And Be welcome, to my Adventure Blog.
(Original Version).
About the Music :: I do not intend any offence to anyone's right, and I do not own the music I suggest my readers listen during the Story; the suggestion is in honour to the musicians who created those beautiful songs, and I want to thank you very much, for posting these great songs.
Music :: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKbvxxlH5E4
Our Story beings to be played on sunday Sep 6, 2009, 16:00, and it runs until Sep 7, 21:00. This was a brief introduction to the trikumai worlds. It was amazing. My name is Sol Cajueiro, and I live in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. I have two passions together. Stories and languages, they are.
This version was edited, to find a final new edition.
The Action Tale is a storytelling style I created to my fiction. I used to play the stories in a well known rule system, which flaws made me lose control over the Story, and so the last Campaign, which runned for four years ended with we just canceling the play. Now I use my own system. On the first day, all players understood well the system, and together we defined their characters, concept, all systems running and round, and played the introduction to this Campaign you're reading in here.
The Story is only the firs in a series of parallel and bigger storylines.
So, these are known as The Lost Tales of Ayya.
And the name of this Campaign is :: The Stole Dreams.
I asked my friend professor Susking Kuoi, 103, Akkoya, to guide you. He's a wise man, a wizard, and a former phenomenologist.
Some other storytellers are being of much help.
My first Words
Once upon a time, there was a time when we believed the universe was made of magic, politics and power, but those were times in which difficult choices were made.
The trikumai worlds are Toj, /toi/, Kalagoktoe, and Treiyka.
We use the word toj today meaning world, and this is the time which explains our language, our past, and still our future. The presente day in trikumai calendar is April 17, 602 AGC (after the great change), in which a series of events start brought to you by our storytellers guild. The basic knowledge of the past, described on the past three posts will be of much help to you, reader.
Some interventions may be done, during the narrative, or in parallel posts.
Now, we'll let a part of today be told into these lines, where you'll see worlds in which one can't live without coming to god, memory and illumination, to war, treaties of peace, and choice. I invoke our ancestors, in the past, to guide you and ourselves, into these Events. A word of participation needed, this Story's intended to everyone who feels there must be a reason of existence to everything.
The distinct cultural backgrounds invoked in here will be mostly daily to some of us, but things like magic, gods and a sense of purpose are necessary to be demonstrated, not only explained. You'll best read for yourself, as the spirits gathers, to mark your starting cycle of story trance. May the sounds of the world make sense, and may the voice of the watchers be silence. Write the Destiny in sand, and forever blessed be.
So, Be welcome to Toj.
The Characters
# Toriàn, ejik, noble (Deputy), mage, elementalist
# Tacke, mage, Professor (Academy of Magic), specialist professor
# Lena Báech, ejik princess of Báech Islands, psionic
# Báech, ejik djine, a wanderer, a bon vivant, and a wishmaster
# Hadesh, takkar beast, monk, and also a medic
The Stole Dreams
Music :: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3ufYpjx8DY
Toriàn is studying the Trikumai maps, to locate some very special elements, but he senses a presence. He concentrates in magic, to be prepared. Seen a crow, on the dark wooden window, he analyzes it and come to the conclusion it's a familiar.
- I come, (said the crow), with a message from the Dreammaker. He asks for your presence, and his stronghold at the near dream planes.
- The Dreammaker? I like him. He's a neutral entity, a person just like an elemental.
- Please, come to the Dream plane, and Master will explain.
It was a dreamly afternoon, on the royal gardens of Báechfástinéc castle. Now, princess Lena's looking for the sunflowers, until something really strange happens.
- Helo, princess - murmured the flower.
- Aw! Who are you? - she replied.
- I am the neverending dream, the voice avatar of the Dreammaker. And I come with a message for you. The Dream needs you, please come to my stronghold at the near dream plane, and I'll explain. I'm working now on your escape, tonight.
- That would be good, 'cause they don't let me do anything, you know.
- I'll be very pleased with your presence, princess.
This way, Torièn walked this ending afternoon, til dawn, to finally see a shore. There's a person on the shore, and she's dressed as high noble.
- Good evening, Mal-ec.
- Oh. You came walking a wall in the air.
- I'm Priatel, my noble.
- Lena.
- I recognize you, from a picture on Lord Kamakièn's castle. You're the royal Báech. I'm honoured.
- Your name,... I think I know it.
- The Priatel's a Deputy, northeast Royal Tachiza, princess.
- Oh! I see. So, you're in high esteem from the Dukes. Who are the others?
Soon, a man in a turban with a curved sword, a takkar dressed as a wanderer, and a young middle alfe came from the roads the crow was creating, in thin air. They all gathered, and in the beach was a stake, in which a sing was written properly :
:: Near Dream Sea, Port Thirteen ::
- Helo, feahllows,... I'm Báech the djine.
- You're,... who? - if it weren't dark, the djine would have seen her face better, but the other, the takkar, he looked well into her eyes.
- Báech.
- Well,... (the princess started), I'm Báech, too. Lena.
- Wonderful! - cried the djine.
- And you?
- I'm Hadesh.
- Your highness,... (said the other, the middle alfe man).
- And who's that, on the top of the rocks? Can you see, Hadesh? I know takkar sees in almost complete darkness.
- You are,...
- Toriàn.
- Well, Toriàn. She's a predator. I can't fell her smell, and it means she's good. I can see she's wearing a cloack, and she probably carries two daggers and a very small bag. Her clothes are for very long travels. She's pale, and her is dark hair.
- You can tell all that, during the night?
- I'm from Treiyka, princess.
- I like you! That was great! (rejoyced the djine). Hey! How's Treiyka?
- Like hell, Báech. Just like hell.
- The Dreamcatcher conductor's coming,... Please, follow the runway. Here. And don't step out of the boat. Ever! It says "Near Sea", but it's deep, deep, deep as nightmare down there. Right. This way, everyone. Please, enter. ,...
The two hours passed in a sea of dreams, in person, body form, was strange to every one. As soon as the boat crossed the strong fog, they saw an imense island. On the top was a stronghold, made of ivory, and imense birds made of mist were flying around it.
A seaport, lightened by small lamps, was much more safe than the sea.
As they disembarked, a man dressed in white appeared. He just crossed the wall, pure rock, but soon he pointed up right hand and opened a tunnel in the wall.
- Be welcome. I'm Ke, the sacerdot of dreams. Master Dream's waiting. This way, please.
They walked a dozen measures, and just like magic they were in front of the Ivory Doors. The entrance Doors opened, calmly, and they all entered, amazed.
Music :: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stKmk8NZVR8
Ke, walking on the front, made a gesture for them to follow. They see imagery on the walls, all in movement, and a small lake on the east side on the left. It looks like a huge cathedral, with things changing collours, everytime, but they followed the sacerdot and there on the right they saw a table, made or striamarble.
Then, a tall manlike person, which looks like chalk, comes from the very wall.
- Good evening, my invitee. And be welcome, to the Temple of Ivory. I am the Dream, the Dreammaker, the Dreamlord of the Dream planes. Thank you, for coming.
He pointed the table, and as they seated, a feast appeared from nothing.
- Wow! You guessed my wishes, Lord. (and he diminished his tone). Look at this, lizardee. There's more food in here than in the Raja's table.
- Hold your words, but I'll eat too.
- You all can eat what you wish, my guests.
- Helo, Dreammaker. I'm Toriàn. What's happening?
- Good question, Priatel. I'll tell you what happens, and why I called you here. Someone is stealing dreams, and I don't have any idea who's doing this.
- I see. (Toriàn took a deep breath). Whose dreams?
- Dreams from the future world leaders.
- And you mean, like, the thief's also stealing their Destiny, too?
- Properly, Priatel. Exactly the point.
- I'll help you.
- It means they won't have a choice, Dreammaker?
- Well,... yes, Hadesh.
- I'm with you.
- I don't know,... this seems dangerous. I like, lizardee.
- I don't. - they listened the middle alfe's voice.
Everyone stared the half sidha, even the princess who hadn't chose yet.
- I see. What's the problem, professor?
- I have a family. I don't want to put them in any danger.
- I understand, professor. I'll put your family under my special protection, for how long it's needed. If this helps, please, you are the only who can do this. I have consulted the Deep Oracle to find you, and you are the only who would be able to stop it.
- This changes everything, to me. Now, if you grant my family won't be in any danger, I'll help you.
- I think,... (everyone looked the princess),... this is important.
- I've been watching you, princess. You have a choice. This can be much dangerous, but you'll see at the right time what this means to you.
- I know. This doesn't bothers me. I guess I'll help you, Dreamlord.
- Well, it ends up to only one left,... Báech?
- Of course, Dream. I'd better sharpen my blade for that. I'm in.
- This is the way to talk, Báech. - said Hadesh.
- Then, the first is a simple mission. You'll have to go a very hidden place. A very dangerous place, but I know the vigilante is away. The ruins of the oldest dark city. You'll have to find a Urn, a special Urn, this (he designed the Urn in middle air, and they all guarded well how it looks like), and bring it to me. These ruins, the mortals try to forget, for a very long time. Then, I'll free the first and most important future leader dreams and Destiny.
- This will be done. - resumed the princess.
Being the only to see it, no others could guess why there was an empty chair. Hadesh sees there's another entity in there, which looks like a woman, in a hook. Totally invisible. Translucid. He decides not to say anything, and keeps his ears very attentive on the Dreamlord words.
There is a woman, too. From an unknown race, and she too only Hadesh could see, and she's as dark as the sky at night. But in a moment of oportunity, when no one was looking, he made a cumpliment to her, bowing his head a little.
- Helo, Hadesh. I'm Kokka, the Avatar of Night. I was the one who give him advice on calling you. This group will endure many problems, many problems. I ask you, as the only monk, to guide them, but be cautious, for their right of choice must be respected.
Hadesh bowed slowly in accordance.
Two hours later, some time to rest after the feast, they got to the Dream Lake.
A portals starts to open, in middle air, made from the fog from the lake, and a pathway is formed on the surface, which looks like dark marble.
(At the darkest Ruins on the world)
They got from the portal to a hill, still night. Well, the mist and the clouds show this place know not daylight, and the air is thick, difficult to breath. There's a complete notion of danger, coming from every direction, and the noble Priatel moved slowly to a tree, to look down there. They're in a hill, in the middle of a huge city ruin, and he sensed no living forms, except for tweard spirits of regret, materialized, and hungry for the blood they'd need to keep their slashing claws feeded, their corrupted sense of power, and the dying trees, dark and distorted.
Music :: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLOVAoEemS0
The professor called his attention with a simple magic trick.
So, they all gathered in a round meeting, speaking so slow and in low tone, the djine had to pay much more attention to everyone, for he's not a tachee language native.
- So. (started the professor). Who can sense motion? You, can you,... what is it?
- The earth in here's cursed, and all I could do is to call pure earth from the deep and create a small number of earth elementals as our scouts. - resumed Toriàn.
- You can create elementals? That's a very high level skill. Good to know. Do it. And you, you see on the dark, so, what you can tell us?
- I sense the place's all cursed. There is unlife in this place, probably spectres. Spirits of regret. And these trees around us, they're watching.
- Great. (concluded Toriàn). We lost the element of surprise. I'll find pure earth, now.
- We can go in silence, until one of the seven positions possible, (said Lena), and I can see if there are traps of hidden raised floor.
- Good (the professor gets very impressed by the princess, now).
- Then, (said Báech), we locate the place with a wish. All I really need is a strong wish from your hearts to go and find what we're looing for.
- And so, we came back to the portal as soon as we got it. Who teleport?
As no one said a word to his question, the professor shook his head.
- That's bad.
- I can grant the teleport (affirmed Báech).
- Right oka, then it's our run.
By listening to the professor's headwords, Toriàn conjured pure earth from the deep. Five small elementals were created.
- I could only do this. (murmured Toriàn)
- Send them to five locations, and that will be of much help.
By the professor's words, they all waited the small elementals earth walk, and minutes passed, giving the exact notion they're not welcome.
- The goal's not at the locations I've sent them.
- Good. Chose a position, and I'll take us all there with a wish. Done. We're here. (the princess took a deep breath, for she never teleporte in life before).
- We're locked in here. I'll try to see a way off, but I'm sure of it.
The princess words were terrifying.
- Where is it? (Toriàn listened the professor asking, in low tone).
- I'll try to sense earth, but this place's all cursed. It's here. I'll bring it to us.
Soon, earth was moving and a small urn, diferent from the Urn they're looking for emerged the cursed ground, while Lena was back to the group. She was trying to see a way out. They are inside what looks like an old tower, but there's only it's base. The place pass the exact idea of no way out, a sense of fear, and they can see shadows moving outside.
- They know we're here. (concluded Báech).
- There's no way out. We're going to fall into a labyrinth if we try. The only way is to call for a wish, I wish,... I wish you teleport us while you get the thing at the same time. (said Lena).
- It was a real wish. I'm impressed. I sense this is the only way out, too, so, here we go.
Torièn put back the wrong urn underground, for safety.
All of a sudden, they were teleported back to ground zero, and the djine was with a large Urn in his hands, he dazed looking terribly, murmured "It's here", and fainted.
A terrible sound came from the probably west side, and it was for sure a huge creature. So huge the ground starts to tremble. The sound is really high, and Hadesh held the djine before he falls onto the ground, while the professor immedaitely calls their attention, "This is it?" and Torièn answers, "I'm sure", so the professor holds the Urn, and call them to the portal.
Hadesh, the only to see in the dark, sees a huge creature, thirty normeasure high, coming.
- Quick! (he cried, urging everyone).
This way, they passed the portal and it closed down back them.
(The Result one)
Back on the Temple of Ivory, the Dreammaker was watching them from the Dream Lake, and readily asks to put the djine onto a table he made emerge from the floor. They waited, and waited, and Lena was trembling, she thought her fellow would die.
- Huuuh,... - the djine wokes finally, his eyes crying and he's sweating, he tries to hold something was never there, and said again - Huuuuuh,...
- Welcome back, from The Place Where is Pain, djine Báech.
The words of the Dreamlord frightened Lena.
- I'm leaving, people. I'm leaving. Let the doors open to me, Dreamlord. This was,... this was,... you'll never know, or better, I hope you all never know. Hey, you call me with a wish. Anyway. Please, Lord, let me go. I can't stay here anymore, I'm freezing, I'm shaking, and I pain. I pain.
They all were home by a portal, but the djine, who just got out of there, and went to the island, or the boat, or they don't say where to.
(The Near Dream Island)
The first hours Báech was at the near dream forest were confortable, but then he starts to see not everything in there is that good.
Music :: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SK9jZdyLlM0
He's feeling better, now. The sense of pain, of perfect pain almost desapeared, at the moment he got to a small lake, where fishes fly over it, and there's a small cascade. He soon relaxes. As it were a dream, Báech senses a presence, and the lake is talking to him.
- Helo, wanderer.
- Hey! Helo. Who are you?
- I'm the entrance to the Deep Dream.
- I'm oke, staying right here.
- I know. But Kokka has said you'll need the Deep one day. As I'm the entrance, I thought if would be nice to come you to me, and show you me.
- Huh,... right oka. Is it safe if I sleep this side here.
- You'll only enter if you enter the lake.
- That's good, to me. Good dreams.
- I will, djine. I will,...
(One week later)
Lena managed to pass all his father security, again. She's free, once more. She holds the twolec in front of the winds on the road. One hour later, she's entering a noble's house, and disabled all the magic defenses, to be in front ot the vault.
Then, she made the wish.
She desires to see the group again, for that's very everything she wants in her life.
- Your wish is a command, to me (she was teleported, the way she is).
The professor's with a neutral energy on his hands, and Toriàn with a lightning, ready to go battle, but they saw what it all was. Hadesh is with the djine already, since the second day. They were wandering the east Royal Tachiza lands, the most important flower wine produtors. They got drunk one day before, but he's lucid enough to see the princess now, and her clothes,...
Lena is dresssed in black rogue clothes, and she's holding a lockpick on her right hand, then, she got to herself and looked everyone.
Music :: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlB-RsJoOkY
- I'm sorry. I guess the wish was mine. I was just wondering when we'd gather again.
- Huh,... what are these clothes, princess?
- These? Oh. My father forbids me to get off the castle with princess clothes. He's forbid me. So, I chose these, I don't know why. I just like them. Why?
- Nothing. Of course, your highness. I understand. (and the professor bowed to her, in silence)
- That's wise. Of course. (Toriàn also bowed, in her presence).
Hadesh stared at that, and changes looks with Báech. That's really interesting, he thought. So, this princess is not just a noble, then. Báech immediately got the point, in silence, and they came to the agreement not to talk about it, well, not in front of these two upper classes, the professor and the deputy. But, well, it comes a time when secrets becomes known, anyway.
The two were trying hard to locate a hidden tavern, in this area.
What can be said? It's obvious that it's a gather place for the thieves, and that was self explanatory, but they immediately bowed, and agreed with the royal princess. That won't end this way, they're thinking, but this is not the time to say a word on her secret.
The sun rises on the east, and there is a light fog in this beautiful morning.
(To Be continued)
Some Considerations necessary
So, if they are the only who'll be able to solve the problem, who created the problem? Where are those Ruins, that imense dark city? Which lost city is this? Why the Deep Dream lake called Báech? So, the princess is a rogue, not only a psionic?
They don't know, now, the most important answer.
Who is the Enemy?