has better clothes, now. Expensive. But well, all he really needed was in the bottle.

Hadesh was the next to arrive.

Immediately, Flausin shown Hadesh the bottle. A blackberry alcoholic goblin drink that never ends. Tack and Christal were the next and, too tired, were accommodated to sleep. The Djine Báech came to sight on the road. He was wearing very beautiful clothes, a turban with a gem, a new sword, and a new travelling bag.

Right, oah, all the group was together again at Priatelka ruledom.

The group got together to decide, what they'd better do, but there were no first agreement. Flausin, Christal and the djine Báech firstly decided to wait to give their opinion, because they wanted to talk to the Dreammaker first.

Tack Primus and Daytel decided to take the missions the Dreammaker has given to the group, for it was the reason the group was united, first of all.
Hadesh wanted to learn Magic, and was always trying to get a word with the mage landlord, but Torian said Tack was his master, so he was the best to teach him rightly.
Tack made a very convincing discourse to gather the group around the essential idea of the group, that may be resumed well as "The group was united by the entity Senhor dos Sonhos, designated by a number of entities, for we are the ones who can solve the problem of the Stolen Dreams".

Still, there were the need to know each other better to be able to do the missions.
So, Daytel accommodated everyone in his small Castle, and Flausin, Christal and Báech the djine went to a veranda to drink and know each other a bit more, specially because Flausin had shown them the bottle that never ends.
Christal haven't drink.

Báech the djine told the news from Principia to Flausin, that was more interested in the items the djines create, and Christal was listening most of the time.
Professor Primus, the beast Hadesh and noble Priatel were trying to gather the information they already have.

First, the Báech Islands were destroyed.

There is a Basilisk, a Snake that can kill a Dragon, somewhere down there, and it killed the Obsidian Dragon no one knows how.

The Dreammaker gathered them to the recover missions of future leader's Stole Dreams.

Well, no need to say this is something difficult to do. There was only one information they needed as it were yesterday.

The Cave. They talked about the day Hadesh saw the supposed Doppelganggers, and after that, he and Daytel saw a man with silver horns. And a second one. Hadesh made clear that he didn't saw horns at the first one. This is surely important. The ancient elemental Earth that lives at that territory was clearly confused, and assumed a position of defense against the first visitor, but knew not what to do with the second. So, the two silver horned men were probably the Silver dragon, and the fake Silver dragon. Of course, it could be a Doppel in a disguise.

Now, this is what they need to understand.

Who were there, the two horned men. What the ancient elemental of Earth is protecting. And why the two were there subsequentially.

And of course, the elemental would probably want something in return.
Tack, Daytel and Hadesh discussed many times what they'd better say to the elemental, and decided to go to the Cave.
Now they called Flausin and Tack said the magical word that would take them to the Cave near Rykdom. While Flausin were making the Teleport Ritual, they gathered all they'd better take with them. Tack carried the necessary components to come back.
All ready, Tack, Hadesh and Daytel got in the middle of the ritual and Flausin charged it with magical forces, so everything has gone to horizon, and the mountain lands came to existence around them.

(The Cave)

Walking, they sensed this was some kind of a sanctuary, an Earth elemental sanctuary.

In front of the Cave, Daytel called the elemental.

He came, from the deep of the Cave, and stopped in front of them. So, he sat in a position of poise, and after Daytel asking him if it was possible, they manned a fire.

It was the weather around that mountains. Weather was not cold this month, but the sanctuary's in a high area, in which a very long sierra let the sensation of cold terrible, in a windy ice breeze. So, they'd better keep the cold of this autumn away.

Daytel started.

- Salve, elemental Earth. You probably remember us. We're here to ask you some questions, if you don't care.

He was attentive all the time.

Tack casted Languages on himself, because Daytel was speaking Stone Language.

- The other time we were here, there were another two more visitors. You probably remember a man with silver horns. And so a second one, basically identical to the first one?
- Yes, - said the elemental - I remember. They were not the same.

Hadesh urged Tack to cast Languages on him, because the talk would probably be all in Stone Language this time.

- We need to know who was the true one.
- The second respected all rules of a sanctuary while walking the mountains. He's probably the true one, but I can't be sure.
- Both had horns? - asked Hadesh in common language.
- Hadesh... (started Daytel).
- Yes - answered the Earth elemental.

Daytel knew now that this was maybe the oldest elemental he ever seen, because his answers were so concise.

- Right, - said Tack - sorry, but you said this is a Sanctuary? To which God?
- To the Godess Ambar - was the answer.
- But Ambar is missing for the last one hundred and fifty years... - surprised Tack.
- This is still a Sanctuary... - he answered - and I am the guardian.
- For how long? (Tack asked).

The elemental didn't said anything this time.

- Sorry, but this is too much important for us, so for how long you are the Sanctuary's Guardian, here? (he insisted).
- For five hundred and seventy two cycles - he said.

They all became silent for sometime, thinking about what to question next, as the elemental was rightly answering. "An old one", thought Daytel. He fixed his mind on the purpose which has driven 'em here, and decided how to question.

- You know, Earth, - started Daytel - that there's a war now, a war amongst the Dragons (?). We're here to find out which one is the true Silver Dragon, the first to appear, or the second one.
- The second. He's the right one. It's all I can say, - said the elemental - but they're the same in a base.
- Sorry, but I need to ask, elemental - said Tack - but if you're a guardian, you guard something.
- I am here because Ambar asked me to protect this sanctuary (he answered), and I must ask you not to do much magic into the Sanctuary (said him, looking for Tack).

Hadesh was asking Tack to make a spell.

Tack immediately disabled the magic Languages on himself and Hadesh.

They talked about what more to ask, and Tack casted Languages on himself again and Hadesh, after the elemental let him do it.

- One more thing, elemental Earth - said Daytel - do you know how to differentiate the first from the second visitor?
- You must vow under earth - was the response.
- (...) and you'll tell us? (asked Tack).

So, they had to take off their shoes and put their feet on the ground, that they'd never tell the elemental told them how to know who's the true Silver Dragon.

- Invoke Saint Balder (said the elemental).

They had every answer they wanted, but what was in the Cave. They were satisfied. It was much more than others had said to them till now, as a matter of fact.

- Well, thank you, Earth (said Daytel). You really helped us, more than I can say now.
- Clean, before you go - the elemental said.

This was the end of the conversation, and so they just asked if he cares they walk around at the mountains, to which the elemental just said "Let everything as you find" as an answer, and went back to the deep of the Cave.

Walking around they discovered nothing more and so decided to go back.
There was only a fire in a distant mountain, that Hadesh wanted to go to see, but the others said it was not their problem.

So, they went to a side from the sanctuary, and Tack started to make the Ritual to go back.

(Back at Priatel's)

While the group was sleeping, Hadesh wanted to try to pray to his Godess, Drahmai the Dragon Godess of Magic and Treaties of Peace. It worked, but Daytel's Master was listening, invisible.

Hadesh talked and Drahmai passed to him some very important sensations that guided him, telling him that he needs to understand himself first of all.

So, Hadesh sensed Christal on the other side of the door, listening.

Daytel got very angry with that. He opened the door, and got Christal with a wind prison. He questioned her about what she was doing. She squeezed some words about what she was doing, and she just wanted to know what was happening. That didn't satisfied Daytel, but he now set Christal free and tell her that it was a wrong thing she just did. Daytel said everyone has secrets, at which Christal said she was the only one who had no secrets with the group.

Christal went to sleep.

In the meanwhile, Tack is dreaming.


A very strange dream, where he's inside a complex circle of protection of Divine Magic. He was at the top of a building, in a terrace. There's a green house there, and intuition was telling him it was something evil. He recognised some of the symbols of the circle, but nothing else. Then, he walked to the green house and entered. There's a coffin at the green house, of a black wood. A small altar, in front of the coffin, with a candle on the top of it.

He looks at the city, and that's a huge city with maybe 200.000 inhabitants, a black shadow dactyl in the top of another building. Plants, there, were dying while someone or something is inside the coffin, and probably dying too (he listen it screams).

The coffin opens and Tack Primus sees a Mummi.

At the sky, the eclipse of the Second Moon is happening at the same time. At the same time, various trapdoors got opened at the top of the building, and uncountable Black Elves came out of the trapdoors to adore this strangely born Mummi.

No doubt it was the vilest creature Tack had ever seen.

He step ahead, and look at the eyes of that creature, evil, looking to his own hands. Time ended to be there, so Tack stepped back, but the Mummi seems to realize someone was in there.
It was all. The dream ended, with Tack coming back to his room, looking to himself at the bed and so coming back to his body.

He went to the window, and an Eclipse is happening at this moment.

(At the same time)

Daytel was outside in the area of trees on the left side of the Castle talking to his Master, Aksias. Aksias said Hadesh communication with the Godess is true, She listened and answered.

They listen to something, there at the nightly garden.

(Also, at the same time)

Hadesh tried to go after Daytel, and the butler showed the way to the back side of the Castle. He is waking the lawn (gramado) while it happened. He stopped. His knees were forcing him to the ground. All he could do was to use the long spear as a support. He sensed all creatures of Darkness on their knees.
Using all his forces, he didn't got to his knees, and he knows that he is one of the only five creatures of Darkness who didn't.


Tack went after Daytel and the butler said he was outside in the garden.
Daytel was after the strange sound, so he came back (his Master vanished) and found Hadesh using all his force to stay stand, just before Tack come to the garden.

The Eclipse starts to end and Hadesh got back to himself.

They went to the Apothekary, and while Hadesh told his story at the garden, Daytel decides to try Magic to see what is happening.
First, he centered in Darkness to see all creatures of Darkness saying "Hail the King", repeatedly.

Then, he tried Light and became very surprised.

(The Beings of Light)

Priatel listened to a strange meeting, of the world's Beings of Light.

That includes Saint Balder, Raja Tweet, The Great Wyrm (probably the Golden Dragon), a woman probably an Elf, a man called General by the others and more.

While at the Meeting, Tack and Hadesh saw Daytel shine, with a kind of a pearly Aura.

So, they called everyone.

It was said to Priatel that the War started. The new Leader of Darkness, the new Mummi King, will try to conquer the World. The group's missions are being oriented by a neutral Entity, the Dreammaker, so it is of much importance that the group stay a group. They said how a Basilisk is born, by a complex Black Magic as equal to this that turned someone into the now Mummi King. So, they explained that Hadesh were to be a Basilisk, but the Dragon Godess intervened. That's why he can speak Snake Language. Also, they said Lena Báech is under some kind of Spell. She can maybe do things out of her control. May even become a completely different person, with a trigger.

The Meeting also said that what could most help the group was that everyone would learn Dragon Language, Draka.

So, Daytel thanks The Meeting, and came back.

Everyone is there. The group gathered at Daytel's apothekary. Daytel said all he listened to the group. Now, it's a very special time, when everyone was saying their secrets.
Daytel's name is not Daytel. It's Torian Naraleiva Priatel'sa Drazci. And Naraleiva, the Copper Dragon, is his family's Patron.
Hadesh is impressed, because Torian said the real name that only was said to him before.

Lena (Christal) was afraid of herself. Flausin said he doesn't agree with dealing with that special condition, because anything could be the trigger.
Now, Tack Primus asked Hadesh if he was ready to make Magic, with a tone he sensed was in reverence to the noble art, and of course he said "Yes", so then Tack handed the White Wand to Hadesh.

As soon as he touched the White Wand, it sparkled in his hands.

Hadesh wanted to try.

He made a Bag, out of some clothing. Tack was there to negate, if necessary. When Tack sensed magically the item, it was not magical, but there was obviously something different, if not strange. Then, Hadesh tried to identify it. It was an item of the most terrible Black Magic he ever saw.
Well, there's something wrong then.

When Hadesh said the magical words of Fabrica, everyone listened to something else, at the same time and that was Snake Language.

Christal didn't listened to anything wrong at all.

So, they studied the Small Bag. First, it was difficult to understand what it was. Not magical, or terrible Black Magic. While trying, Hadesh exploded himself, and apparently Flausin teleported to run away. They so decided to study it using Draka Magic. Flausin came back.

Flausin entered Hadesh and Tack's minds and transferred the knowledge through a control of Hadesh body (by means of Telepathy).

It worked.

The Small Bag, just created with a simple Magic is indeed an item created by an erroneous Black Magic spell. Right, oah, Tack said he was going home to get new information from the Academy, and Flausin started to make a Teleport Ritual.
Professor Tack entered the Teleport Circle, and vanished.
But well, before he go, he told Hadesh not to use the White Wand in any circumstances.

Everyone stay looking to the Small Bag.

(Two Days Later)

Hadesh was at the Apothekary, and decided to study Magic by using Detection from his Training Wand onto the White Wand.
It went wrong, and a Black Cloud came of it, destroying part of the Apotheckary.
Tack sensed danger, and saw the candle of his Allies burning. He got his Orb and tried to see Priatel's. He saw the destroying Black Cloud and negated it through the Orb.

Doing so, he went back to his duty.

(One Day Later)

Tack came back to Torian's Castle.

He told everyone, that the books he studied had already loads of information about the past Events. Well, first he censured Hadesh for using Magic with (on) the White Wand.

And so, resumed.

The last Mummi King was created two Eclipses of the Second Moon ago. On the following Eclipse, the heroe Ayanima's father was born. There are missing Items of Power on the Triplet Worlds. First, there's The Egg, and no one knows what's it for, but it was created by Ambar the Godess of Time and Magic. There are also Five Rings of Power, and the old Legends says one of them was with Ayaname herself. Ambar is missing for the last 150 years, and no one can talk to Her.

Torian looked to his own hand.

At this meeting, the group decided to go to the Dreammaker.

(End of Session).

I hope you're enjoying the Story. There's more to come. Feel free to Post a reply if you see something you like or just want to get in touch.

And Stay Plugged.