Helo, and Be welcome.
I've decided to translate all Stories to Portuguese, and write the
following story posts in this language, but all about our Conlangs and
world building Conworlding must stay in English, because many of our
friends don't speak English well and we want them to read.
We're going to have a translator to make a future version for the
Adventures, and I guess we already have the best to hire - we're
negotiating yet.
Akkia reached 500+ verbs, and we're ready to make another site with
an online Dictionary to all our Action Tales languages. Conlanging is a
serious business to us. The Nekron, Draka and Oka conlangs must have
their own entries in the Dictionary, as various other Action Tale's
languages in the future.
I'm reading a very positive reaction from my friends and friends of
friends about writing in our native Portuguese, but don't worry,
English is next.
The Adventure published at The Wormbar, named Stolen Dreams, is on
the way to become a Trilogy, as we have already decided what is its
"place" in the whole Universe we're planning, and the Oká language is
growing up sound and clear. A beautiful event happens during the
Adventure, in which a player triggered Oká to a magic destiny, to
dissipate negative energy, and we can only know this may happen also to
other languages, that is, this is just the beginning and players may
change the future we've planned to many things.
In case you decide to ask, as our Stories are played and player's
decisions are sometimes unpredictable, we don't know the future. Many
Stories published may also doesn't end properly, as players can, for
example, move to another city or state -- this indeed happened, and we're
still deciding what to do.
We're also having meetings, twice a week, to create and practice
our Conlangs, making use of them, and I'm happy to say Luciana my
co-AT-conlanger is now able to understand simple statements in Akkia --
Yeah! -- so we do plan our languages to be used, but they'll only be made
depending on fandom, then we're creating Templates for future
appreciation. This makes me really happy, and I'm working now on the
search of an Oká co-worker, and Nekron is IE, so it's pretty easier to
make, with some words taken from the Stolen Dreams adventure - directly,
the English vocabulary which comes from Latin used on Stole Dreams was
included into Nekron.
We're also planning a Newspaper, in Akkia.
Our Wiki is not working anymore, but as we're planning a Dictionary, it must probably include a Wikiverse for Action Tale.
Correction (2016): Our Wiki is running and online.
Wait for more,...
We hope you're enjoying your reading, here at the Blog, and,...
Stay Plugged.